šŸ”¶ Beyerdynamic DT1990

Outstanding! Iā€™ve written whole tutorials on EQ but I doubt theyā€™d add anything to what youā€™re doing now. Iā€™d say, just go back to no EQ at all, then systematically add a single band at a time with a fairly tight Q to see how little negative gain and Q you can use to get rid of each specific problem area in turn. There may be no ideal solution but instead you may need to find a compromise between retaining air, imaging, detail on the one hand and piercingness reduction on the other. Once you have that, you can introduce those additions to your own bass, etc. modified version of the Oratory EQ.

So, so true. And of course his sibilances would be inaudible to you, too.

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I would like to read them still, after all I always kinda wing it lol. I mostly just go by ear and by tendencies that I see in other peopleā€™s EQ settings but having a feel for it is not as good as actually understanding the whole frequency response.

And yes, he listens to his m50x on a daily basis and has never noticed siblance while I can, meanwhile my momentum 2.0 have their treble boosted to open them up a little and he swears that they can get really sharp but I cannot hear it.

Try this https://www.head-fi.org/threads/the-new-hd800-impressions-thread.650510/page-1894#post-15990562


Crinacle - balanced pads - https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq/blob/master/results/crinacle/gras_43ag-7_harman_over-ear_2018/Beyerdynamic%20DT%201990%20(balanced%20earpads)/Beyerdynamic%20DT%201990%20(balanced%20earpads)%20GraphicEQ.txt

rtings - balanced pads - https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq/blob/master/results/rtings/rtings_harman_over-ear_2018/Beyerdynamic%20DT%201990%20(Balanced%20Earpads)/Beyerdynamic%20DT%201990%20(Balanced%20Earpads)%20GraphicEQ.txt

Oratory - analytical pads - https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq/blob/master/results/oratory1990/harman_over-ear_2018/Beyerdynamic%20DT%201990%20(analytic%20earpads)/Beyerdynamic%20DT%201990%20(analytic%20earpads)%20GraphicEQ.txt

not sure why your asking me to try thatā€¦ itā€™s just harman EQ though I prefer the stock sound of the 1990sā€¦ I am just tinkering with it

Alright so, I think thatā€™s good enough. So tygr filters in the 880 and 1990 are something for sureā€¦ They do a fantastic job at elminating a lot of that peak the only issue is if you use something like suedes it becomes so bassy and warm it starts to bleed and some cases of distortion actually. I had to use some EQ for the suedes to dial back the bass push up the vocals a bit more to even it out, zero adjustment to treble because the combo balances the hell out of the treble. Honestly this setup is niceā€¦ I might actually leave the filters on the 1990s because it dialed it just enough to where I can turn it up louder without any issues on my end. Itā€™s definitely still bright with the stocks and velours but itā€™s a good amount of reduction and it adds some warmth that is very noticeable to my ear right out of the gate. I can see why the amiron uses these same with the tygr. Note: the bleed and distortion could be because I didnā€™t remove the foam off the dekoni pads as this issue is mainly with the suedes so far

Hybrid pads are a bit muchā€¦ it sound even bassier so itā€™s a very heavily emphasized V signature now. Honestly I think I just prefer dekoni velour or the stock with these filters at this point. I mean, I guess if you wanted to turn these bassy as hell you could do the other pads but thats rather unecessary(probably choice leather would be best in that regard). I am trying to find hints of sibilance and in order to get to that point I have to really turn up my volume to a rather uncomfortable level(keep in mind testing units are asgard and liquid plat which roll treble too so your experience could vary there) to get to that point. Female vocals seem to be where itā€™s the most present though

Overall I think this is very niceā€¦ 880 responds the best to these since I think the mids may actually be raised on those meanwhile 1990 is quite neutral in that respect so thatā€™s probably why it feels they are a bit too pushed back. I would be tempted to even try using these on some other bright headphones that can make use of such a filter.

Itā€™s not hard to pop off the filter eitherā€¦ just a thin piece of plastic and the ring pops right off just make sure you line it up right and pop it back in with the filtersā€¦ should take maybe a 30 seconds each side

honestly? Feels like the case with the T1 gen 3 but to a slightly less degree lol as thatā€™s quite a bit extreme

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Stock b pads withouth new filter vs elite velour with tyger filter

I like elite velours with the tygr filter the most out of all combinations. These are my own measurements

Secondly i like a pads with new filter. B filters wirh new filters are to dark and boomy


A pads with new filter vs b pads with new filter
i dont know why these boost the bass on the b pads that much


your awesome thanks for putting this up! That explains the treble I am hearing with the suedes it really is dropping below into dark territory with that foam(they actually start to sound like T1 3rd gen at that point). Thatā€™s just nuts. Granted I will say I 100% prefer the 880 due to the more increased mids with this foam piece in as once you put a different bassier pad on I feel it just pushes them too far back

However, the fact that you can clearly see the foam kills that peak is fantastic

Wow so with the Dekoni pads and the TYGR filters the DT1990s seem like such a versatile headphone.

they are indeed very versatile and can change there sound in quite a few ways it seems thanks to the filterā€¦

I will contact beyer to see if they can send me a pair of the tygr filters. I want to try them on my dt770 pros until I get the 1990

going to run a test like this as this throws quite a large wrench in my setup now that I see the 1990 is capable of thisā€¦ 880 seems to respond best here with the filter but I want to be sure. Going to pull out all of my dekoni pads on this oneā€¦ 880 250 ohm, 880 250 black, 880 600 ohm, 1990, T1 2nd gen, and T1 3rd gen. See what the differences are

your in US right?

ā€œThat is part # 934208 and they cost $3.50 each plus shipping and handling. i will need your shipping info to process this order.ā€

send this part number to [email protected] email stating you want to order it with your shipping information they will send you a paypal invoice for the filters. If you contact beyer directly they will send you to their warehousing here for contact.


Sounds like fun!

I am in EU so I guess the part number should be the same but different e-mail?

you may be able to get it directly from beyer at that point, I would reach out to them at that point for further clarification since our stores are different and those filters, unlike the usa store, are actually on the EU store for them known as the ā€œamiron wireless filtersā€

oh loads, It may even change what headphone I prefer from hereā€¦ 880 is already a monsterā€¦ throwing flexibility of its sound into that mix is just wellā€¦ rather absurd and may kill the 1990 for me

Alright thanks for the heads-up!

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Stock B Pads VS B Pads With new Foam Disc


I take it the blue line is the foam disk then? Interestingly, despite the graph of yours showing more bassā€¦ I donā€™t perceive that increase to my ears just the reduction of the treble

yes blue is with foam disc

honestly, it makes the signature how I prefer just with the foam aloneā€¦

Dead honest, first time I ever put down the t1.2 for the 1990 thanks to a small piece of foam. Outside of scaling among lesser units this is quite lovely. Sounds about as bright as the 880 with the filter on which is practically perfect if you ask meā€¦