Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

Got a quick listen at CanJam…not knowing the price either but it didn’t really wow me tbh.


giphy (3)


HBB…I enjoyed what you had to say in your piece about what any particular thing is inherently worth to any one individual…my cousin spent 9k on a comic book…a fuckin comic book

when I mentioned rarity equals leverage…economically it applies to everything in life…goods…services…real estate…raw material…sex…IEMs

when demand outstrips supply…inherent value increases

I know I’m preaching to the choir so I think I’ll just shut up…I’m bored and tired

played with the cat till 3 in the morning…amazing at his age to have so much energy


Your money makes money. Your a smart guy. There are a lot of folks who don’t get it. You also love animals so you win a lot. :100: :smiley_cat: :heart:


You ain’t bad yourself brother…look what you did…you’re a fuckin tenacious individual who’s built a life for himself in a foreign country

like a pitbull…you grab onto something and you won’t let go…
and dismiss everyone with negativity with a :fu:

I’ve seen a lot of people fold under pressure of scrutiny but you’re unwavering in your opinion

a man among men…a pleasure to have met you


that’s an important statement for my brain so I can ignore wanting to buy one

btw for peeps who’ve tried Mext and Mest mk2

Every now and then some songs are sharp, does that happen more with Mest Mk2?

While I patiently wait for my pre-order FFxHBB Deuce to ship I picked up a Thieaudio Oracle MKIII and it was just delivered. I’m wowrking, so not a lot of time spent with it but my first 30 minute impressions are good. I’ll get some time later where I can focus more and get at more of my library to get a better feel for it then.


Didn’t compare them, but on MEST 2 after massive tip rolling Final type E brought maximum comfort in terms of high frequencies. Narrow bore foam was close second.


Man I wonder how those things go against the monarchs

Sounds like im gonna have to roll the die on this one lol, should be a fun experience

@hawaiibadboy - broooo, fire giveaway on the Fatty 3. I definitely commented (but my luck is crap) but If they have any other sample of the Fatty 3, I would buy it in a heartbeat. :joy:

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Did anyone upgrade their Deuce order with 4.4 jack?

Considering doing it but I’m not sure …


honestly? I considered it but went nah

I used to worry more about em but nowadays since I switched to just M300 instead of ifi go blu, I always go 3.5mm and I really prefer that it uses less power even if minimal

I’d own an R4 but the battery life is not for me

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With the Fan series 50% discount is no mystery. It is made for their fans, and fans probably get the mail from Penon, so they can buy at a big discount. The other Penon, ISN, TSMR and Sound Rhyme discounts have been far less.


I am right there with you. when I ordered 3.5 was the only option available. I ordred the first day the website was up, right after watching Chris’s video.

I heard you can contact FF and ask them to upgrade you (i’m sure at some cost becuase what I paid is not what’s listed now). My concern is that I don’t want to ruin my place in line but I do want the 4.4. So now I’m wondering if I should just order one seperate ?

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I do not know personaly, but from what I’ve read and seen the Monarch MK2 & Mk3 would be an upgrade. The MK3 having more low end. I would like to get it and test it for you but I’m targeting another $K set at the moment. I wish I could get them all, but need to prioritize…

Upgrade to 4.4mm cable


Was about to post this, I did it and it shouldn’t affect your place in line.


Thanks for that :notes:

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do we know how long that discount lasts?

against my better judgement I am tempted but I probs wont follow through

hella won’t follow through, if I do, I’ll lose whatever integrity I got left lmao

For the Fan and Fan 2 the discounts popped up once or twice a year. I do not remember these being any sort of cut off time on. Fan is discontinued, but Fan 2 was offered three times last year, in addition to back in 2022. Sooner or later they will start popping up on second hand marked, maybe even cheaper than the offer. :smiling_face: