Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

$120 USD is $170 CDN we getting boned up here. Heating is expensive in Canada even though our igloos are energy efficient!


I was lucky enough to find a pair of OH10s second hand for $80 - a steal if you ask me. I need to EQ my pair unfortunately, it sounds like the DDs aren’t doing as much work as the graph would indicate. I also got to try out a second pair sent over by @rattlingblanketwoman which helped me confirm, my pair definitely does not have as much bass as they should. The upside is that the clarity is through the roof - just a bit too thin and harsh at times.


I got my OH10’s for $110 from drop


We should collaborate to make a reference playlist on Spotify with songs that most people know and like.

We should call it something like “HiFiGuides Reference Tracks”.

What songs to include though? Only good recordings? Or a mix of good and poor recordings to see how a certain IEM fares with bad recordings?
What genres? What genres do we exclude if any? How many songs do we put on the list? How many of each genre? One song for testing treble, another for bass, another for female vocals, male vocals etc.
I think we could settle on 20-25 songs in total to cover most test areas.

I think if we do it right, it could be very helpful when discussing sets once we all have become familiar with the songs.

What do you guys think? :man_shrugging:


TRZR Ouranos 1/DD Frequency response graph


A smoother more relaxed C3 with less bass?


I’m sure it will sound fine but…we’re really not even trying. Copy/paste again


Kinda getting crazy isn’t it?

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What’s the configuration on these?

Looks like 4-6 chonky Sonions. I named the set “new” in graph cuz I have no info and it is not listed yet.
Interesting tuning and looks gorgeous.


Should be “Kiwi Ears Orchestra Lite” btw, releasing soon.

Awesome name, fitting such a beautiful set :melting_face:

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No idea what they’re going to be selling these at either, huh?

After struggling to find tips that make Kiwi Ears Cadenza comfortable for me, I don’t mind more options with the same tuning as long as the shells are different. QKZ x HBB Khan fits like glued into my ears but the short stems of Cadenza are a pain.

That said, I just wish someone would just release a budget set with that tuning but with like 5dB more sub bass.

This is exactly what you’re asking for


That 8k peak looks nasty :smiley: But no, I’m thinking more of a sub bass peak instead of the whole bass region being boosted(this looks like it has more mid bass than QKZ x HBB). Think Cadenza up to ~200Hz and then boosted. Might be too hard to do with 1DD though. 2DD setup like the Khan without the tuck and maybe a bit more bass?
Basically, bring slightly tamed Fat Freq Maestro SE to the masses :triumph:

You aren’t getting that any time soon, friend. And the 8k isn’t as nasty as it looks because it’s cutting through so much bass


Yeah, because the manufacturers are too busy churning out variations of the same FR.
I don’t even need it to be super budget but there has been barely anything interesting sub $200 since the big planar wave a while ago, which is why I ended up getting a bunch of cheap sets instead.

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