IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I don’t think so, I’ve accidentally dropped IEMs before and didn’t have sound quality reduction in any of them.

Depending on the severity of the drop there are other issues that will pop up though. I’ve had IEMs that emit a faint rattle on one or both sides and also one or both sides might stop functioning.

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Balanced armatures can get damaged on impact as they are veery, veery delicate pieces of precise machinery. I dont think though that it would be a granual decrease in sound quality, but it would be rather sudden after one particular heavy impact. And shell should be good enough at protecting against such low height drops, so you would be very unlucky to cause anything :slight_smile:


So basically if the IEMs have the problem, it would be the “dead problem” like not produce sound anymore or broken immediately right? And if it still can play music it means it totally fine right? That’s a relieve to hear :smiley:


Moondrop droplet FRs up:


WHOOO! Gotta love that chi-fi QC


I am a bit late on this and I know someone might have had already asked this question, but what is again the difference of the OG Wus and the Heyday Wus? I know that the cables are newer, shells are new, drivers apparently have been upgraded and the tuning is more linear based on the graph on what I just saw today. Sound-wise how are they different? And is it worth it getting the Heyday edition instead of the OG? Currently trying to upgrade from my KATOs or Airships.

Removing the filters from my Serial fixed the channel imbalance. They now look the same as many IEMs with 3 bores exposed. There’s a chance that there’s a fraction of a hair more treble than there ever was but I expect the filters originally had about zero impact on sound and were acoustically invisible.

With no comparative details or audiophile glossary to impart alongside it, I just wanted to share that listening to the Serial tonight is the most connected to and moved by music I’ve been in a long time. Thrilling enjoyable, gets me to seek out new music and revisit old. Fantastic.


Well if it actually sounds like it graphs (similar to RSV) then it’s a 100% rec from me since RSV is one of my favorite IEMs period.

Can anyone who owns both comment on this?

Glad it was a simple enough fix. Would you throw a pair of free Penon filters you’ve gotten along the way on, just to make sure something is covering the nozzle?

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So many sets have this style of opening anyway (RSV, Blessing 2, DM8, many more) that I’m not too worried, at least for quite a while. From other IEMs I have the little nozzle cleaning tips if it’s ever needed.

Meanwhile I’ll ask Penon what stock filter they use or if they could send me some. Tried the pepperpot ones I have a bunch of, and couldn’t get them to sit level, also they obscured the sound terribly. :man_shrugging:

Stop with the Impressions already your going to make me buy one!


Having transducers that do this, making music appreciation AND exploration enjoyable and enticing is really what it’s all about for me. Congrats on finding one that clicks for you! IME, it’s not all that hard to find transducers I like, but it’s much more rare to find those that make me actively want to keep listening and it’s even more difficult to find those that, by virtue of their synergy with me, make music exploration a big part of my experience with that particular transducer.

Reading your posts on the Serial over the last couple months or so has definitely made me want to give the serial a listen. I’ll have to grab one when I get back home for a stretch.


Looks like some folks are divided on the OGs and the Heyday edition. Some said the OGs are better than the Heyday edition for apparently they prefer the OG’s livelier sound compared to the Heyday’s more laid back and linear tone. Come to think of it, I think I am in need of a different sound like a newer signature that deserves to get to my ears. Ngl, I am tempted to get the OGs instead since those ones are reasonably priced and said it’s not worth the 80 to 100 USD increase to the Heydays, but then again the Heydays have better technicalities, so I guess you cannot go wrong either way.


Having listened to all 3 yeah personally I would get the OG or KZ PR1 PRO

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SENNY IE200 Impressions:

Ok so these came last night and I’ve been listening to them for 6 or so hours now, and I gotta admit guys, this might be a potential DOA.


  1. Smooth dynamics
  2. In offensive, balanced, and relaxing
  3. Good scaling
  4. From big brand so probably lasts longer

Oh boy,

  1. Low-end lacks texture, thump, impact, energy - too polite
  2. Vocals are recessed and not vibrant
  3. Treble extension is ? for $150 - gets destroyed by Dioko, OG Olina, same level as DSP/Crin Zero
  4. Detail and resolution is beat by Olina/Hexa, and matched by Ola and DSP, which are mind you, $15 and $40 :man_shrugging:
  5. Imaging is good, but so are other sets like Hexa, Dioko, Olina
  6. Intimate stage like IE600 - Olina is much wider and has 3D
  7. Separation is worse than IE600, so again, average and similar to cheaper sets (DSP, Ola) gets outclassed by Hexa, Dioko.
  8. Technical chops are nowhere near IE600 or even planars and Olina.
  9. Definition of bland and average

Genuinely confused why Sennheiser decided to price it at $150 - at that price it’s got fierce competition from the OG WU which has better detail, separation, bass, and PRETTY MUCH just an overall upgrade; OG Olina/SE - sharper transients, better imaging/3D, wider stage, more detail, better vocals, air, treble; Hexa - same as OG WU aside from the bass.

The IE200 should cost no more than $80. The only thing saving it are its smooth dynamics and scaling… which is matched by the Ola but with better vocals… I mean it does have a very balanced tuning, and probably great longevity, I guess?

I mean it’s a solid set… but its priced so poorly it gets eaten from both sides (<$50 and >$80). If this came out 2 years ago it would’ve been great, but at the rate the market is going at, old man Senny really needs to re-evaluate its strategy if it plans to stay competitive. I’ll try covering the vent and see how the bass does then (sometime this weekend since my friend wants to try these), but for now:
Confuse GIFs | Tenor


Yes. Except for the IE600 and IE900, the other Senns are junk. i don’t understand why they do it when they can make good IEMs. Weird! If they continue like this, they will not stay on the market because they cannot rely on only two IEMs.
But… IE600 with M7 is honey and almonds, very, very good. Subbass is from another planet. It has nothing to do with Olina and other ChiFi. :upside_down_face: :wink:


Sounds like people should just do this instead:

Also, as a non-sequitur:

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The graphs for Senn IEMs are misleading in regards to its bass and I think a lot of it has to do with the size of the driver. The IE600 looks like it has crazy bass but its pretty balanced with the rest of the FR when listening. When I saw the graph I knew this thing was gonna be pretty limp. I can’t imagine how little bass it has with the tip in the open position.

I’ve seen this stated a lot but I don’t see it. While it’s not a particularly big stage, to my ears the IE600 is not intimate and feels a lot more 3D than the Olina. Maybe it just jives better with my ears though.

I don’t think a western company will ever be able to compete price/performance with chifi, its just the nature of the beast. I believe the drivers for all their offerings are made in Europe and the higher end offerings are made/assembled in Ireland.


No thanks, I’ll stay with polite because that’s the most accurate description for it. A lot of sets can have “balls” but they’re still not basshead, and some can be polite but not Unic. Unic would mean no bass at all. IE200 has some bass, just not present/forward enough, aka, polite.

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