Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

Also, yeah. The DC Elite hype on head-fi right now is crazy. I’m using my Element 3 MK2 DAC/amp and I’m still itchy to try it but I’m hoping that it’s just hyperbole or just how they feel about it compared to other dongle/DAC amps





I’m the same way, brother, for some reason I like watching reviews in my downtime. A part of me just likes to be up to date with the hobby so people like HBB, Mark from Super review and Jay really do help with that. I won’t be watching Crin and Timmy too much tbh and the Gizaudio channel is still doing alright with Axel at the helm but Dave doing those source reviews are my shit. I love that guys style…

Ahhh I try to keep up as much as possible but watching it on a weekly basis is a no-go for me. I don’t have any time during the day so I rely on FB and YouTube to keep me up to date. I did see that Bron dropped the title to Jey the other day, which is wild to me… I feel like it was too soon. But Jey is crazy over right now so I guess it makes sense.

Yeah, same here. I have a feeling it’s a bit of the hype train making the excitment flow through them. For $400, I could get a 2nd hand A90D on the classifieds and still have some money left over so, for a dongle, I’ll most likely just have to pass until I can get my hands on a demo unit.


In my headcanon, it’s the second “Custody of Dominic” match…


I am just unfortunately a very indecisive person. Especially when it comes to spending cash. So I guess maybe that is why I want to believe everyone. Trying to quiet my indecisiveness and just pull the trigger and not miss out. That is also why I kinda said it gets muddy for me

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It 100% is. Like some cage PTSD. They knew what they were doing. :joy:

@domq422 - yeah, Jey is on fire. I’m hoping he keeps it until he inevitably helps out Roman and then him trying to do too much makes him drop it back to Bron. Bron is the future.


It makes a ton of sense because Bron is a monster but he gets cocky/sloppy. This is the time to take advantage of him and then down the road Bron locks in, stops slipping on banana peels and goes on his run.

Plus Jey had to blow him out of a cannon to put him down. And Jey would be worse off if he didn’t go over. He NEEDED this. Bron’ll be fine


that’s incredible :sweat_smile: It’s so true…


For there to be a custody battle both people have to want him though :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I mean, Prison Dom is not a game.

HBB going to come back like “what the hell just happened, did I click on a Wrestling thread? Why is someone going in a cage?”


Man now I really want origin, only got dosh for Shock tho Lmao

Hopefully I run into Origin on eBay or something


Patience is always key if you want a deal. Everything is hot until it is not, and that’s when used units hit the market to make way for The New Hotness. The more popular the IEM is, the harder depreciation hits when people move on en masse.


I used to jump on everything but I’m starting to just focus on BC sets for funsies, working out well. Barely get releases lol

I’m getting Shock against my better judgement, regret or not we’ll see

Then again if my money’s stuck on this gift card then, guess I get a new GPU lmao

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Yep, thats me.
Headphone rig already sorted and once Duece arrives i can concentrate on getting the speaker rig installed and then im done and will sit back, buy music and enjoy.


Speaking of Ebay…
Just ordered some vintage stuff from U.S. and U.K. and the shipping system is absolute disaster.
Only eclipsed by Etsy…
Etsy makes Aliexpress 4px seem like a good option


Yeah they hella make things not fun to deal with. I’ve been lucky so far but I always cross my fingers

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Probably a lot. (I’m sure of that)

This is today and related to the discussion of toxic hobby
This dude screamed and smashed his GF?/wife…i dunno, anyway he smashed her iphone right in front of my joint (used to be a school) in July

I wasn’t here but he just left it right out front.
Checked the camera and got a good look, tall, dread locks,muscular.
That was 2 months ago.
He pulled in and i knew that van…and he actually got out and kinda posted me…he had about 8 friends with him? 6-8
I walked right to him and asked he wanted my phone? Try that with me
He look away and say’s Nani?
Friend yells “Risa chan sma pho…”
He says gomenasai
I say ,Omae wa mamabōidesu…ne…ne?
No reply, walk away

The internet lacks this dynamic, where a person can walk up, stand eye to eye and say…what did you say?
I used to see Zeos get dragged by folks as being a (insert insult here…all kinds of dragging of Zeos)
Then when those folks started going to Canjam and met him they no longer trash him.
Pro tip: Act like that before the face to face and act like an adult who treats in the way they want to be treated. Typing this is crazy…unless the reader is pre puberty…otherwise, get your shit together.
DM are not for sharing
Don’t change your opinion because you feel better now about (,)
Don’t troll or diss someone you wouldn’t dare disrespect in person.
That last one…would solve nearly all that is wrong with the hobby (humans)


I explained a lot of people who just entered into this hobby that " Don’t Judge too quickly". For zeos specially, he has a magic that whenever I feel like quitting audio - I watch him for 7 days , my passion gets restored ( Just for me offcourse ).

What I understood it it’s a mix of Dunning Kruger Effect & Trying to act cool. And insulting/HATING is a great way to prove that you’re “SAVAGE”. It’s not their fault but the root cause seems to be envy.

It’s hard to ignore but , that’s the only way. Engaging with them is the worst.


Z deserves basic respect.
He got hosed a lot in some livestreams I watched and that all quieted after they met him.
If they hadn’t acted like children protecting an imaginary audio clubhouse they wouldn’t look like the morons they did.
Anyone who labels themselves a true audiophile should be ignored. That’s gatekeeping.

giphy (93)


I get brain dead spam daily but as an animal lover this irked me.
Lets stop teaching pets and just zap them and give them PTSD and fear.
That sounds very stupid Harrison :ghost: