Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

An example would help

Same, I rarely see a flat out ā€œNot my thing, I donā€™t like itā€ in description

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yeah I just be ignoring the stuff I canā€™t listen to before buying, like Thieaudio Origin lmao

Man I wish I could hear how it sounds, I need a replacement for my Mext since I was so dumb lmao

that video was the one I needed to see so I could finally admit, Iā€™m not just looking for the best treble with ā€œalrightā€ bass, I wanted the cake and eat it too now lol. I love bass that shakes your head


Internet drama is nothing but a fart in the wind.
People need to learn to get over themselves again. It seems like that is becoming a lost art when the masses gained acces to ā€˜social mediaā€™.


I have seen people call Timmy at Gizaudio a shill and a Crin simp. 60% of that is his library :books: and the other 40% are jealous haters ā€¦unless he helps them out. Then heā€™s really cool :package:

Crin , myself, Zeos, all get that envy that brings out the stupidest of takes that are later walked back.

Nobody trashes any of them in my channelā€™s comments section cuz nobody cares and those people donā€™t buy stuff. They hate the world :earth_americas: because they likely hate themselves :mirror:

I donā€™t trust Z becauseā€¦.

Andrew at HP is aā€¦ā€¦

Crin is ā€¦ā€¦

If you got the jelly in your head go bitch at them. I donā€™t want to read that stuff in the morning


When people are looking for IEMā€™s:
Reviewing and thereby the reviewers can be helpful, discussions can be helpful, even more heated arguments can be helpful. But when it turns into just name calling and ā€œfightingā€ between two or more people it just turn into sad ā€œentertainmentā€. Possibly I am getting to old for internet drama, (Iā€™m 52), but drama just takes up unnecessary time when Iā€™m enjoying myself reading forums :sweat_smile: :laughing:

A poor soul stumbling into some of these arguments online while looking for advice must leave again confused :joy:


it def becomes confusing when you come into the forum and are looking to get a better idea on what IEM works for you. I want to trust and believe every reviewer, but then things get muddy and confusing when arguments occur.

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Been here since 2014 (in the hobby) and never had more than 2 or 3 that I trusted could put aside or calculate their own flaws and bias and just fucking tell me how it sounds and be specific.

I owe @ToneDeafMonk an apology. Itā€™s clear he tried to prep for his Estrella vid and got no support at all.

If folks are going to cry about reviews maybe help the reviewer?? :clown_face:


Indian Audiophile Sale is Live, I am making a guide vid on YT and guess who has the most collab IEMs on sale here?

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No, someone named HBB.

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Alright Thieaudio Origin is a goal at some point for now :')

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Very nice set

Thie now makes

Oracle I & III
Prestige LTD
Monarch II & III
Is there any company including OGā€™s like Empire Ears, Unique Melody or anyone that has 7 legit walk away setsā€¦in the whole hobby?
Name em


There are noneā€¦Thie has been the most consistent manufacturer IMO

and they know how to tune


I would argue that Symphonium has the same consistancy if not the quantity, but their IEMs tend to be more ā€œspecialistsā€ than all-rounders like a lot of Thieaudioā€™s.


One cannot even come on forum and state what their favorite color is without beingā€¦in the vernacular of @domq422 ā€œdigitally jumpedā€


Jon Park and crew have built a fucking arsenal that can go toe to toe with any brand on market. They should pat themselves on back and make a BC set with Sonion like Canpur to work that mid bass and midsā€¦the next stepā€¦just sharing out loud.


Iā€™m ignorant Chrisā€¦who J. Park

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Guy who helps tune and make stuff just a bit diff from others based on user feedback
Oracle 1 (2 was a miss) 3 return to form
Prestige (miss) LTD recover and then some
Mk to MK II to the III (all adding pinches of midbass while keeping the character.)

Brilliant collection based on listening to critical evaluations


Yeah, John Parkā€™s comments on the Origin tuning, @Jaytiss, @Leonarfd and your impressions of the set have put it firmly at the top for my 11.11 contenders.
It looks funky enough to add to my rotation. Iā€™m kinda done with analythical sets. My P8 scratches that itch. Now I just want stuff with sauce.