hmmm, true I dont think I actually heard of any scummy things they have done before…
maybe I should make a goodjob list (will probably be small af lol).
…so it looks like FatFuck is on the same level as IMR/Trinity now, do you remember how much money Trinity stole?
Dont remember if EVERYONE in that list got screwed over…
Yeah, the Qudelix 5k seems solid. I heard you can EQ on iPhone with it too, which is clutch since I just switched to iPhone. Thinking about grabbing one, but there aren’t a ton of reviews out there.
How big’s the difference in soundstage between the two with something like the Estrella or a power-hungry set? The G5 feels kinda overkill for my Deuce. Qudelix seems like the better option.
Honestly, zero difference. The difference in power is something I notice almost exclusively in the bass region, not soudstage, and the DACs aren’t meaningfully different in that regard either.
You’d have no problem running the 5k balanced to either Estrella or Deuce
Been following your posts on this thread lately and really hate to be the one with an opposing opinion on this matter but this seems very unlike Fatfreq In my opinion… because they do work with many reputable dealers as well and im aware that they do have a strict dealer policy from my previous chat with them at camjam… so yeah its quite hard to believe honestly… im also wondering if bearskz sold products outside the territory they are allowed to?
This feels like a very cut and dry case here.
- Items ordered and pre-paid
- Items not or only partial delivered
- Money not returned for undelivered items
- Communication went completely silent.
I’m pretty sure there is a legal term for things like this.
Good sir, what about all the ghosted people who bought the Deuce?
What about FatFreq responding to a potential customer quickly and totally ignoring an existing one for over two months?
They even ghosted HBB ffs.
And what about tracking not working for over a month? Meaning they just created a label without actually shipping the item.
Plus there are multiple other stories from before, all discoverable online, of people waiting for their custom sets for 5+ months beyond scheduled timelines.
It blows my mind how you, despite following this thread and seeing all the evidence, can’t put two and two together.
The d*ckriding is wild.
Ouch! Keep it polite! Everyone should be able to speak their mind. We don’t all have to agree on everything😅. Hopefully the truth comes out in no uncertain terms and we all agree in the end.
Thank you, and you are correct. I absolutely would have preferred the chargeback.
I’d be happy to offer a comparison, though I’ll preface that up front by saying I do not have the best ears. I have hearing loss in my left ear, mostly in the vocal region. Horrible tinnitus in that ear too. I can’t hear shit in either ear past 14kHz, and fairly reduced past 13kHz. It explains why I personally don’t hear diminished sound with high quality bluetooth codecs, like LDAC or AptX Lossless, being that the signal drops off at higher frequencies than I can hear. All that to say: Take my experience with a grain of salt. I don’t have golden ears. More like participation trophy ears.
That being said, music is one of the most important parts of my life. There might be 20% of the day where I don’t have some kind of music playing in my ear. I’m a fiction author, with severe concentration issues caused by my AuDHD. I listen to Brain.FM (binaural type beats) while writing, or other music that’s less distracting like lofi beats or softer classical. Things that focus more on instruments like the cello. When I’m not working I listen to a huge range of music, from classics like Johnny Cash and Dio, to heavy metal, to rap, to jazz, to classical. I like basically everything, and a mix of old and new. I could fill a whole thread with some of my favorites. Just a few more mentions: Loreena McKennitt, White Buffalo, The Dead South, Myrkur, Murkocet, Chanmina, etc. Again, list is functionally infinite.
Thick, full-bodied sound in the lower registers all the way up to the vocals. I don’t find it muddy, but it adds husk to male vocals I do often like. Being a musician, maybe you’re familiar with the Electrovoice RE-20 microphone, or the Shure SM7B? It does to vocals what those microphones do for vocals. Adds more body, and some resonance you can feel. Creates intimacy. Sometimes that’s great, but it can feel a bit off with female vocals. For me, that boost doesn’t extend far enough for that to be an issue. Beyond the midrange being pleasant to my ear, I don’t talk about that as much because I always consider it to be the anchor point. It’s either good or bad, and the rest of the frequency is relative to it.
The treble is polite, and only does what is asked of it. Despite my hearing being what it is, 99% of the time any boost in the treble comes across as grating to me. It’s why I don’t care for most strong v-shaped signatures. I like boosted bass, with accurate treble. The Punch nails that.
The White Buffalo sounds divine on this set.
The Deuce comes across as more isolated and separated in the bass region, which is what I generally prefer in bass-boosted tuning. The boost doesn’t extend especially far into the mid-bass, and gets slightly recessed going into the lower vocal region, where deep male voices live. This creates less “punch”, but more “thump”. It feels more natural, to me, lacking that resonance/boost for deep male voices. Instead, they sound more like you’d expect them to. The treble feels somewhat off, if you listen to tracks you’re very familiar with. Playing a few Fleetwood Mac tracks, like Second Hand News, cymbal hits feel like they decay far quicker than they should. You hear the crash, somewhat muted, and then it’s abruptly gone. The Punch is far more natural in the treble to my ears.
VS Summary:
They’re pretty different, actually, though I feel the Punch sounds like the more “correct” of the two, taking into account these are both objectively quite bass boosted. Punch will give you depth and resonance to male vocals, and of course, earns the “Punch” name in the bass. The Deuce is less fatiguing in the treble for me (but slightly unnatural), with thumpier bass hits. I think I’d prefer the Deuce more for my lofi beats I usually listen to while I work, without vocals, emphasis on the “lofi”. The Punch is going to win out for just about everything else, including gaming. Both sound very good to me.
80 years old and Dave still killing it.
Props to Ice T for getting Dave and Roger to sign off on this.
Hi! Thank you very much for your opinion. it is still difficult to believe for myself that such things is possible in modern world. I am many years in this business, I am working with about 50-60 producers, I buy and sell audio staff for millions of dollars every year and I have never had such experience with any of other producers. I stil can’t believe that famouse and quite reputable company (maybe not good reputable but still) can do such a things.
About my territory - I am selling goods only in Kazakhstan - but there also some number of people from Russia who also buy something in my store too. First of all, about 300-350k people from Russia (mostly well-educated man - best people for audio business) moved to Kazakhstan for the last 2 years. A lot of them are my active customers. Also millions of Russians recently got Kazakhstan credit cards, Kazakhstan bank accounts, Kazakhstan tax numbers and Kazakhstan temporary address and then now can use this cards and this addrersses for shopping in Kazakhstan. We are not under sanctions and it is very convinient for them. Also millions of Russians now visit Kazakshatn regularly for shopping because now we have much better options and prices for almost everything here - like iphones, TVs, electronics, brand clothes and so on. And also millions of Russians now buy different things in Kazakhstan through their freinds and relatives here. I think almost every Kazakhstan citizen or resident have friends and family members in Russia - it is dosens of millions of people. And about 40-50 mln Russians live just in a few hours to drive of 1-2 hours to fly from Kazakshtan, it is 2 times more than population of Kazakhstan itself.
So definitely some orders for Fatfreq also was made by Russians or someone for their Russian friends. I can’t accept any Russian credit cards or any transfer from Russia (it is prohibited by our laws and our banks), but accept any orders by Kazakh cards and with Kazakh addresses. But I don’t think it was a problem. Fatfreq didn’t have any distributor in Russia in 2023, they started to work there only in 2024 or in the end of 2023. Fatfreq never ever mentioned that it could be a problem and never ever discussed it. Some other producers sometimes find some of my products in Russian aftermarket sites like Avito, they asked me to help to prevent it and I always do my best to stop reselling this goods to Russia. Fatfreq never had this issue and never mentioned it. And I think even if they didn’t like it it is not a reason not to send me earphines at all - they should return my money if they don’t want to work in Kazakhstan - but not just ignoring me and my prepaid orders. I don’t see any connections here.
In general territory issues always a problem now because we live in a very global and connected world, people move through the borders freely now and can move any goods they want, there are hundreds of companies which can help every person in the world buying abroad. My main competitor is not Russian stores like DrHead and so on (I have much much better prices now then they have), but stores like Musicteck which is not American but global store and people from hundreds countries can buy staff there using forwarding companies in the US. About 30-40% sales of Amazon, BH and other American stores goes not for America, but for the world. through different services. Many customs unions like EU, Mercosur, NAU, and EACU (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan) made it is even more difficult to control where the product finally go, there is no borders, no taxes and no control. It is true - it is very difficult to control. But I believe it is definitely not a reason to just steal money of other people.
Even when playing devil’s advocate:
- They should have informed you there was an issue.
- They should have refunded you for the remaining product.
I am glad they are hitting the same for you that they did for me. They really are pretty impressive for almost any type of rock music. I am with you on Tea2, and have never jumped on the EJ07.
I think Arcadia is the easiest recommendation this year, because it does everything very well, and is a great all day set.
My mind is blown as well.
I know more than everyone else.
Made in China…etc.
People will disregard everything in front of tem and grasp onto 1 thing if it fits the narrative their mind is comfortable with.
Hey HBB. Any word on the Punch that we were talking about? A few people are asking me about it and I’d love to make the comparison to other sets.
I loved the end of year content video and the mini review of Fugaku. Excited to see what the end of the year iem is, but I’m guessing it’s not the Simgot 142.
I believe Trinity took $800,000 and rebranded into IMR.
Someone in U.K. figured out by tax filings that IMR was under Trinity owners wifes name iirc?
Larry Ho from LH labs stole $6 million with mostly help from Head Fi.
Fatfreq has generated 1-2 million on the Deuce project.
How many people have never gotten a set will never be known.
The true sales number according to a person I trust is greater than what they stated to me on 2 different ocassions.
I never got a breakdown for 1st month sales (the biggest) or the 2nd and the last month has a semi 5 minute to make breakdown that made no mention of which platform (the standard in practice when doing a collab with a co brand or a person) There is no “trust us bro” in the real business world.
They said they are sending buyer units first then the people I requested to get sets.
Yeah, 142 is not gonna make it.
The Son of a very wealthy family who fancies himself an anti-capitalist
Went to an Ivy league school and enjoyed a life 1% of the country enjoys…is some folks hero?
And he gets caught eating at a McDonalds.
That place is definitely not a symbol of American Capitalism
If they’re not able to get him by Christmas, I’ll send mine over to him so he’ll get to check them out. No pressure or anything if Linsoul wants to take care of the happy customers first.
Very cool of you
I support Linsoul not bombing folks with reviews. The customers determine the success of a set.
Thank you for being cool