I live in Japan and have no idea who he is.
I gotta put the Hip Hop and Rock down for a hot minute and learn…I won’t though
His tracks are - Makes everything very easy to judge.
Like the “Bubbles” I mentioned, will give you a very good impression of Tech.
I think @domq422 's point was about not being able to A/B every set in your list, not just the top 10 (although your doing that is a feat in and of itself!). Proper A/B is always the ideal and should be the baseline reference for any comparison, but not everyone has the time or means to keep many sets on hand so “by memory” has to be the default for most people in the hobby, unfortunately. That’s why it’s important and appreciated that guys like you who can share actual A/B do it whenever possible (given the constraints of means and time). A lot of reviewers have to go by memory or past notes when reviewing new releases, just an unfortunate fact of life.
Regarding Storm, yeah, never letting her go. For this type of tuning/config, it’s not even that I’m just satisfied so much as I don’t want for anything more. If/when Subtonic releases another IEM, I’d want it to be something completely different and not something to surpass or replace Storm.
That feeling when your satisfied is special. APX SE is that for me so I et that.
Am hoping Duality is special. Fingers crossed.
The chase never ends
Duality is flat out mad and I didn’t even have access to the impedance adapters…can’t wait for your thoughts bro
Oh I remember hearing that for the 1st time. Very cool.
Thanks for the warning!
The site is ready, now waiting for the ssl certificate processing.
I’ll let you know when the site is up and running!
I’m not a massive basshead dude…But I listened to all of FF’s sets except maestro (and yours ) at London’s can jam…Duality made me laugh out loud it’s that mad, it’ll be great to hear thoughts on the finished product
You got me legit excited.
I didn’t have buyers remorse but I DEFINITELY won’t have it now.
I’m hoping that’ll be there at SoCal CanJam. My list is getting massive. It’s going to be crazy.
That’s impressive - it’s that type of attitude and work ethic that keeps the hobby moving forward with the new releases.
dam I hella gotta get one, I’m gonna stop every other IEM purchase for this one lmao
this would be ez pz buy if I didn’t have to close out my paypal since they accidentally turned me into a business instead of personal and everything was messed up, rip me
OOps, wrong thread
Yori is S-tier, but there is his native Japanese musician Kaishiwa Daisuke. He also happens to make incredibly well layered epic tracks. Those are very useful to test the capabilities of headphones.
This is for me equivalent of Pink Floyd’s Echoes in electronic/glitch music. Slowly developing crescendo into wall of sound
I will listen to it today.
There’s a song called “Letter” Cameron likes to use it for testing Imaging too
wow, didn’t expect to see Kashiwa Daisuke mentioned here - love his stuff
april.#02 is my personal favorite, but it’s a bit hard to recommend to people because to get the full effect you need to listen through the entire half an hour piece to hear all the distinct parts build up and transform
Noob question… what would you need to bring to canjam?
Will I need to buy a stronger phone dac? Currently have the xduoo link2 bal max.
How about ear tips?
Anyways thanks again for any advice on advance