Buy/Sell and Looking for Thread

WTB ~4-5 ft single ended headphone cable for focal clear (2x3.5mm termination).

I am in EU, but should be no problem to send from other parts of the world.

Budget <100



PMd! 10 char


WTB BF2 Silver $550

I’ll bet you do, lol. They’re in really high demand right now with how backed up Schiit is production-wise, even used ones are selling pretty close to retail.


Pretty sure one just sold for that on head-fi a couple of days ago

It did, and it sold within minutes lol. Until Schiit can meet demand, I think you need to offer at least $650

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There was also one on ebay that sold for $750 recently.


pro tip… if you guys are looking for used prices or at least recent listing use:

doesn’t get all sources but is still a good proxy.


Would be interested in BF2, Ares II, Tor Audio DAC or Audio-GD R2R DACs in Europe, max 700 euros in EU

WTB denon ah-d7200 Headphone

WOW! This is awesome.

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thx man, gives one a better idea for what the gear is worth :smiley:

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I also use if that helps too


thx, every tip helps to save a buck when the audio bug stings me again :wink:

Bump! (now that some friends maybe just had a payday)

Of the stuff I listed, I think the SU-9 is a pretty nice DAC: it sounds good, it has a remote control to adjust volume/settings, it has Bluetooth so people in the house can just play stuff from their phone, I really like it. The only reason I’m selling it is because I already own another DAC and I’m about to drop a kilobuck on a new amp.

My beloved WP900 are still available; I reduced price. Only reason I’m selling is I plan on a sizeable purchase in a couple months or so and just do not want to go over my annual audio budget to do so.

I was thinking of making this exact same post but for the states.

Fiio M11 is sold

Listing updated