Blon B20 vs Verum One

Be aware that it may change the sound and also if your amp can’t power it normally well at all, you would really be better off getting a proper amp

Meh. Word on the street is planars are usually almost purely resistive, so their sound doesn’t change much from an impedance adapter. Even the change in dynamic headphones with a far-from-flat impedance/frequency characteristic isn’t much to worry about until the adapter reaches values way beyond the headphone’s own impedance.

Just wanted to add that it could not that it will, but it probably is something you don’t need to worry about as you say. Also it depends on the planar, some are sensitive to that and some are not (most are not)

Beyerdynamic T1, Hifiman Susvara, Hifiman HE1000, Sennheiser HD800, Pioneer SE-Master1, Grado PS1000e, Audeze LCD-4, Fostex TH900, Ultrasone Edition 8 are all Bright and detail oriented.

The original th900 yeah, otherwise the mk2 is warmer. Also the t1 can be warm at times. And the lcd4 is still darker compared to other headphones.

Let me touch on the master1 because those things are something lol. They have detail to spare but what the heck is their tuning, it just sounds wrong, not really for studio or music lol, it’s just really weird and unpleasant


What I was calling an “attenuator” is an impedance adapter. Single ended that made the amp “see” 32 ohms was dirt cheap from aliexpress , probably dirt cheap elsewhere.

I don’t think these change the sound at all. Except setting volume level. Reading “around” on ASR forums I was led to believe that the adapters aren’t necessary for my amps, even though the manufacturers warnings might indicate “don’t use anything below 12 ohms” or some such. To me, it was just cheap insurance.

The balanced adapter was not so cheap, but still affordable for the peace of mind.

Also I don’t think the Verums are particularly dark, more “warm” than cool yes… darker than the Blon B20, yes. But they have enough treble to save them from “darkness,” imo.

wow, thats a lot of money. 2500$ thats like crazy town money

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That could be a good thing as it discourages people from buying that headphone lol

I thought that headphone sounded really really bad. Like in every way, very bad. It sounded like a hollow, yet sibilant Focal Utopia wannabe.

Yeah its like a failed experiment, which is unfortunate because the design is there but the execution was poor

AKG K812 was also kinda a similar experience to me

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