That’s a tad acerbic- to each their own, right?
All hobbies are a waste of money on some level.
That’s a tad acerbic- to each their own, right?
All hobbies are a waste of money on some level.
I would still listen to some steely dan even if it was almost crap lol, if something is recorded well it’s just a bonus to me, I’m just here for enjoyment. The gear is part of that too lol
Matter of taste, for me it was music from the 70s that got me into audio gear, because how much better it sounded through stuff like planars.
It’s about the music. Always about the music.
Listening only to music that sounds good on your system is like buying expensive watches just because they look good in your drawer.
How would you even know that? And who exactly are you talking about? Most of my music is pretty well recorded, but I do have some rough stuff from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. The newer and better recorded stuff brings me more joy. However my nostalgia for Motown and Classic rock occasionally pulls me back. And the better my gear gets, the worse the old stuff sounds.
I have about six and a half thousand songs in my collection. Most are pretty good quality. If you love the song or the album, the quality doesn’t matter.
I will spend as much as possible upgrading my equipment. I am always shooting for perfection and always falling short.
Shane D
I agree with you completely. Was just pointing out your tone.
Gaucho still sounds as fucking awesome today as it did in 1980, my listening hardware and playback options have changed over the years but genius music hasn’t…play stuff you like to listen on your Phillips cassette recorder if that floats your boat
If fake, white bread soul floats your boat then have at it. Leave me out of it.
try listening to Visions of a whole new world by Lonnie Liston Smith, it’s jazz but omg
Yo! Joe representing boomerphiles! Joe rocks, be more like Joe.
i like joe alot, his teeth are too perfect tho lol. kind of creepy
Who’s joe?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
right above my comment is a video of Joe, an audiophile showing his gear on steve’s channel. cool dude
I think a lot of Joe’s hardware fell off a truck, you know what I’m saying? But hey, he’s got passion for his hobbies.
Theres some really nice stuff in Jazz. But i like improvisation when the best parts of it are taken and constructed into a more coherent piece. Most of the music i listen to started that way. Sting put a lot of Jazz into his music to great effect. Yeah it can be quite nice.
Its country music i hate. i call it “the music that wasnt there” ugh, so mild and unremarkable. its getting better these days but it still carries a lot of southern swagger that i can do without.
Jazz, is music for musicians.
Most of the esoteric stuff is “clever” musically.
My classical guitar teacher was also a Jazz player, and often tried to convince me I needed to play Jazz. I always responded that it took me 10 years to learn to count to 4 and I wasn’t about to go and forget that. (that’s some Jazz humor…)
I suspect people gravitate towards it either because they appreciate the cleverness and enjoy it, or because it’s perceived to be high brow.
I always enjoyed rock music that featured horns. That led me to jazz where I could hear a lot more different horns doing different things.