IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

wouldn’t the opposite of having balls be neutered? I would also prefer not assigning gender/sex to sound but that’s me.

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Ya the low-end suffers probably due to the smaller driver - the IE600 was similar where it needed more bass to compensate for the smaller driver, but in this case the IE200 don’t have it. I’ll try with the vent blocked later.

IE600’s stage is average to my ears. Maybe I’m just too picky after being spoiled by the EJ, DM, and Serratus’ stage :laughing: The imaging on the IE600 is super accurate with great speed and weight, but it isn’t coming from behind me or surrounding me like the EJ/DM - nonetheless TOTL for sure. Would need to A/B with the Olina again to see which is more 3D, but that alone should be a testament to the Olina vs the IE200.

They can for sure, but their shareholders and investors won’t like it haha.


haha Im sure they could definitely bring the price down a bit but I bet Sennheiser spends more in R&D and labor than Linsoul for instance which Im sure will drive up the cost of an IEM.

totally. The Serratus kills it in stage but that is an unfair comparison haha. I would agree with an average stage and I can believe it gets trumped by EJ and DM (although I haven’t heard those). I was more calling out the comparison to Olina, which is a great IEM in its own right.

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Umm…holy shit, wow


Ya I’d need to A/B with the Olina again, but they’re fairly close based off memory. IE600 definitely pulls out more detail though. Imaging I’d also give to the IE600.

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how are they???

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Nevermind. Apparently it can be spelled both ways.

Edit: I was always taught that this was spelled eunuch. I had never seen it spelled unic, but if the urban dictionary says it, it must be true…:roll_eyes:

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Good holy shit or bad holy shit

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I need to assess how much restraint I show in my first listening impressions, or if I’m going full stupid…@Lcg842’s counsel will be vital in where I’m starting from


My vote’s for full stopid


I don’t love the graph so I’m assuming guilty (of being bad) until proven innocent

So stupid we can’t spell. I’ll take that under advisement


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how would you say they changed with the M7?

If you’re not afraid of IE600 treble, then don’t give up on this before I get impressions in order. If it was trash, I’d be saying that already

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I won’t write it off just yet but the treble peaks are in very different places. The IE600 is more in the “air” area compared to the 5.5k-8k region that the Simgot is and we all know measurements past 8k aren’t super accurate. I also gotta imagine that bass in the IE600 helps balance it out.

I’m looking forward to your review!

Hmmm makes sense to get the OG plus with the remaining amount I could get a new DAC as well for I lost my Fiio BTR3K this year and I cannot seem to find them anymore, and based on the reviews I saw about the Wus, they need power, a dac/amp to fully like unleash its full potential when it comes to producing sound. But if I do find it again, might as well get the Heydays for there are some tracks with my Airships’ bass are a bit too much for my preference.

Everything improves and smooths out. The soundstage has better depth, the separation is better, there are no sharp peaks and dips, the sub-bass and mid-bass are tighter and more textured (but still not exaggerated as for bass heads) , the mids are improved, the resolution is 2-3 levels higher good significantly, the dynamics is also on another level, the sharpness of the notes is better, there is no whistling, zero noise. Overall, a significant improvement and the IE600 shows perhaps its maximum. This is all through 4.4 and high gain. On 3.5 it is similar, but slightly worse. Maybe it can be achieved with a cheaper dongle option, but the performance inside is spot on, and I too hate dealing with dongles and other myriad portable “sound enhancement attempts”. :wink:
And I say again - IE600 has nothing to do with Olina, it blows her away in all indicators. Olina is quite grainy and peaky, with worse staging and imaging, worse bass, etc., but very good for $70-$80.
And in addition, I can say that I have already tried almost all of my IEMs and the M7 works perfectly with all of them - you can say that it is universal, but YMMV. That is all! :alien:

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Another nice pairing is IE 600 with RS2 which I got to try last week at a friend’s house with his Effect Audio Eros S Cable, it does something really special to the vocals and they complimment each other well. I also tried my phone (LG V60) but did not like how bright and sometimes thin it sounded in some places.

It’s too bad about the IE 200, I recently sold my IE 300 to save up a bit for XENNS UP and was hoping this might be a decent performer at slightly lesser price. While I wasn’t a fan of IE 300, it was extremely comfortable to use and it’s low profile meant I could use them at bedside while lying on my side with zero issues.


I wish there was a place I could try sources at because I definitely feel like it’s worth getting something now that I’m done hunting transducers for the time being