Buy/Sell and Looking for Thread


  • HBB Olina OG with Tanya filters (+extra) no tips for 60 euro’s (With box + case) - (SOLD)
  • Blon BLO-03 - Quarks DSP and CHU’s no stock tips > all for 30 Euro’s total -(SOLD)
  • Moondrop variations + Box/Case no stock tips +sedna classic/CP155 (M) 375 Euro’s - (SOLD)

Got an EU apple dongle for 5 euros and a cs43131 dongle dac for 15 euros aswell. (SOLD)

Shipping from the Netherlands.


I’m still looking for a pair of KBEar believes to try out if anyone has a pair. Hit me up and lets figure out a deal! :handshake:

Mate, if you are still on tour in Europe there is one available on polish forum right now for around 80$ + shipping probably. If you want I can help you with contacting seller - a very respectable member of the community :slight_smile:


WTB a tin hifi P1 Max :panda_face:! Lmk if you are looking to sell one!


I have been trying out planar hybrids and tribrids lately. In furthering my exploration, I’m looking for the Senfer MT100, MT300, and MT500. I also resold a pair of TRI i3 Pros a while back because I enjoy the OG i3s much more, but I’d actually like to grab a pair of the i3 Pros again for the sake of comparison. Any other planar hybrid or tribrid IEMs that I haven’t listed here aside from the Oriolus Szalayi and TRI i3 (OG) are also welcome.

Now, I know you’re thinking, “But Mr. Anonymous, you can still buy most of those on AliExpress,” and you’re right, I can. That said, I’d rather save a few bucks and keep my money in the community rather than send more than I already do to China. Trust me, they get enough as it is. So if any of my fellow enthusiasts have some of these IEMs that they’re not using much and looking to move, I’d me much more inclined to give you guys some of my cash to fund your hifi adventures or 401ks. Hit me up, we’ll put together a deal, and everybody wins! :handshake::metal::sunglasses:


The rinkos are planar hybrids as well. If you can get past the waifus

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I’m not sure I can support that level of blatant waifu pandering. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

Honestly though, the Rinkos having a planar had somehow escaped my notice. I’ll check them out. Thanks, Cal! :+1::sunglasses:

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The Rinko’s planar might not actually be a planar…


Eeww that’s a bad look. I was already out cause of the artwork but damn, less and less brands can be trusted

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So HBB had a set that was completed before the tuning/ build was finalized, released the review and had been asked to take it down. IDK if that is the same set he ripped apart but what I do know is there seems to be some hard feelings between those guys.


Wow, thanks for bringing this to my attention! Like Cal, I’m not buying because I think their marketing is insulting. This just adds to my dislike for the company as a whole. I’ll go ahead and write them off completely now. There are tooany good companies, making good products, and being honest about what they are for me to bother with something like this. :roll_eyes:

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If you get an itch to try something different I do really recommend the rinko. Gaudy cartoons aside they are very interesting compared to any of my other iems.

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What’s different about the Rinkos, if you don’t mind me asking?

It’s hard to describe because the first thing that you notice is bass. What I think I’m hearing is spaciousness that I don’t get with low priced iems which can probably be due to the timing between the two drivers.

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Also just heads up this is photos from the manufacturer. It’s not a pezio.


Very interesting…Thanks for posting SeeAudio’s rebuttle. I still HATE their marketing, but now I almost feel like I need to get this so I can crack it open if I don’t like it and check the components for myself. Though, looking back at the pics, I wouldn’t be surprised if what’s being IDed as a piezo in that first pic is in fact a PCB or some such for a crossover. :man_shrugging:

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As one unit it honestly looks like the cheap pezio drivers you can get from an electronics store. The issue is anyone taking something apart and making bold claims better understand how it was manufactured. I’m mean a large company could go after a guy in court if it’s damaging which in our hobby could be the case.


Totally agree. Regardless of the possibility of legal action, the better parts of common sense and doing the right thing would suggest that you not make those kinds of claims without being totally sure of the veracity of your claim.

P.S. Sorry for the sidetracked thread everyone. I think we’re done and if we’re not, we’ll move to PMs. I should’ve done that earlier, but alas, it’s past my bedtime and I’ve had a few glasses of Scotch so…:wink:

Edit: Also, thank you once again for posting the reality check on the original info. Well done, sir! :+1::sunglasses:


Scotch solves everything :heart:, and agreed but keyboard warriors will spread info without checking it.

Back to your regularly scheduled program.


Not sure why it added that photo I meant to add the piety lol.