IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Lets goooo. Dam that’s fancy.

Did they just make a more expensive KL? :joy:


I had a feeling that the bass region would be reminiscent of the DMs … depending on price, could be interesting. Presentation is dope! But that means nothing if the sound doesn’t coincide with the price tag

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Will need impressions and comparisons for sure. Diminishing returns is a real thing :joy:

After long time with buds mostly in my ears (Mests from time to time) today I put Erasmus on during shopping and wow! Those are still having some special sauce (how to define this sweetness?) and feeling that no bud can give me. (shout-out to @ttorbic!). They were crowned to be my weekend ending choice for listening session and I really rarely choose something on top of Serratus or UM.

It is probably subbass extension - not that Erasmuses are any crazy in that category. Second guess is that because of that in-your-head experience they feel much more intimate, which may be a good thing depending on the mood and music.
Another palpable proof that buds and IEMs are not replaceable in any sense and you need to have both in your arsenal :sweat_smile:

BTW - one month passed and some amazing music was released already in 2023
John Cale - Mercy album - amazing production. Like a mix of Darkside and Brian Eno

Tujiko Nuriko - Crepuscule 1 & 2 - wtf kind of atmosphere Spotify


I’m a huge E4000 fan though… either lucky both times or deaf both times :laughing:

It would be an easy rec especially at used prices if QC wasnt so scary

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Ya’ll werent kidding about this bass! This is slam of the most epic proportions and is my new backup/budget set to the IE600. Im amazed at the SQ you get for $15. Bass is just intense but the mids and treble are still pretty clear and well extended all things considered. Nothing really sounds muffled or missing. Is it competing in overall SQ and technicalities with the IE600, hell no, but thats also not its intention. IE600 still wins in every other area and also in terms of bass quality but quantity there is no comparison. It definitely is giving me Maestro Mini vibes and while the MMs are a better set with a similar signature these are 30x cheaper so I’ll take that any day of the week! Shout out to @GooberBM and everyone who recced this set.

BTW if anyone wants to take the Vortex off my hands all you gotta do is cover shipping. While the Vortex are overall a better set, with these in the stable I don’t see myself using them anytime soon and I would much rather give them to someone who will.

EDIT: someone has claimed the Vortex!


Welcome :champagne: :champagne:
Congratulations GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY


God, I’m so proud of you guys for coming on board.

I did my best not to be an ass when so many people were saying QKZ x HBB was a great basshead set, but…nah fam

Also, holy shit I made cal quit the Vortex. Hot damn, that’s an endorsement
LMAO :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Slow down?? NEVERRRRR!!! :laughing:


Hey guys does anyone have experience with the Drop x JVC HAFDX1? There’s one going for $135 but dunno if it’s worth it or not. Original price was around $215 after tax.

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My girl has the HA-FW01s that she got from Drop and she really likes them, FWIW.

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I hope it’s a different DD the EJ one I find too fast not enough note weight.

Personally I had fit issues but sound wise they were solid for the $150ish I paid for mine

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Random iem thought: I am really digging the Tanchjim Oxygen after a new balanced cable and comply tips. A little happiness for a Sunday night.


A little more Sunday night happiness. Welcome the new member of my iem family. Bought them used off of r/AVexchange. I had a good talk with the guy selling them. To and from a good home…


nice! These look gorgeous

I am thinking about getting Valkyrie MKII, will demo it soon, hope they sound just as good as they look :grin:



I remember there’s a post regarding Simgot EA500 because graph looks similar with DM. Seems to be for sale in Taobao already. 399 Yuan that’s 53/59 USD?

That is one of those top tier DDs.


Ye I bought it. Excited to hear how it sounds! It also looks like a tank.


The prices on all the JVC´s on sale on drop is quite insane.