Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

I have kept on meaning to listen to Nightwish. People always say if you like Iron Maiden you will like Nightwish. I dunno if it is as easy as that, but i loooooove maiden.

She is probably one of my favorite Green Day pop like songs, but there are many others. They were huuuuge back in the day. Offspring took off right after Ugly Kid Joe if i recall correctly. In my year of college (lol) Green Day, Offspring, some ska type bands, and grunge would always be played before it got late and Pink Floyd kicked in.


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I swear music takes the place of your mothers heartbeat after birth…at least it helps me cope with this fucked up world lol.


That’s pretty epic…love that comment.

Everytime I hear Paul Simon 50 ways with that famous shuffle on drums I remember like a video in my head…dring in car with her too short to see out the windows…she was happy that day. I was too

images (20)

I wish there was something I could do
To make you smile again”
I said,
“I appreciate that, And would you please explain
About the fifty ways?”

She said,
“Why don’t we both Just sleep on it tonight
And I believe in the morning
You’ll begin to see the light”
And then she kissed me
And I realized she probably was right

5 years old those lyrics were just cool
I know what that means now

Also…steve…yo…the groove


100%, brother. I’ve noticed that as well. Most, if not all of my buddies in the real world enjoy music as in they listen to it in the car or in the office to fill the empty space, but music to me and to everyone in this thread is a lot more than that. It’s a huge part of my life and I make it a point to listen to at least 2 hours of music everyday. When I don’t it just doesn’t feel right… something feels missing for me.


Epic album/track, just soooo cool, laid back but yet so poignant…I was 12 and remember it like it was yesterday…madness how time :dash:’s


1 day to go for the (probably delayed) shipping of the Deuce. Hope they can send at least the first 500, fingers crossed.


I asked them only yesterday which position I was in to know which perks I was getting, and it turns out I was a first 150 so I can do the engraving thing. However they had not reached out to me about that, so my inference is that if even yesterday they are not ready to reach out and offer/finalize engravings, they are not ready to ship.

EDIT: Which is no biggie, just putting that out there


I hope you love them. Would be awkward to sell them and someone have a set with a tattoo of another man on it :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::sob::sob::sob:


I’ve asked them how many men I can get engraved on it, seems like I’ll be able to get 3 standing and then a foot/shin of a fourth on the edge.


During one of my correspondence emails with FF they mentioned I was in the first group of 150 too and to let them know what I wanted for the engraving to which I replied with my request.
Yesterday I received a confirmation where they noted my engraving request and informed me that they will make the arrangements nearer to the shipment period.

I think they are very busy and perhaps a bit overwhelmed with the response they’ve had for the Deuce. Like you it is expected somewhat and not a concern really. They (FF) have been very quick to respond to messages even with the 8-hour difference in TZs. I’m sure they are doing their best.


maybe FF distilled their act…but old habits tend to stick around


On the Deuce front…

Looks like Joyce will be first or got first dibs? Probably through Linsoul.

Or some reviewers have had them and are embargoed?


I whipped this up, it’s vector lines I don’t know if there’s a format I can export that to that works for engraving, or whether I should adjust it to be one continuous line… but if they do images, this is my first choice for what I hope to be bass cannons:

Most likely I’ll just get x characters of words though. I guess I’ll find out, and no harm done.


I’m such a simp; Just gave them a name…


that would be undeniably cool…


If that’s all they’re doing which would be fair enough… I could still have “The usual, sir?” engraved :rofl:


That is cool as fuck. Old Maxel cassette commercial iirc??..very nice :100: :pinched_fingers:

No, there is no embargo. I asked for it to be sent to nobody. She must have the set Linsoul got at London Canjam.
She is kinda cute and speaks well and it’s good to have young women in the hobby so I’m glad she is growing.


That makes sense, she was doing the Linsoul videos last year so she’ll still have that pipeline for products.


That’s the one!

I found out today they are originally a battery company MAXimum dry cELL (maybe another word in there) who made cassettes with waste product from their battery business.

