Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

What you are asking for is coming soon :v: :notes:


I stand corrected

I got told about your shout out. That was fucking cool!

I don’t mind saying the quiet part out loud, clearly, but it’s weird to think people are listening


A couple less conventional tunings I know of that worked out really well:

Penon Volt
MiM Dark Magician
Lotoo LE-M1
To some extent the Meaoes Eagles, still something interesting I haven’t stopped revisiting quite yet.

Heck even diffuse field like ER2XR, far less common than Harman.

thats one think I do respect about Penon, they have a house sound that is very different from the cookie cutter harman tuning. I don’t think there is a single Penon IEM that would fall into that tuning black hole

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ISN is arguably even further off the radar in that respect.


ISN is a Penon sub-brand, so it’s still Penon doing it


I quite enjoyed the Eagles, I must say. Out of all of the sets you loaned out to Brandon and I, I’d say that one was the most interesting to me. Just in terms of timbre and techs.

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And if you’re ever struggling to type its nearly-all-vowel name, just think of “Meat and potatoes” and cut out the middle.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve misspelled Meaoes :upside_down_face: this is incredibly useful!


SIMGOT EA500 another Darker tuning that’s different, but Simgot are reluctant to send any samples silly they will never get traction in the market if they dont.

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EM500 or EA500?

Between the two of you, I’m surprised by how meh I found Eagles. Like I didn’t find it bad, but with the amount of things in front of me, I sure didn’t feel anything interesting or special to get my attention

I feel like that’s a fair statement. I’d say that for me, it was just the most interesting and hit a specific spot that allowed them to stand out. Interesting how subjective this hobby is sometimes …/


Same here. The [edit:MID-bass] bass production/texture stood out to me, and although I found the treble to have too much quantity at times, that allowed something different to my usual tunings too. With those qualities in tandem, I think it does some decent things spatially.

Is it a favorite IEM? No, but one of the few I’ve found “interesting” and revisited just for something out of the ordinary, hence it being on that list though I feel it would make few others for me. There are certainly particular moments when I really do love them, for the most part they’re engaging and off the beaten track though.

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Waited so long to see these at an affordable price. Immediately purchased. Now to set the sleeping bag under the letter box and a supply of protein bars and Vimto.


I found Dekoni foam tips solved all my fit problems. Absolutely sublime for the money. Moondrop tips were pretty awesome as well.

EA500 sorry will edit post tuned like the DM I meant.

Wow we’re twinsies! I’ve got EA500 too. Which filter is your preference?

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Agreed - the mid bass did come off with more texture and detail to my ears as well. I am going off memory here but I do distinctly remember the stage and layering to be punching above the price point, as well. I think that was the aspect that stood out to me the most - the overall spaciousness of the sound. Plus I liked the cable and the fit was good so for the right price, I think they’re a good set no doubt.

But like you said, absolutely not my favorite set by any means, but they were different enough to belong in my collection at least.

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