đŸ”¶ Beyerdynamic DT1990

Sometimes the original is better

Hi guys, new here. My friend let me borrow his 1990 Pro and Schiit Hel 1 dac/amp today.

Today I used it for a few hours for gaming, as I am looking to upgrade from my Cloud Revolver S for competative fps gaming only.

So, I think they 1990Pro obviously has far better audio quality than the Revolver S, aswell as there is so much more detail in the DTs, and imaging and soundstage easily surpassed the Cloud Revolver S as expected from a much higher end headphone. I really do like these DTs, but there is a huge problem for me, the gunshots volume are just far too blazingly loud compared to my Revolver S.

Ontop of that, I am not sure if all the extra detail I now hear is too distracting from a competative standpoint. When I switch back to the Revolver S, everything sounds very calm and relaxed, then I switch to the 1990Pro and bang, there is so much more fine detail fed to my ears from everywhere ingame. But the imaging and soundstage is far superior, that it kind of counter balances it out from a competative view. But then there is the issue of the gun shots being far too loud for my bleeding ears with the 1990 Pro.

I tried the sound lock program, and didnt like it although it worked to reduce the gunshot volume. But it makes all sounds dampened and sound weird when there is gunshots, so I did not like the sound lock app.

Next I tried EqAPO and roughrider VST plugin. Effectively works better than sound lock to lower the volume of the gun shots ingame, but it still muzzles the sound quality a bit and also I feel like it messes with the natural sound stage and imaging of the headphones. So I am not 100% convinced to use this method to lower the gunshot volume ingame.

The 1990 Pro was used with the stock pads. I did not try the other pads, because my mate said it can be a pain to get them on/off, so I didn’t want to mess with it as I don’t want to ruin his headphones. I hear there are other pads available to purchase that can reduce the harshness, I can’t remember the name of them.

Tommorow I may try PeaceEQ or Oratory1990 eq.

Was hoping I don’t have to, because I don’t want to mess with the sound stage, quality and imaging of these headphones.

Or should I return these headphones to my friend and look at other headphones in the market? Or do you think I should stick to gaming orientated headphones so I am not faced with these sorts of problems?

As with every audio equipment. Use it for a couple of days until you get use to the sound. Dont rush and change gear so fast. Unless the treble of the dt1990 is unbearable.

Here is an answer:

So if i change to the other pads in the box, or the elite velour pads, will this negatively effect the sound stage and imaging?

I want to keep these headphones for those two qualities if I can find a way to tone down the excessively loud gunshot volume without hurting those 2 qualities.

 :rofl: plus 10

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The dt1990 comes with the B-pads installed. This ones have more bass, and sound its more forward.

The A-pads (analytical) are more neutraly tuned. I think this is the sound you are looking after since the bass is going to be reduce. I also think this are the one recomended for gaming. Be warned coming from a closed back or regular consumer headphones, this ones are going to sound way different. You need let yourself adjust, because they are going to sound bright and lean.

The difference in sound does not bother me, I can easily get used to it, and actually like it.

The only thing that bothers me is the volume of gunshot ingame. I only have the schiite hel volume dial at about 30%, windows and ingame volume 100%, and the gunshots are still blisteringly loud! This is the only thing that bothers me so I will try my best to find a way to lower it without effecting the sound stage and imaging if that’s even possible.

Im going to try the analytical pads when i get home later, hopefully that helps a bit.

That’s the DT1990. It’s harsh. For gaming, try to find a used HD800(S).

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Another thing you could try is adjusting individual settings withing the game sound.

For example, when I onwed the beyerdynamic t1.2nd I lowered everything else, and left dialog up (because t1.2nd tunning with recessed mids). With Focal headphones I do the opposite, lower the dialalog, and everything up.

Edit: This is game dependent. Some games have better sound engine than others.

I changed to analytical pads.
And I used the RoughRider plugin for eqAPO, and changed the RoughRider sensitivity to -20dB and this sounded alot better in terms of reducing gunshot volume and retaining clarity and detail in all other sounds. Unlike last night when I was using -30dB sensitivity in RR plugin which made all other noises sound really weird and unatural.

Still need to play around with it more before i decide if I keep the 1990s or opt for something else.

I’d demo the TYGRs before I pulled the trigger on DT1990s. I’ve got both and preferred them last time I was playing FPS consistently.

Sure ill check it out, can you elaborate why you prefer tygr over 1990s please?

When I was changing pads, I noticed the base pad underneath had a small crease in it, i.e. it wasn’t entirely flat, as shown in the photo I took below.

I tried to flatten it out but I wasn’t successful.

Would leaving that crease in there like that have any negative effects on the sound?