Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

Damn, stay safe, Chris. I hope the fam is locked up nice and tight during the storm. Sending love your way


Batten down the hatches and stay safe!


That’s all cool but to be honest, I am just looking forward to the set with your approved tuning and the blood cable with 4.4mm becuase that’s how I’m going to listen. I’m really looking forward to getting it in.


I was joking about the cap, I don’t know what it looks like.

Palm trees are strong


Holy shit bro stay safe man, the worst I got here was a bad thunderstorm, can’t imagine getting hit by a typhoon and earthquake :skull:


my journey started with these guys and this album…


but the first album I remember stealing from my sister was…



I love Mick Mars…keeping in shape at his age

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Music can be many things. I have one rule for what music i like- if it makes me think or if it makes me shake i dig it.

As much wisdom can be gained from songs as can be gained from books. I was reading a few posts back about guns and constitutions and viewpoints. All of those to me are subjective and i could argue on/for many sides. My own views are complex- as it should be, but i think that the end point of any constitution is about war. Politicians divide us as a form of control, and most people inherit from whichever tribe they belong to the tribe leaders thoughts. Tribes do not want peace, they want to eliminate the competition so that its own thoughts are the “common sense” people clamor about.

One possible antidote to the perils of tribalism was part of a speech given by Haile Salasse in 1936 and again in 1963, and one that Bob Marley popularized/gave voice to in a song called War. While the speech and therefore song is specific for issues arising from Hitler and issues in Africa, i think the wisdom is broad based.

Until the philosophy which hold one race superior / And another / Inferior / Is finally / And permanently / Discredited / And abandoned / -Everywhere is war - / Me say war.

That until there no longer / First class and second class citizens of any nation / Until the colour of a man’s skin / Is of no more significance / than the colour of his eyes / - Me say war.

That until the basic human rights / Are equally guaranteed to all, / Without regard to race / - Dis a war.

That until that day / The dream of lasting peace, / World citizenship / Rule of international morality / Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued, / But never attained / - Now everywhere is war - / War.

One could replace Without regard to Race to any Without regard to (insert characteristic) and it would be true. Tribes idolize different characteristics, although it isnt their only tactic, in order to elevate the tribe. Thus, there will never be peace as dehumanizing others is key.

If you have read this far your attention span is greater than most and maybe there is hope that you can regain your own thoughts from the tribes you belong to. Perhaps an impossible task to be pursued, but never attained.

An easier solution is if we just all got together and had a beer or smoked a joint and talked. From Stephen Hawking via Pink Floyd’s Keep Talking- It doesn’t have to be like this…
All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.



Read it all. :v:
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Some people. are not tribe members. Autism? Anti Social?
I have both and one is related to the other ( I think)
I am not a member of any tribe unless I’m the leader and everyone following shuts the fuck up (that ain’t gonna work)
On the otherside, the two main political ttribes have Harris and Trump as the best offers to lead our country.
Looks to me like those tribe elders have failed horribly, are apathetic, likely sociopaths…



That was the one ELO album I had on Vinyl. At some old second hand book and music store in a country town in England. I remember asking how much for it and the guy said “Well it’s only ELO…” and then charging one or two quid.

I enjoyed it a lot, don’t know what he was talking about!

EDIT: I tell a lie, googled some remembered lyrics and I did have another LP of theirs - Time. I liked Yours Truly 2095 and Twilight.


I am INFP, so i almost naturally detach. Not sure if it is ADD, autism, or just INFP but being on the outside, as you no doubt know, has its advantages.
Most people’s reactions is that they, of all people, own their own thoughts so they negatively reply. I cant seem to do anything to convince them. Yet i still try, and thus your meme has multiple meanings. But it does remind me of Institutionalized by S.T. -“how can you call me crazy when i went to your churches, your schools, your institutions…”
As Edie Brickell sang- choke me in the shallow water before i get too deep.

Have a great day/night, and keep on being independent of others! Cheers!

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Perspective. (Looking at the bubble…not being IN it)…not being involved in “group think” or parroting among the many.



Shoot out incoming?

It seems to me that people don’t pay enough attention to music, few of my friends are interested in it or even don’t listen to it.

For me, music is something more, it helps me in my life, and I can’t even imagine life without it.

Good post!


Right on Anatolyi! I couldn’t imagine life without music, music may have saved my life more than once.

Life is hard, and one of many of my flaws is that i keep bad memories as much as good ones…seems like songs are attached to either. A song plays in the car and in a flash i remember at least one or two moments in life attached to that song. I wouldnt have it any other way tho.

The best is finding something new in music. The first time i heard the album Black Sabbath my jaw literally hung down. The way that Smashing Pumpkins album Gish just itched a certain spot. The Grateful Dead lyrics often have double meanings. The way Bruce Dickinson and Iron Maiden weave a tale. So much more too.

Bob Weir from the Grateful Dead, now Dead and Company, likens songs to space and time traveling beings that want their voices heard, so they come to artists to be made in this realm…or something like that. I dunno if i would go that far, but the songs have to come from somewhere, dont they? Cheers!


The Dead took me on a stroll and i canceled my vid plan.
I’d rather listen to music


I fully agree that there is much to be found in music. I highly value well constructed lyrics. This is probably why I greatly enjoy punkrock (The Offspring & Greenday) and melodic metal (Nightwish, Within Temptation etc. Especially The Offspring holds a special place in my heart because their lyrics resonated with me so much during my teens.


Hi guys, hi HBB!

Tell me, Simgot ew300 has a standard version and an HBB version. Is there a difference in sound settings or is it only a difference in design and appearance?

Nice, shaking on shakedown street! I have moved a fair bit in my life, not like military moving but just a bit. Lyrics in that song have gotten me to try to be more social many times. “Dont tell me this town aint got no heart- you just gotta poke around”.

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