đŸ”¶ Beyerdynamic DT1990

Hey guys, so here’s something extremely neat. If your a gamer using this as your competitive headphone this little jack https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CTTH00C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1#customerReviews right here? Works to convert your dt 1990 into a 3.5mm therefore allowing access to the V-moda Boom Pro or the Beyerdynamic Custom microphone. Neat little tidbit I found despite it saying its for akg. Note it does descend the v moda a bit low but nothing a little minor mic sensitive tweak wont fix. The mic can spin around just like it can with a shp9500
 shouldn’t be an issue though



do you have any follow up on how the foam piece (Schaumstoffscheiben) impacted the sound of the 1999?
Would be really interesting what the mod does to the 1990.

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Still waiting for the iec711 it should come this week

Maybe i just give them a listen before the iec comes and tell how it sounds i wanted to measure it stock and than with the new pieces i didnt want to open the ring more then ones

Did the iec711 ever arrive? I’m really curious to see how the sound is impacted by the acoustic fleece.

Hi guys, a while ago I bought a pair of defective DT1990 drivers hoping that I could revive and transplant them into a DT990. However, what I found was that both of the super thin wires that lead to the driver’s coil are soldered onto the same solder pad, which obviously won’t allow them to work.
Could someone who has experience with those drivers shed some light on the whole thing?
How could that mistake happen during production?
Is it supposed to be like that and I’m just missing something?
Is there a way to fix it? (I have experience with soldering and access to a fine solder tip, however, those super thin wires are a nightmare to work on)

full res picture: https://i.imgur.com/UFHrMD7.jpg

@M0N . @Falenkor sorry for bothering u guys. But wouldn’t you think the CTH hybrid or the darkvoice would be better than the liquid spark for dt 1990 and hd6xx. if not what is the upgrade form the liquid spark. The asgard is not available where i live. Budget is 350$. My apologies for my poor grammar

For the 6xx yes, but for the 1990 since it can’t be balanced without mods it’s not ideal for the CTH. The darkvoice would give you a different sound, depends on what you are after

You could try and find a used arcam rhead, lake people g103s, or potentially if you can find one a used rnhp in that range would be pretty sweet. The rhead would be the closest to the asgard, warmer smoother a bit more relaxed but still resolving. The g103s would be neutral with a hint of warmth, pretty studio sounding though but still good with the headphones mentioned. The rnhp would be the most capable choice but also more expensive (and only in your budget if you can find it used), it’s going to be neutral/natural sounding without being fatiguing


Was about to say the same. Definitely agreed I think the tubes would be much better for a 6xx and for me personally I prefer them on tubes as it sounds a lot better to me. 1990 I think it really depends on preference like M0N said and will also definitely depend on how sensitive, if at all, you are to brightness as 1990 is quite peaky.

as for alternatives. I was going to bring up lake people but M0N has much more experience with alternatives and is quite knowing in that regard. So I think his suggestions are solid if you can find them. RNHP though is quite something granted its not very powerful as it cannot run the 600 ohm beyers(I stand corrected) it pairs quite nicely with the 1990s

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I actually find that it can run the 880 600 and t1.2 without issue, the thing is you just need a dac with higher gain, it has enough power but the reason it might seem to run out of steam is that the input might not be high gain enough and you push too far into the volume. If you have to boost your gain, try input C as that has higher gain if you find the rnhp isn’t doing it with the 600 ohm beyers, or you can do it in software (but I wouldn’t recommend using software unless you have to)

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How about the jds El Amp II? its 250$

That would be a solid pick, but I would imagine that if he can’t get a schiit product where he is, there is a good chance jds is not an option as well (taking the guess that most smaller US brands aren’t going to be very accessible)

Well its in stock and they ship world wide. On check out I can choose any country.

That would be pretty solid then imo. I do kinda prefer the g103s (for a neutral ish amp) by a slight margin only because of it’s increased stage width, impact, and slightly warmer tuning, but the el amp ii is going to be more neutral sounding with potentially better timbre, but it would depend on the headphone. I might like the 6xx more on the 103s but the el amp ii does something in the treble that works well for the 1990

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actually the el amp ll is available. so the el amp would be better for the dt 1990 and 6xx in the 103s i think i may get the el amp not sure tho. i see massdrop got the aune x7s for 180$ what do u guys think is it any good at that price ?

I mean I would go with the el amp then if you can get one, I would prefer it over the x7s as I think the x7 is brighter and clean but didn’t really impress me

Such as the case with the dac modules from Schiit not allowing you to get the full watt output of the Asgard, is there the potential for other dacs to do the same? Is there anything in specific you need to look at with dacs to know that pairing this dac with said amp won’t hinder how much wattage it can put out?

In theory yes, I guess just make sure the dac can output a voltage near line level

I am a little confused about the charts (comparing the Dekoni to the DIYHeven).
They seam not to match really well. Is there an explanation for that? Which measurement is more reliable?

(I know it is pretty much impossible comparing different measurements without knowing how they got compensated. But if I am not mistaken both measurements do look like they would be RAW right?)

from what I read, the Dekoni graphs are not raw but canÂŽt remember how they are compensated.

the diy audio heaven on the other hand 
 is almost raw - just a bit touched in the low end:

"NO SMOOTHING is applied to the shown plots . Most measurement sites have some smoothing applied which ‘irons flat’ sharp peaks and ‘wiggles’. I do not use smoothing because some info about sound quality is lost when plots are smoothed.

Aside from a small correction of the microphone itself also some correction in the lowest frequencies is applied to the plots to compensate for the perceived loss of bass when using headphones. This is described HERE in more detail.
A ‘ horizontal ‘ frequency response curve on the shown frequency response plots on this website thus indicates a perceived ‘flat’ tonal signature. "


DIY is not raw but does not specifically show what compensation it uses that I’ve ever been able to find. Dekoni is raw but they’re using what I’m pretty sure is Tyll’s old measurement rig but without the ear portion, so it’s totally wonky from about 1 kHz on up. I suggest you just use the Dekoni graphs by simply looking at how their pads compare to the beyerdynamic pads.

Martin: I’ve been looking for the compensation graph shown in the HERE link in your quote for ages. Thanks! Unfortunately, the flat plate rig would require all whole other region of compensation to compare his measurements with the majority of sites that do use an artificial ear.

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