Best bass headphones

No. For some reason the Beyerdynamic headphones as a rule sound better the higher the impedance. I’m sure there are reasons why. I actually think the bass is almost the same in quantity on the 250 ohm, it just isn’t as uncontrolled and wonky. If you want something with more bass than the 770 80 ohm, you might need to look at some other headphones.

I think they have crazy bass I forgot bass boost on once on my k3 while playing zenyatta on overwatch my left ear got itchy inside because of the vibration, I’m just not a big fan of idk how to call it analitycal treble? It sound very thin and clear way to far from real like sound.
That’s the only problem that I have with them.
Oh yeah and the detachable cable but whatever.

Maybe try adding tuning foams on it to tame the treble

Is there a headphone that kinda sounds like k371 but with dt 770 bass?
I don’t own the dt 770 anymore but I was thinking about getting them again probably 250 ohm this time, I had the 80.

I am looking to get a DT770 80ohm now, want a bass heavy close back under $200. Not sure what else is there for around that price. Had the X2 not a big fan. No detail in the bass and highs were siblint