Canadian made Headphones

aside from just the headphones themselves…I also didn’t realize just how easy it would be either!

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Just really trimmed down the list and added some more, found out that some of those companies no longer exist or moved to the US, so now it should be only mainly CA companies that are still operating to an extent


PSB is affiliated with NAD, at least in that they both use Paul Barton as audio engineering lead. Paul in turn was associated with Floyd Toole and Sean Olive at the Canadian National Research facilities. Floyd Toole’s research into loudspeakers formed the basis of Paul’s RoomFeel headphone tuning – much like Sean Olive’s Harman Target. Don’t know where PSB and NAD headphones are actually made, but they are Canadian by design. But of course Paul is more commonly known as a speaker designer.

That said, what we need up here, of course, is a Zach Meierbach type artisan headphone maker to complement the Canadian artisan headphone amplifier shops. Strange it doesn’t exist, given how artisan guitar builders have flourished here for so long.


Pretty much which is why I kinda left PSB on there since it’s still mostly canadian design, I did take away energy acoustics since their newer stuff is pretty much just klipsch from what I know even if they used to be all ca

That is pretty weird

PSB stands for Paul and Sue Barton, so must originally have been a home-grown outfit. It’s headquartered just a few miles from me but I never had an excuse to go there and now there’s covid.

Ah sorry I was talking about energy acoustics in regards to now being owned by klipsch

It’s worth checking out, psb has some great speakers imo

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I’m fairly sure my mirage M1s were Canadian built. I remember a maple leaf somewhere on those. Not sure mirage still makes speakers though.

Edit: they do, but under klipsch now :disappointed:

Yup, pretty unfortunate

Aw yis, we made it on the list

Being in the industry, see any companies missing? Might as well make the post a wiki so if anyone sees something missing it an be added anyways

Hard to say. As another user mentioned NAD, PSB, and Bluesound are all owned by a Canadian company but NAD was originally from the UK. Does this make them Canadian now? Lots of Canadian companies like Creative Sound Solutions and Dahlquist were sold to American companies so we have the opposite issue. I guess what I am trying to say is I have no real input as I’m only immersed in the world of powered speakers haha.

Yeah I initially had them on there, but then realized they were no longer canadian so decided to remove them, I guess at the moment the goal of the list was for currently operating predominantly canadian companies

Lol np, was just wondering if you could think of anything off the top of your head

of all of these, how many of them have you had the pleasure of demoing?

any thoughts on who has the best price to performance floor standing and bookshelf for under $2K a pair?

Actually a lot of them

That’s an unanswerable question lol

it’s not…it just may be several of them. I didn’t ask for just ‘one’. :wink: