Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Some folks said 622b was lacking in late treb…I think that’s crazy talk :melting_face: with my ears/library.
But, they would like this? It’s not lacking but bass in mids are less engaging. Classic, Metal/Thrash great.
Stuff with force and Impact (Most of my library)…I’d go 622b


No, the Canpurs.


The slam of the 622 on certain occasions is not there on 74. It’s a nice and pricey jack of all trades. Lotta pricey stuff is crap or good for a few genre IMO, this can do a library shuffle and you will only miss a slam slap and drop here and there


To be fair, Grand Maestro I don’t believe graphs as close to the bass or Maestro Mini/SE/Scarlet either while certain modules for the Grand Maestro bring it close.

Pulling this from Jaytiss with different modules;

And pulling it from HBB’s:

I think the best thing about the Mini and Scarlet, though, is that they’re smaller, fit right in your ear and have that rumble factor that feels like a rumblepak right in your ear hole.

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Wtf are you doing?
You joined 2 forums in last month and are spamming both with multiple sets from same seller…


That Juzear 61t butterfly is a pretty nice set.
Bass is one of the best I’ve heard for texture and extension is good too.
Got it on a rec from ToneDeafMonk.
For the price it’s a good solid set.


Ya Hifigo needs to fuck off with that shit very annoying


Please feel free to DM Zeos with your suspicions, the more folk that do the more likely he’ll do something :+1:


@ToneDeafMonk wow…they make you pay for stuff from hifigo?

Oh wait…

Is leaving 5 star reviews but not mentioning it was sent for free …not kinda confusing? for the customer?

10/ outta 10…literally nothing can score better. That’s amazing


I think the wave of Yumu and simps signals a new direction for the site.
You did what could be done and its gone.
I’m just pointing at a hobby ablaze with no water to put it out. Pointless
Hope the fam is doing good :heart: :call_me_hand:


Which one has better performance and synergy with rock/prog/metal genres? 622B or 74E?

Hey @hawaiibadboy

I’m a bit confused about what you’re implying. I’m still getting the hang of things on HFG and participating in a few threads. Could you clarify what you mean by saying I joined two forums last month and have been spamming both with multiple sets from the same seller?

If my messages in the threads come across as spammy, I apologize. I’m just sharing my thoughts, opinions, and asking questions about the gear I own or have received for audition (refer to the screenshot below).

I started two threads (one for the Qudelix T-71 and another for the iBasso D16) because I couldn’t find any existing ones. Is that what you’re referring to?

Please let me know, and I’ll be happy to clarify anything.


I love the 622B for rock(and i also don’t have the 74E with me either). I am sorry to highjack your question from HBB haha.

Prog and Metal i don’t exactly listen much of them so can’t comment about them for the 622B.


Man this hobby is a minefield.
Just waiting on the HBB FF and them I’m out for good.


Actually, 622b for everything IMO. The 74 is a more politely tuned set.
I don’t know anyone who thinks 622b is a “V” but some thought it needed air. If ya did maybe 74? My library doesn’t bear out the benefits.
I’ll be buying my own 74E but it’s not a 622b "lite’. Just a great set.

Nah, it’s a public site at the end of the day.
10 years in the hobby and the intensity of mass promo is off the charts in past 2 months like nothing I have ever seen.
It is what it is.

Besides Iron Maiden and Metallica which are kinda metal…ish. I don’t have alot either. But I love Metallica (old stuff)

My Son kept me off for a while. Feels like it changed radically and quickly but that might be me going from daily to a few times a week?
Maybe both.


I actually am far from the hard metal like the one’s you mentioned hehe. i am more of a sweet and melodious music listener. Even for metal, I prefer some new albums of Disturbed. Actually metal i can live with but not the growling and shouting some tracks have.


Agreed, and in Hifigo related bullshit, I got the following message last night.

Hi, John, I’m Alice from hifigo, and I represent HiFiGO’s marketing department. It is with great pleasure that I reach out to you regarding a potential collaboration opportunity, we have some upcoming new items, and I want to recommend them to you, could we talk about it?

That seems super sus to me.

It was from a brand new user ( Terry2024 ) and in response to a post I made about the Supermix 4. I have no intention of responding, since it is either a scam, or a new shady marketing tactic that I want to discourage.


If you dig Maiden and classic Metallica, you should really dig into Megadeth pre-94 and the new stuff from Supercollider onward. Also, get some Judas Priest in there; the earliest stuff like Rocka Rolla and Sad Wings of Destiny are almost like a different band (more like old Sabbath) than the later ones like Painkiller (an album which is just a nonstop ride all the way through, 10/10). Lots of ballads and emotional stuff in the early catalogue as well. You may be surprised by their range as a band, not to mention Halford’s vocals are insane.


They sent someone else a mail like that and mentioned being patient because they have over 300 reviewers waiting. :melting_face: said joining a tour can sometimes be benefitial to you.
Said it publicly…cuz the culture gap.

That’s HifiGo’s India wing :laughing:

Lotta these human bots are on tour units so they can get 5-20 reviews of of 1 set in addition to the up to 300 other sets they send .
Hidizs Whale SPAM proved you really can just spam the dogshit outta something and get results.


It just turned me off on HifiGo enough that I removed the Pula PA02 from my Amazon cart. I have been on the fence with both PA02 and Performer5 for a while, but I am off today.