Best headphones for 100$

Talking to a friend today. wants a recommendation for headphones for 100$ he was specific. wants 100$ headphones. crazy enough i couldn’t think of anything. He wants 100$ value for money. I recommended the He4xx. doesnt want to go over 100$ I recomended the SHP9500 60$, he says its too cheap. any recommendations?

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Be a good friend and give him the amount over $100 needed to get a 58x ; )

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no good, he wont go for it. i think he has OCD. besides im not giving him 50$! thats the price for a good dac

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Most importantly what type of music does he listen to?

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iem all day long :+1:

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Same as me. U2, simple minds, pixies, smiths. he doesnt seem to have a sound preference. he doesnt like audiophile stuff. ive been talking to him about it. but he thinks im crazy

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he doesnt like IEMS

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Takstar pro 82, creative aurvana live! , Status audio cb1, m40x are generally the reccs around a $100


Hard work your mate ain’t he lol.


Akg k361 as well not my favorite but if he’s into the brighter side of things the 361 might be up his alley

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I think hes got it in his head that 100$ headphones are great. thats a lot of money to him. hes a frugal guy. but he wants good headphones. ive been talking about open backs. any good open backs for a 100$? It can be a little under 100

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K361 it is although the k371 is a bit better from what people say expect Zeos. No amp needed

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I was using the hifi guides tool. forgot about that. i got the Sivga 007: $87 and SR60e: $80 but open. anyone know which one is best?

Buy both from Amazon return the one you don’t like?

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@Antpage2 So the Sivga SV007 is not as good as the SV006 imo. The Sivga 006 is extremely comfortable, closed back, portable. Much better and still under 100. It will have a warmer sound, ithey aren’t a bassy set, but they are a warmer set. Very solid for the price.
The SR60e is going to be much brighter; with very little bass. A lot of people who are sensitive to treble don’t like the Grados. They have a unique sound that some people end up liking though.
I would say if he doesn’t like having things sit on his ear and wants good low end, either good build quality, and good portability, go with the SV006. If he wants to try something really unique and doesn’t care about bass, but wants detail in the mids and highs, go with the Grado.
But it sounds like the Sivga might work best. It is on Amazon for about 95 USD.
Also if he doesn’t care about build quality the CAL has really nice lows and highs. But they aren’t built very well.

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What do you think is best? the Cal or the Sivga 6?

Get the sivga’s because they’re closer to $100. Lol


Either is good but I think most would prefer the cal


Like I said they are different. The Sivga is a warmer sound, treble is ever so slightly recessed. The CAL are more of a V shaped sound, with good bass extension, less midrange, and good treble. The build quality is not great. As long as you are gentle with them they should be fine.
The SV006 are built much better and will last longer.
I would say the CAL have a more fun sound, and the SV006 are more of a relaxed sound.

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My two favs under 100 are the cal and the k240

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