Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

Give a Basshead a Land Cruiser and see how long it takes him to put a 18" Subwoofer in it.
Gonna switch to two 15’s later


Funny you mentioned that about your left ear. I may have the same thing going on and being new to IEMs I couldn’t quite figure out wtf was happening.

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Jeez, those woofers!!!


That’s insane. You’re insane…I’m jealous :love_you_gesture::joy:

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Yeah ! Like , hating on someone for no reason dude…

Why so much agression on something that is made to provide peace in the first place.

Business is a seperate thing and let people who are worried about these things solve , but being aggressive sometimes is bad to watch.


Personally, I don’t want to be told when someone doesn’t like me or a collab.
It is their right.
I don’t need to know about it and deep inside…I really don’t care.
I hope Zempire just focuses on gears and quality and ignores noises.


I enjoy reading about why people don’t like a certain collab but when it’s just hate for the person involved, man I wish that shit could be filtered out without me ever getting to read it


I’m happy to be envied for fat subwoofers :grin: :metal:
Earphones are earplugs.
I can rattle other peoples cars from 50 yards with this.
That is power


The power to crack the very ground, and in a vehicle that can then drive through said cracked ground! Great combo!


Agreed. I’ll keep it vague, but you can’t avoid the negative people here, there or anywhere. The important thing is to block out the unwarranted negative comments and stick to the constructive feedback as best as possible.

There are ways to say things and since we’re all adults here, we can all figure out how to do that.

@Anatolyi_ZE in my opinion is doing something pretty amazing. Building something from the ground up, pricing it stupidly low and doing the best he can with communication. Any new business will have bumps in the road and the real ones will understand that.


Good to know that I’m not the only one getting targeted lol

@Anatolyi_ZE Haters gonna hate, don’t take it too personally you did a phenomenal job man would love to hear it someday


Just love what you love. Eff the haters. Earphones aren’t wives, you can have multiple of them and love them all. Just don’t tell my wife how much I spend on earphones. XD


Ah, I remember I saw that post come up.

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Don’t ask, don’t tell situation? You can tell her drinks this weekend will cost more than the tickets.


@Anatolyi_ZE Have you considered making a headphone with a bass shaker? considering what u managed to do in iem, would be pretty epic to see what you would do in a hp which is where this tech would truly shine IMO.
(and not be USB or wireless like the Skullcandy/corsair ones.)


I would buy the crap out of that. Can call it Bass Ultraviolence :joy:


Can call it Bass Ultraviolence

While drinking a glass of milk. :sweat_smile:


Once upon a time, I had Facebook.

Now it is blocked in Russia.

I don’t read any forums other than this one, and I don’t even read other threads.

Now I am concentrating as much as possible on preparing documents and on my website.

Because of the sanctions that restricted payment systems in Russia, I’m looking for all possible solutions and I think I found one, I’m waiting for the company to verify the site so people can pay through the site!

Thanks for the motivating words friends!
You are motivating me! I am trying very hard!!!


What was said that was bad?

I think you missed some comments I made. Nice that you taking things out of context.

That a Hidizs move with the naration of content.
Good job!

I added the second comment so it was not misconstrued as a slight against Analoty and his efforts.

Love this hobby and the negitive shit people wade in.
I fact I even edits my comments about the Trust Factor from Chris and not bring our differences into the mix. I should also walk the walk and keep things on the positive side.

Take off the Tin Foil Hat!
Stop acting like little boy who needs the big bully to fight for him.