Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

That’s some sick shit right there :rage: should strap one to the sellers balls and plug it into 240V…scream bitch, scream!.


Dogs find scents to rescue children (anyone)
Find bodies, bombs, all kinds of stuff in addition to being a best buddy.
Don’t need to help dog parents communicate directly
I didn’t even know this was a thing?
I hope Harrison gets some Karma someday


I got into a big argument with my cousin one time because he had a shock collar on his small mini Doberman.

I don’t think I was ever that mad at him before or ever again. Fuck that shit. People who put shock collars on their dogs did a horrible job raising them in the first place or simply don’t have the patience to treat their doggie like a second child, because that’s what they are. That’s what they deserve. Not getting yelled at and pushed off to the side constantly so that when they act up, all of a sudden it’s the animals fault, not the humans… yeaaaah. Right.

Sorry, got a little triggered there :sweat_smile:


Seems like such an old and barbaric way to train your dog with fear and pain. Negative reinforcement is never the right way to train mans best friend and it’s bullshit.

Of this also goes to the dog owners that want to mutilate their dogs to make them look a certain way.


Leaving the barbarism of a shock collar aside, the term ‘dog parents’ annoys me to no end. Dogs, and other pets for that matter are NOT your children. They are not human and thus require care that is suited for that specific species.
I love my dog to death, but she is a dog and does not fully understand human behavior. When we trained her as a puppy, we trained her to understand her place in the pack that is our family. This involves mutual respect and understanding. I know when she wants to be left alone, she knows when I want attention. She knows she does not get to eat before us, she knows that the only time she is allowed on the sofa is as a reward etc. (she also has partial ‘Shutzhund’ training. I didn’t finish the training though) ‘Direct communication’ is all about body language. Eyes, ears, tail, stance. All the communcation you ever need to understand your dog.

I mean, just look at her. What kind of monster would ever want to harm an animal like her?


A lot of those that speak ill or talk shit of Zeos are people who go into the hobby 2020 onwards. The have a certain pleb-righteous attitude. A lot in the Youtube audio discord channels.

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14.2 mm DD


The Covid Kids and the folks approached by Hifigo in DM.
Discord is the ultimate circle jerk. Worse than Reddit by a mile.
I hope Z is living his best life. I saw the stress get to him about 3 years back but he seems to be back in the happy life


I know Fatfreq is busy (that’s a blessing actually) but I’m getting sporadic replies like I bought something… :upside_down_face: I don’t have a retail final version nor an Impedance adapter and recent mails have no replies. 5000 units of a $235 set is 1.1 million. No excuses. Do better.


Yeah, it’s been coming days on end before a response. I know they’re flying some of the team out to SoCal CanJam.

I actually asked if I could just pick up my Deuce in person but was told they’re still finalizing (this was a few days ago so IDK). I’m not sure if that means some people are staying behind or what. Unless they fly back Sunday Night, I don’t know if they’ll meet that 30th deadline unless it’s basically all packaged and someone just needs to call a shipping company to pick up


Canjam every other month (it is actually more with other major events) gets in the way and has delayed my own purchases because “the team” were shmoozing (other companies) . Don’t explain the merits to me…it’s obvious. You got a Million dollar project and the guy who’s name is on it getting no reply.
Adapters look nice yeah?
I’d love to try one :melting_face:


Congrats on the sales!!! That’s fuckin awesome!! Have any of the other collabs crossed the million dollar mark in pre-order? Have any of them crossed a milly at all?

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Mele, QKZ x HBB and Olina +Olina SE have all past 30,000 units sold. (The olina is combining the 2). None were pre orders though


Love it man, keep giving the ppl what they want.

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Back on topic…
They gonna make the deadline cuz they are going to Canjam and moving facility and being super sporaic with replies…and I don’t have retail unit or adapter 3 days before they ship…



should we be concerned? especially since you have not gotten the final unit? I def trust you but, as you said you have not gotten the final retail unit in your hands.

Sept. 30th


If they don’t know what words I want engraved on my case, then they haven’t engraved it yet, and aren’t ready to ship. Unless they ask everyone tomorrow, get instant replies, and the CNC machine runs hot for a while.

I’m not too bothered, but I’d love to hear it. Hard to decide if it’s “THE bassy set” I should keep in my rotation when I’ve never heard it. It’s a while to just have a chunk of cash on hold.

If I can hear them some time in October I’ll call that a win.


I originally stated a $1 per set collab to keep price under $200 but w/ship it went to 235 so I said I’d like 1% (standard is 10-15%) It has no impact on the buyer end.
This has become a lot less smooth than hoped and if stated goal was 5000 pre orders (which was stated goal and reached) there should be no issues with overwhelmed. Me having a final off the factory floor set before shipping happens is standard operating procedure


they are on it…