Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

Just saw we’re at 1000 confirmed orders

Once again HBB, absolutely phenomenal congratulations.

This is an occasion where we all gotta use our luck and wish for 0 problems and hiccups.


I keep checking my Inbox for the personalized details request from FF for the Deuce’s box. Fairly sure I was one of the first 150. If not, Ho-Hum! Chomping at the bit waiting for them.Probably my last IEM purchase for a while. I need to accrue some cash for a new bicycle.


The Deuce derailed my IEM plans lol so I’m the same boat as you after I get em, I was looking for either a Gaea or Mest Mk2 for cheap , I live in LI NY though so looking for gear cash is pretty hard lmao

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Oh , I just bought a budget fat tire ebike and put together today…absolute blast. Worth every penny :pinched_fingers:


Hi guys, hi HBB
I pre-ordered the Deuce on the Fatfreq website after reading the ad and was impressed by the promise of a 25dB sub-bass shelf, expertly controlled under 150Hz.
But when I looked at the chart, I don’t see a 25dB sub-bass shelf there…
So is this a scam in the ad or why is this false information still hanging on the Fatfreq website?!
Maybe I don’t understand something? Good people, help basshead understand what’s what!

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So, it’s been talked about but the actual shelf, from frequency graphs, is like a 15db bass shelf.

But, Fatfreq’s 25db bass shelf is likely a combination of using a different form of a measurement rig along with their technology/implementation of their tech which would likely feel or rumble in your ear.

Someone on Head-Fi:

TL;DR - graph is not telling you the full story in this case.


Wow that is a whole lot of big words just to say absolute bullshit :joy::joy::joy:

(Referring to the Head-fi screenshot)


if its not what you want or expected, just cancel the order and get the Scarlet instead…its not a mandatory purchase.
Im curious as to where they measure the 25db from anyway.
it cant be measured from the target curve because thats an arbitrary line
On that graph, its 20db above the mids so… :man_shrugging:

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Hey bro :call_me_hand:
I have asked them to adjust the wording. The Scarlet is 30dB listed iirc but it’s about 5dB less I think?
I’m not sure what is behind it all but to avoid confusion I have asked for it to be changed :v:


A wise choice. With as many people who want to diminish and dismiss your work, it’s best to give them no quarter to do so


Festival season is about to hit Japan.
They get down in August :japanese_goblin:


Like Dave said…if this is what you’re searching for

just save up and get the Scarlet…YWNBD…but I’m sure the HBB TWO is gonna be a performance/cost king

that’s why I will be ordering one eventually…key word eventually

I’ve had…shall we say…a hiccup or two with delivery on a previous pre-order as well as a delay on another supposedly off-the-shelf product…
even though I’m aware nothing is off-the-shelf with FF

the TWO will be my third FF…the two will be my third :thinking:

…that makes no sense


oh didnt know it meant 2. Thought it was a reference to the artist.

I always assumed it meant the following:

Also being 2DD

Or, alternatively like saying “dropping a deuce”

Although I don’t think HBB wants to do FatFreq like that


Hahahahhaha dropping a deuce :joy:


Depending on how I enjoy Deuce, either I end up with a Scarlet or maestro mini

For now I’m chilling out and letting the funds come back lol


Was actually Dub Deuces

Then changed to Deuces
Dice game or Peace (in or out)


7Hz x HBB when? :eyes::eyes:

Joking. But damn, between Deuces and taking a plunge on 634ears/Musashi-san while the yen conversion was still good, my wallet is dying. :sweat_smile:

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Nice Ribble…I don’t come across many in my cycling circles…probably because it’s a bespoke Brit bike

I’ve lived in the saddle for close to 25 years now
my obsession with bikes is even worse than my obsession with monitors…

and guns…I don’t want to even think about how much money I’ve spent throughout the years on firearms

Current setup that I suffer on… Litespeed Titanium frame…built completely from the ground up…from the chain stays to the Chris King headset and everything in between…one of 8 bikes that I own

i’ve done a few centuries with it…rides like a steel bike (comfy) but handles like a carbon frame