šŸ”¶ Beyerdynamic TYGR 300 R

Good to now. No more money to spend. Actualy that grey color of the pads is kinda boring for me. Wish it was black i guess.
I realy think i cant buy tygr 300r because they dont send it to my country. :sleepy: I Guess ill go with the dt990 600ohm. Hope its the right choice.

Guys, is mod mic USB easy to stick on the 990?

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oh that all? they make a pair in black for the DT seriesā€¦ as for the mod mic yeah its not a big deal at allā€¦

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https://north-america.beyerdynamic.com/edt-770-vb.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIurGgpO-s6QIVI_3jBx001wELEAQYASABEgKZt_D_BwE black ear pads

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Lots of people talk about the black ear pads changing the sound but YMMV. I have 177x and prefer the Dekoni elites on them so far, didnā€™t care for the stock velour at all.

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Thanks man.
Did you new cans arrive?

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Fedex for youā€¦ they take an eternity hahaha. no they havent delivered

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IMO the black is more pleasant than the greyā€¦

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There are 2 different beyer pads for the xx0 series, the 770 v, and 990v. The 990v are on the 880 and 990 and are softer and more open, where the 770v are denser and less open. Also be careful with the black pads (vb instead of v), imo they arenā€™t as comfortable and a bit stiffer, and also accentuate treble further, I personally prefer the grey pads but that would be a more preference thing

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Too curious with your comparison actualy!

Wow, good to now. Thats a no no for me. I need my headphones to be confortable.

Oh no, modmics out of stock everywhereā€¦:sleepy:

Itā€™s not super significant but was noticeable to me imo

I had to order my modmic directly from the dealerā€¦ this virus has got everything messed up

Do you think it could be because they where new or they are fisicaly diferent?

For sound I am sure there is a difference in sound with both new and well worn in pads, with the black consistently leaning towards brighter and a bit harsher, and itā€™s been that way for most that Iā€™ve talked to as well

Yes if you want to alter the sound sig entirely and possibly the imaging and soundstage of the headphone

You mean for better?

Better is to the ear of the beholder. If you donā€™t like the initial sound sig and want to change it to something else a pad swap can accomplish that

Most definitely will change the sound and comfort. On a side note, dt 880s arrived sat down with them forā€¦ going on 6 hours now. I definitely prefer my 990s over these for competitive gaming. If you go by neutral standpointā€¦ I feel these are far to thin sounding and think the 58x would be better for an all rounder. These seems to fit that niche category and I am not a very big fan of them. According to others the Tygr reduced the treble and the thinness in the sound so I will see that when the get here, it hasnā€™t even shipped which is kinda making me mad lol. I just wrote my review on it sitting here while having to compare it to the k702.

Give the 880s some more time and acclimate to them give them exclusive listening time for a few days and see how you feel.

Yeah, I am planning toā€¦ gotta break them in a bit. Regardless, at this point I plan to return them. I will give them till the end of the week.