Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

I would love to attend any CanJam, but I don’t have the opportunity to even travel to cities in Russia…

I would love @hawaiibadboy to attend the expo and show off the ZE51B.


Ah, sorry. I misunderstood. I’ll be attending the LA/Irvine CanJam and I thought you meant you were coming to that one.

Or that you showed off yours at one of them

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Better to live in a country where you don’t need a gun and neither does anyone else. And if they have one, imprison them!


You realize that the ones that do the imprisoning need the guns, right? I don’t believe that we’ll come to agreement, so all I will say is be thankful for what you have and the peace you enjoy.


Like politics and religion…some subjects are taboo and not meant for open discussion

some people still think…

I’ve neatly put away looking at the world through child’s eyes…I’ll leave that for an innocent child…

something I once was


I think you will find that the British Police force is essentially unarmed. We do have armed response units, but for the greater part (99%) we imprison felons without the use of firearms. If you give people guns, regardless of whether they are law enforcement officers or not, you are going to end up with dead people. The Dunblane massacre epitomizes this point!

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Dave, you’re a nice guy and like I said we have fundamental disagreements on even the philosophical and historical basis of what you’re talking about. Chalk it up to a cultural difference if you want, I’m just going to leave it at that.


You are equally a nice guy. And like you said we shall agree to disagree. Just pointing out the British perspective, no offence meant. Take care.



Nahhh they don’t look 7k

Give me some of those, I’d take em without diamonds


I think it’s a very interesting discussion whenever I speak to a European about US gun culture. Err…I mean a European or a Brit. lol

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I’m a Brit, and all I’ll say is there are very different measures needed in:

  • a country where guns never started broad circulation
  • a country whose populace are already all gun owners before they even form government

Seems a bit silly to think the same solutions would get the same results. Want all the law abiding citizens to obey an edict to hand in their guns? That would be a massacre.

I’ll leave off on this one post. There are more nuanced aspect to the whole thing, but that huge and obvious difference in the countries and therefore the policies needed to keep people safe is worth keeping track of.

It’s like bragging about our public transport which is entirely feasible in a country as small and densely populated as ours, but doesn’t scale up to a place the size of the US where everything is so spread out.


Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

An attempt to take away the 2nd is deemed a prelude to taking away the 1st

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Constitution of the United States of America has an oft overlooked “right”:
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

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It’s when the people believe the elected leaders no longer represent them or their values.


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Already offered to buy it off him at a profit if he ever sells.
There are only 50 ffs.
I gotta slow down with all this “I’m a Dad now” stuff :confounded:


That’s why I steadfastly hold onto my pair. I don’t always reach for them, but when I do, I remember why they have a permanent spot. The good news is that there will eventually be more of them, just not the launch version.


I’m funding Focal no.7 so the pain will ease…

My wife was like …wtf??
I said those little earphones I sold and you got a mail about cost $5,600
This is around half that.
She was cool after that.
Sometimes the summit fi prices help cushion other things :nerd_face:


There are certain sets that are more than just a pair of IEMs. It’s more like portable audio history. The STORM I think is just one of them…

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Happy wife, happy life!


that is always a recurring theme in my house

then I lay out a fictional financial plan that almost makes sense…just like you did

“well honey…I sold THAT so I’m not really spending any additional funds to buy THIS”

and then she says…" after you sold THAT, do you have those funds in your pocket…NO…well then you Have spent money "
then I drop Economics 101 on her and say " I’m just inserting money back into the system so as to keep it in perpetual motion " …which is true

My wife…who has a Doctorate … " who are you trying to convince…me or yourself "

edit…long live Eazy


Oof - love the profile pic, brother - nice :sunglasses: