Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Who did the guy Sandeep send this to?

I’m not reviewing anymore at this time, had to take a step back because it was too much. There’s a ton of reasons behind my decision but I won’t bore the thread. One of the main reasons I will share, however, was Hifigo emailing/messaging me randomly to let me know they were having a sale and to “promote” it by picking 2 or 3 sets I thought was a good deal…

I gotta be honest, I never did that. Not once. I thought it was tacky and more importantly, I’m not an employee of the company. I’m not getting paid for the marketing that goes into that, for MY time, then why should I? It was stupid. I know a bunch of guys here and on YouTube did it, and that’s fine if that’s your jam, but my time is far too valuable. Funny enough, I haven’t gotten an email from them since, which is also fine considering I stepped back from the reviewer pool thing.

All this to say, it’s becoming too much I think. Hifigo has too many dudes reviewing sets and 90% of the reviews out there are from people in tour groups rather than folks actually buying the sets. I guess it’s good to have different takes on IEMs so actual buyers can determine whether or not they want to buy them or not, but I firmly believe it’s becoming too much. Not to mention, there’s too much dishonesty out there. Too many affiliate links in descriptions…


I gotta lot of respect for you bro. :ok_hand:

My Facebook is slow and my Discord is too cuz i boot simps.
There really isn’t anybody left after that.


I can send you mine if you don’t mind a tiny backlog. Not a bad set at all.
The hype turned me off (I’m a buyer too…it gets on ya) but it’s a decent set. I have the Butterfly too

Bought from Hifigo but used my regular email so it sat for 8 days.
Canceled w/help from Timmy and bought locally and get the next day. Yesterday.


I love it yup!

I like what I like ,you like what you like.

If you asked I would have told you, HiFiGo sends me the cheapies and makes me pay for the expensive ones Pilgrim… and I do so if possible to get early acess as old news is old news.

As ypu know Penon cut me off didn’t like I outed them for not posting reviews better than 4 *

HiFiGo didn’t take kindly to my push back either.
This is what I said in ChiFi Audio Reviews Facebook page.

We are all biased in one way or another either against or for, subconsciously or otherwise. Saying otherwise is disingenuous to yourself and others.

So Free, Paid, discounted, loaned, borrowed, traded - all the same to me.

Sorry you decided to make this personal Chris. I hope you can do better on staying so righteous.


PA02 was nothing to right home about…sold mine within days.
Save your money for something better.


I’ll send him mine if he gives me his shipping. It graphed same as the Cxv41 or a name similar so i didn’t listen. Brand new in box. It takes up space, would be better to get some use

They’re good for the price…that’s a certain but I must disagree on the subject of bass

Midbass the 2/5 can hang with the Scarlet…kinda…but when you dig deep down into the 20 to 30 range…if the song supports it…the 2/5 gasps while the Scarlet is just hitting its stride

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One thing about reviewers…they’re like air force pilots

almost all get scared

Just shameless whores bro.
Don’t confuse them with reviewers.
They are the equivalent of Carnival barkers…and whores


True facts.

I just want to know what the scoop is with Sandeep, if you could fill me in, I’d appreciate it. I’ve been talking with him for a little while ever since he invited me to the Audio Geek page on FB. I want to know if this guy can be trusted…


Ask @ToneDeafMonk
He is the guy getting threatened with lifetime banishment because India has more people than Canada.

I’d say absolutely hesitate with anyone who threatens to cancel another person.
And when they do it again to another person…really really be cautious :+1: :100:


I wasn’t aware that the message was directed toward Monk… there are always two sides to a story and in this case, I’m going to make a decision to not get involved with either. Some dudes thrive off drama, I can’t stand it.

I’ll move on completely, then. Simple as that. It’s not worth my time to look into it.

I appreciate you bringing this to light.


That…is the truth :ok_hand:


I’m a nasty surprise
I’m a devil in disguise

Brings back memories…thanks bro


Actually there are 3 sides 2 sides of the coin and there is the truth!


Can you share why dude wanted to Nuke Canada? I never even asked.



Anyone getting threatened, harassed or getting shady offers via DM on here please tag/dm me…While I’m still here I’ll do my damnedest to stop the rot but for how long :man_shrugging:



After you go this place is gonna turn into paid mods by Hifigo or some other brand :smiling_face_with_tear:


One inappropriate flag reviewed, now that…two strikes Terry2024 and :dash: no need for a third :wink: