Bottlehead Crack

That is one quirk many amps have.
There are multi-turn potentiometers. AFAIK there are none that are 2 or 4 pole though.
So an amp with a pair of those would have to have some belt-drive or gear to link them.

Maybe something I can tinker with at some point.

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Is the Alps RK27 the most recommended pot upgrade? Is the stock pot that bad?

The stock one is fine, as long as you don’t have a volume imbalance or crackling.
The larger alps pots have a good rep.

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Yes and maybe. I had channel imbalance with the stock pot that I couldn’t live with. YMMV.

Found this yesterday on sbaf

Looking through my box O’crap I found a 50k resistance Alps blue velvet pot. Will that increase or decrease the volume sweep?

That might be a mod to reduce RF Interference… seen a few on the Bottlehead Forums that have done similar-ish mods.

50K is lower than stock so it would decrease volume range :frowning:

Interesting comment on the choke as it exactly mirrors one of the changes I noticed after my latest mods (one being the choke). “Deeper stage to see through”. I’d describe it as “being able to see deeper into the music” but whatever - different verbiage, same thing - there is “more” there.

Interesting. Maybe i will find out too, somewhere in the far future haha

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Been reading through this guide, useful stuff and it’s nice to see the “upgrades” by order of meaningful impact and the fact that it mentioned the nice to haves but not necessary.

There’s a couple of fun quotes from the man himself which made me laugh. Certainly someone that understands the mindset. lol

“No need for $350 teflon caps or $200 stepped attenuators. My suggestion is to try Audyn 100uF 400v cap from Parts Express and an Alps blue velvet pot. They deliver good bang for the buck.”

“… to further develop the thought, it’s not just that there is a new flavor of cap every week. It’s that so many people want to represent themselves as polishing a turd by putting a $300 cap in a $300 product.”

– Doc B


Lots of stuff! As for burning caps/resistors etc. I always use a radiator (looks like a sideways alligator clip with a coil between the top two tips). Its for eating heat from wires. The other thing that is indespensible is an iron with a fine tip and and the ability to pick a specific temp. Wire to wire - ramp it up. A small attentuation cap on a cap? Turn iron down, consider using two radiators. Lots to learn, do some research, and remember ALWAYS easiter to measure twice and cut once, then repent in leisure.

I’m a promoter of the ECC80. Great dynamics, clear, no microphonics, no sloppy bass. Treble a bit accented, but, not so bad for my almost 64 yr old ears and/or a digital EQ. Can’t wait to get a HD-800(S) on it.



The Alps Blue Velvet pot is one of the best upgrades for the Crack beside Speedball which is the “BEST” upgrade for it.

Cap upgrades! Really…the best cap is “NO” cap…think about that!

Folks that really want to better the Crack and better off looking at the Crackatowa! For a real meaningful set up improvements!

Just say’in…



There’s nothing to think about, take the caps out of the Crack and enjoy DC to your headphones (for a short while before they go kablammo). Yes, there are plenty of non-OTL amps out there but this isn’t one of them. Crackatowa uses output coupling caps as well.

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@lost33, thank you for that, i was wondering what the next level OTL tube amp from the BHC would be and wondering which boutique manufacturers to look at for a really solid OTL style. Any other recommendations? Feel free to start a more proper thread so we don’t take away from this one if you are in the mood to drop some opinions and recommendations…:+1:

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Not saying output or interstage coupling caps are evil…they do affect “Stuff” its just if you can avoid using them your better off…

And there are many amps that are DC coupled with aedequate protection from DC.

IMO part of the Crack mystique is indeed the caps…

And Doc has said a few times with all the mods in Crack your better off just getting a Crackatowa and I agree with that.

He has said countless times “Its the circuit !!”…




  1. Again, the Crackatowa is output cap coupled. If you don’t like caps, that’s not a good choice.
  2. There is no perfect design, they all have “stuff” in the signal path. OTL is simply one of many types of amps. Does it have drawbacks? Yes. Does it have positives? Yes.
  3. Of course the circuit matters. But do you know what often separates better equipment? Quality of parts.
  4. The low cost of Crack allows people easy entry - that’s its entire reason for it being in existence. Given the DIY nature of the amp, it’s only natural that people will tweak down the line. If you want to discuss more expensive, better amps that’s fine - they have their own topics. We all know Crack isn’t the end all be all.

The crack is like kids tuning their Honda CRX, no it’s never going to be an AMG Merc, but it’s just plain fun to squeeze as much as one can out of something that has no business performing at that level.

Ask any overclocker. :slight_smile:


What’s your, or anyone here’s, opinion on the Crackatowa?

Never heard it :man_shrugging:t2:
When I move up I’ll skip everything and go straight to the Mainline.