Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Hey guys.

For straight up Bass Impact. Say kickdrums. Thump etc. when power isn’t a problem. And price too.

T50 Argon’s Mk3
Hifiman He6seV2

Which one would you take or how do they compare if somebody has both of them. Thanks!

I’m sure we’ll find out when the usual suspects start praising a set all at once.

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I’ve had both at the same time and the he6sev2 needs EQ to really slam hard. But with EQ I think it does have more impact and thump. I’d say the Argon has more subbass though and probably just overall more bass quantity.

Without EQ I’m not sure exactly as I no longer have the he6seV2. But I’d probably give the edge to the Argons.

One issue I had with the He6 was at high bass EQ and cranking up some bassy songs loud, they would touch the magnets and make a super scary sorta tearing sound. I put the stock grills back in and the problem lessened. But I’m talking about 10+db of bass and cranking volume to max, on my topping L70 to get that to happen.

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These people are making 100iq moves :joy:

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Currently own T50 with LSS Paradox Slant mod and HE6SE V2.

If you’re purely talking about bass impact, I would recommend looking at a DD HP.

But if you want a comparison between the two, T50 has slightly better bass impact and slam compared to HE6SE V2. However HE6SEV2 excels at everything else compared to T50rp.

The mid range sounds slightly more natural on the T50 LSS slant modded unit and I can’t comment on the vanilla version as it’s been a while since I’ve heard it.

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Yeah like they’re even giving you a chance to bargain or smth.

Ras Al Ghul

You must not respect to many around here?
Remember when DM’s were called PM’s?
People talk super dumb nowadays quickly with folks who are not their friends.
(so it gets shared easily)
Then I get to read another dude…a broken humans internet born misery.
I got a kid now.
Not trying to listen to folks who hate their lives and project on others.
Rather have my teeth ripped out with fucking hammer.

Thinking of investing in

Maybe a little late?
Fuck it…bought 100 shares


Any recs for a DD HP?

ZMF Atrium?

Unfortunately it’s way out of my budget. I should have mentioned it but I want to spend at maximum 1000$

iBasso SR3, Focal Clear OG ( has them on discount now), Sivga SV023.

Best place for HP questions :ok_hand:


Well people here said the focal clears don’t really slam like that compared to the argon’s and distort easily on high volume. So difficult not having a place nearby where you can just listen to them. I haven’t heard of the other too will research them

Focals have one of the best bass punch and slam for open backs.

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Focal sound very solid. Wasn’t the biggest fan but very solid. Good dynamics and impact/slam.

If price isn’t an deterrent, ZMF has some good sets. JM Audio (even smaller boutique) will custom tune and the bass there is phenomenal. Otherwise, Fostex or Sony’s Z1R.

Can you please take the headphone convo to the main Headphone or general discussion thread please. Thanks


Sorry man, my bad.

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No biggie, thanks bro
giphy - 2024-07-12T001004.688


Not many Chris…there are a few…and even fewer that stand the test of time because they learned to stand their ground…most don’t realize how difficult it is to have an opinion and not learn how to handle criticism that will inevitably comes with having one…most don’t know how to fight back… especially if they don’t possess an inordinate vocabulary or strength of character

and a lot don’t really have a passion for ear thingies… they just see the achievement of others and want to emulate them in their success

a lot are just plainly…

did you get in on the Tesla train…I’m up 52% since last week…holy shit what a run