Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Timeless 2 was released a while ago as far as I remember!!

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Don’t think that was ever a thing.

Yup, :wink: :ringer_planet:

Happy 4th of July folks :firecracker:


In music news.
Kendrick Murdered Drake …again.


If we are talking about 7Hz timeless 2, it was released a while back.

Did you get a set?

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:fu: the Donkeys


Now we’re talking Bass…

Mitsubishi Dialtone D160, the largest subwoofer ever built, with 60 inches in the 1980s. Weighing 800kg, it can easily shatter windows and produces small earthquakes that can be felt like ground vibrations within a 2-kilometer range. At the Koriyama factory, the test was conducted at first in the measuring room, but was stopped because the ceiling lamps fell due to vibration. The outdoor test appeared to have a negative impact on the neighborhood. At a distance of about 100 m from the speaker, the sound was felt, but at a greater distance, it was transmitted as vibration and noise on the earth instead of an audible sound. Within a 2-kilometer radius of the factory, damage such as vibrations, small earthquakes, as well as noises from walls and windows occurred.



It was never released, Just announced so far.

YES WE ARE COOKING IT, but it is taking some time hehehe

Reckon it’ll always be a…


I honestly don’t understand why anyone still cares about the Timeless II; sure the OG was a landmark release, but we’ve had umpteen good to great planars since then and I honestly don’t see what it could offer other than the name at this point.


I am happy with the other Planar options available as of now. for the price the S08 is also quite good sounding.

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Dude!! What are you talking about. 7Hz Timeless 2 is available for purchase as well.




10 Char…


Haha that came to pre-order usually with retailers when it was announced but it is still in the works from the little i know.

Actually it was on pre-order with a few retailers in our country.

One company has apparently made an 80-inch sealed subwoofer not too long ago. Doesn’t look it but I think its set back and below the floor. Dem infrasonics :face_holding_back_tears:

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@gadgetgod is right. They’ve been on pre-order for months now.

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Experts, I need your assistance.

I have a DAP that features a 3.5mm COAX out. Currently, I’m using USB input to my iBasso D16, which can also accept a 3.5mm COAX input.

When I use the COAX input from my DAP to feed the D16, I notice some differences in sound compared to using the USB input.

When I’m connecting the DAP to the D16 via 3.5mm COAX out, is the DAC in the DAP involved in the process?

Or is the COAX out simply carrying the signal without any alteration by the DAP’s DAC, leaving the signal to be decoded by the DAC in the D16?

I believe coax is digital so it should not be doing anything to it, the dap will simply be the source for the music files and the D16 will be the one working to decode it into analog (dac) and then amplify (amp) it.