Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

Fair, my bad. I meant like, is this the crack that I’ve been waiting to inject into my veins? :joy:

Going to email them right now…

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I love bone…I really do


It’s a beast…inject that smack! The sales at Canjam were from people who heard it…not reviewers with x,y and z agendas. It was a nice way to start …that I never thought of. Fatfreq did.


Makes sense. I heard rumblings from someone on Reddit, too, that they’re working on a planar set and had something to show off (hush hush though) at London CanJam.

If I don’t end up picking up the Deuce via pre-order, if they’re too backed up, I’m absolutely going to pick it up at SoCal CanJam. Are they going to invite/sponsor you to come out that way at all? Or probably not?


I have been asked but am moving into a new home from July 28 and am slammed on a personal schedule level. Almost certainly going to the next Canjam in Singapore though.


Makes sense. Good luck with the move, man!

Not sure if it’s an option but if you end up doing like a signed set for Fatfreq to sell at Socal Canjam or anything, let us know cause I’d hold out for that.

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Thanks for the interest. I’m going to do a signed set on my channel. I did for Crin and Giz so Ima do 1 for myself and donate money to an animal charity as usual


You the man as usual!

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Top 10 earphones as of July 2024

Actually Top 9
PMG APX was discontinued so it was deleted


Those graphs not showing on my hbb squig?
Where do you find the graphs or has hbb removed them for now ?

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thanks, thats the link i have and they arent showing up on either the squig or the Github database. Oh well ill just have to chew my nails until release day !!

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I’m keeping stuff to myself.
The DEUCE was an end of August rollout, it got shown at a Canjam and was popular so the word got out.
Jay has a collab coming in a couple weeks so I’d like to respect his rollout and let him shine. Couple weeks after Jay goes I’ll explain the process, the versions, the target, the goals and all that.
It’s Jay’s time right now


Hey, fyi to anyone who wants the HBB x FATfreq Deuce, I pm’ed Fatfreq and they send me an invoice. (Of course, I paid and I got mine incoming.) You get a free red upgrade cable if you preorder similar to the Scarlet mini deal, but it’s an $80 dollar cable. I did have to pay shipping so the total was 223 or so FYI.

Also excited for Jay’s collab. Exciting times!


Thanks for the heads up!


I respect the hell out of that. Damn. That is super thoughtful, Chris. Kudos to you for looking out for your fellow reviewer and forum brothers.


Here is the reply to my request from Far Freq.

Thank you for your message. The new HBB collab is priced at $199 USD, and the upgrade cable is $80 USD. As part of our pre-order special, you will receive a free upgrade to the Blood Red Cable. An invoice has been sent to your email, and you can follow the included link to complete the payment. Please let me know if you have any questions, I’m here to help


Salute GIF by America's Got Talent

All my respect to you my brother.

I’ve honestly started to burnout due to the constant rinse and repeats and heavy business tactics going on this year in the audio world. I got into this out of the love for music, slowly realized how important these little ear things are in-terms of musical experience, and found a place and community with everyone here. I thought of quitting reviewing before, but didn’t because lots of fellow audiophiles were relying on my reviews. So you saying that means a lot, Chris, and gives me hope that this place isn’t just all business and money, and the energy to push through :muscle:

I’ll be ordering a set myself, and I wish the best of luck for your collab brother :saluting_face:

And for those wondering, based off the graph Chris shared, ESTRELLA and DEUCE will NOT be redundant and similar sets :+1:


You may not be able to say just yet but thought I’d ask anyways just in case. Any idea on what target price will be?
Also want to thank you guys putting in the time to review these products and give us your opinions on them. It’s an expensive hobby and what you guys do is extremely helpful for a lot of us. Stay blessed fellas.


Price reveal Friday :+1:

and thank you!