My Blon BL-01 just arrived and I thought I would share some pics. I did a short listening session last night and I’m pleased with them so far. They definitely share the DNA of the BL-03. I haven’t done any A/B listening yet because I’m still trying to get a feel for them but they seem very similar. The biggest win is the fit has improved for me because of the new shape of the shell. If that were the only thing they changed I would have been happy. I took some side-by-side pics so you guys can see the differences in the shapes. Accessories are pretty much the same (not great). Packaging has been changed and sadly some of the loveable spelling errors have been corrected. Goodbye driams. You will be missed.
Got mine today as well. And one for my wife and ordered one more just cause I needed something small to spent the gift card on. This are just crazy value regardless of crappy accessories. I love my bl03 and the new ones are even better.
Agreed. Pair it with this cable and these tips and you have a solid IEM for under $50. This is where chi-fi is fun to me.
Mine got here today also! Curious to see your thoughts on it. So far, they feel a little heavy for me with my Dekoni Mercury tips, but the sound is everything I would expect of Blon.
I’m sad they took it off the B.L.O.N thing. lol I was expect each phrase to be in a part of the box, but now is just “let music burn”. Blon, you not only given up but also missed a golden oppoty.
Yeah they are definitely heavy little boogers. They are bigger and heavier than the 03. The Azla Sedna tips do a pretty admirable job but they still want to slide out of my right ear which tends to be uncooperative. I might have to go back to Dekoni foam tips for a little bit and see how they do.
Paired with the Lotoo Paw S1 out of the balanced output I’m getting a nice holographic sound with pretty good imaging. Strong textured bass response is still there. It can still bloom into the mids a little bit but for a lot of the music I listen to these are tuned basically the way I would want. They have a thick powerful sound which is very enjoyable for rock / hip hop / electronic genres. The treble is also not too in-your-face so you can turn them up and not cringe on the high notes.
Agree a lot with this assessment. The bass bleed is a little more pronounced for me, but I’m listening single-ended. (BTR5 is on loan and balanced cables haven’t arrived yet). But still, I don’t miss out on anything, detail is pretty good, treble is not airy but I don’t fell like its missing on anything.
Also, I have also received a pair of the Tin T1 plus and they are almost opposites. The T1 is light and with a nice dynamics, but the bass is less and tighter. Also there is that nice air of the T2, but less forward in high-mids/lower treble.
So far happy with both of them, which I didn’t expected.
One thing I have learned in exploring this hobby is that I do not have an “ideal” sound signature that I am looking for. I like having a variety and there is no reason you can’t have different flavors for different moods and music. Now I’m not the type to collect piles of headphones and IEMs but I do like to have a few favorites around that I can rotate depending on what I’m feeling.
Yeah, I have 3 different over-ear headphones and each one have a place in my heart. It’s just I’m not really an IEM guy, use it more on the go and in the work (currently). I wanted to compare the signatures and see what suits better for these use cases. Still unclear though.
Also, just heary bass test track 2049 from the Blade runner 2049 OST and HOLY GUACAMOLE this little thing rumble. This is absurd for 20/30 bucks.
how do you think these would do for orchestral / instrumental (think strings) and ambient electronica?
Listening to some ambient electronic right now and I don’t have any complaints. Imaging is good to track the movements of different ambient sounds, bass is present and authoritative when needed. I’ll have to try it on some more strings stuff later but I don’t see why it would struggle except for the typical budget IEM constraints on soundstage.
I agree although I do prefer the Tin for some tracks, the dynamics are better on it somehow. But yeah, some lo-fi stuff and more bass electronic on the BL01 is definitively a great ride.
For orchestral, I would maybe look elsewhere if you want to hear a more “airy” sound. I don’t know, they sound a little bit dull for me in some songs, especially with strings. But if you want to “tame the highs” without losing detail, then they’re a winner.
Edit: yeah, it’s definitely a different flavor in orquestral. “In the Hall of the mountain king” by the Berlin symphonic orchestra and Edvard Greig, the instrument placement is very different in the Blon. Bass drums and metals seems notably forward, while some strings and other instruments are a little back. The soundstage also seems a little bit full, almost congested. Not bad, but not I look for with this kind of music.
Definitely agree with a more laid back and “dark” sound if you will. They still hold detail really well, even when songs are fairly busy not much is lost.
These might be a good get if you have Tins, the signatures are quite different but both very good.
For the price of the BL01’s they are my default recommend now.
They measure the same as Kanas Pro/Starfield/Fearless Dawn but of course they don’t sound the same.
I wonder how they sounded like since lately they have been popping out from the online store that I am using when I have to buy something nowadays. Of course, with the BLON BL03 existing, I just don’t see myself getting a pair of those unless my curiosity gets the better of me to get one and either it can be a hidden gem for me or in frank sense, a buried dog shit from a backyard. Also BLON really needs to fix their stock cables and tips, for I am just not a fan of the looks and as well as the functionalities of each part.
Mine came in about two days ago and I agree with this. I don’t mind having this pair since my original 03’s broke a while back but it’s not necessary to have both imo. They’re also larger but the fit is a bit better, not spectacular though. The sound is a mix of the 03 and 05 to my ears. Kind of in the middle. For my preference it’s the 03>01>05
Mine arrived a few moments ago. Slapped some foam tips on em, transfer my balanced cable from my 03s and plug it into my btr5. Fire up HF to read y’alls thoughts on em while I listen to my Brand New/ At the drive in playlist. So far really happy with the sound. Samurai Champloo OST is up next. I legit feel like at kid at Christmas!
I see, so the very first version of the BLON BL series is basically the middle of the 2 versions and I guess it caters to people who are like fans of both sounds. I heard some not so good reviews about the BL05 in terms of the sounds, therefore I don’t know about it that much and I think the BL03 for me is just the right sound since I am a fan of the T2’s sound and the BL03 has it but calibrated to a more fun and alive sound which is the way I like.