Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Shit happens. Don’t let it get you down. Just keep doing you and it’ll all be in past soon enough. Learning from it is the best way to show maturity, growth, and sincerity and you’re doing that. :+1::sunglasses:



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Gotta respect you @ToneDeafMonk for accepting the mistake, apologizing and acknowledging you’ll better in the future. Not many people have the balls to do so, firm handshake to you, sir.


Indeed. Handled it very nicely. :handshake::sunglasses:


Yeah…seriously, a very rare sight on the interwebs these days. Admitting you were wrong, owning up to it and vowing to do better? Almost unheard of. Props.


@John_W_Clark yooo how are you enjoying the Z300?:smiley:

I quite like the look of that relaxed gain in the bass setting… It’d be interesting to get my ears on this set and see how it’d compare to the other benchmarks in the $100 bracket.

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I am still waiting on them. I missed the pre-order discount, so I am guessing I won’t see them soon. They are still showing as “Unfulfilled” at Linsoul, which is annoying given that I ordered them a week ago. I actually have three IEMs ( I ordered the PR2 on the 27th ) and a case just waiting to be packaged and shipped.

the launch of Z300 seemed to have been pretty rocky from linsoul side, either they underestimated demand or rushed the release date for some reason. The discount was available for only a very short time, for previous releases I was able to buy the discount after few days since it becoming available but for Z300 it was only up for less than a day.
And despite ordering the actual IEM on launch day, mine is also not shipped yet. In contrast, KZ PR2 that I ordered from KZ directly 2 days after ordering z300 from linsoul shipped on the same day and already arrived in my country, though I probably won’t get it for a few days still because of some holidays here.

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They did.
The first 300 were gone fast.
So fast that for virtualy the entire time that early bird thing was up it took thousands to a sold out notice.
That’s a buzz killer :melting_face:
Just switch it to same page with a notice that early bird is sold out and let em buy or not at full price.
The early bird codes were a hassle for many too
That’s a buzz killer :melting_face:
On a positive note.
Golden week vacation in swing

Day 1 for my Fiance
Homemade Kobe Beef 80% Kurobuta pork 20%
Provalone w/Carbonara sauce

Day 2 for my Fiance
Miyazaki Chicken Parma

For me


Wow, that is pretty impressive.

Linsoul took a long time getting my previous ordered put together too. It was over two weeks for that, and if my Z300 shipped today ( day 8 ), it would be around 2 weeks.

Lovely looking scran well done :+1: was really tempted by the Elise x the graph looks good but at that :pound: no DD it’s a…

From me.


Seeing your screenshot of the Helios purchase, seems you got a price cut, right? :joy:

Seriously, waiting your impressions. I can only say that they didn’t put any effort to make them beautiful. The faceplate changes are subtle.

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Hell yeah! Did you get a unit? I rushed my order and accidentally put it in for the 3.5mm just hit them up about switching to 4.4mm. Oh well if they can’t my mistake. I’m quite surprised there’s still units left.

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I got $59 off for being an early supporter.
Nice gesture but that’s what I spend on a Dinner :slight_smile:

Guy is quite cool. I’m sure he will take care of you :notes:


Juzear 41T 1+4 hybrid.

This one is worth a look, brother. It’s a killer

(NOTE: I am not saying it’s better than, or sounding totally like Elysian Diva. I’m just showing how it has a relaxed treble with a very good midrange tuning)


They had the week off for “labor day”.

Wouldn’t that make it a Labor Week then? :confused:

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Laborious, in fact

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