Canuck Audioholics Anonymous CAA Reviews & Fun Banter

Well, much respect to AFUL for sending a review set despite lukewarm or negative reviews of their previous products.

All companies need to grow a set like that, and I don’t mean a set of IEMs … :slight_smile:


Simgot wont anymore, I helped make them rebuild after a bunch of disastrous releases and helped spread the word for the EA500, the love for the Monk has cooled with my criticism of the EM10 and SM4.

Both of those nobody’s talking about now so hype train is gone is seems. This hobby falls into such predictable patterns.


Ungrateful “Bastages” “Fookin’ Iceholes”
@ToneDeafMonk Ya calls em like ya sees em, let the chips fall where they may

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Mail Call Hiby Digital XENO XMEMS HYBRID

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Fugly imo, like 2000s consumer gear, but interested how the xmems sound. There’s been a noble xm-1 chilling on head fi but nary a graph anywhere.

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Shanling Audio M1 Plus
A Mini Mighty Musical Dynamo :100:%

This player does exactly what Shanling wanted to achieve Small, Powerfull, Musical, and a perfect carry DAP.

A clear focus on Sound Quality over features went into this one.

Yes there are sacrifices -
:woozy_face: No off line streaming available
:woozy_face: TIDAL On Line playback only
:woozy_face: UI is not great
:woozy_face: Scrolling Text is terrible to have to endure the 10 sec delay is not enough needs 30, 1min or OFF
:woozy_face: NO SEARCH FUNCTION YET it’s on the M5U?
:woozy_face: No Android/ Play Store so No Acess to Spotify, Apple Music , EBooks …

But… The good stuff far outweighs the bad if you can live without Android and Play store, and primary listen to Hi Res Files and Tidal.

You will be rewarded with the best sounding budget player out there. $209 of Sweet Sound :yum:

:grinning: Killer small form factor
:grinning: Illuminated Volume Wheel!
:grinning: Side function buttons perfectly placed and spaced
:grinning: Design style is not only attractive but also will help prevent damage while making the player easy to use and operate
:grinning: Big Open and expansive stage
:grinning: Bass is not only tactile and punchy, but also accurate, authoritive and deep.
:grinning: Clean mostly uncolored mids with just a smidge of warmth
:grinning: Sparkley treble but not boosted
:grinning: Powerfull great sounding amp section.
:grinning: Balanced frequency response not forward or recessed in its presentation.
:grinning: Holds its own when compared to it’s big brother the M5ULTRA
:grinning: Kicks ass over it’s closest competition the Hiby R4 when it comes to Sound Quality.
:grinning: Steller battery life in Real World useage
:grinning: Lower OI will not color sound and be better paired with all your Headphones and IEM’S

Overall if Sound Quality is what you prioritize over features and your willing to give up all the bells and whistles for a better sounding DAP the Shanling M1 Plus would be a fantastic choice.

With education on what you are getting and loosing with this player, and deciding if your usage needs will be full filled with this DAP, and you decide to pick one up you will be rewarded with a great sounding experience that should pair well with alot of gear.

Tonight chill session the $70 Zebra and DX180

With TRN it could go either way with a hit or shit.
And then there is the QC .

The White Tiger is one of the good ones. $70 like the conch a real winner for sound/value equation.

Not sure how they can stack 3 drivers one on top of each other like this but it works!

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Imma keep it a full stack, idgaf how good those may or may not sound, you couldn’t pay me to wear those out in public :sweat_smile:


Nobody’s going to steal them thats for sure LOL
Gym set is perfect!



That’s actually a really valid point! Hahaha

that zebra pattern, man I’m usually open to a lot but that one’s a step too far lol

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That render must be wrong, not only would you NOT be able to stack them like that, the diaphragms are also faced the wrong way…


I saw that as well unless the drivers are in fact facing that way and the sound is channled out the technically rear of the drivers?

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That just clarifies it even more for me, that metal disk there is for protecting the diaphragm.

Change the pattern to orange and black, and every Cincinnati Bengals’ fan in the universe will want a set.


I love the White Zebra…Sorry White Tiger LOL!

Would have looked Killer in White and Silver instead of the black.

But what you did with the 3 driver stack was epic!

Really love the treble and top end!

:grinning: Fun tuning Bassy , Warmish NON HARMAN
:grinning: Killer clean upper mids and treble love that planar implementation
:grinning: CNC metal shell is light and solid!
:smiley: Did I mention how excellent that treble was!
:grinning: Nozzles work and are well done with distinct tunings. 2/3 anyway
:grinning: Cable is first class and the modular ends are putting the competition to shame.
:smiley: Very Cohesive and well tuned overall
:grinning: New case is steller keep providing these cases maybe even a tad bigger with a mesh holder on top inside for a dongle.
:grinning: Killer Price point and excellent value.

:woozy_face: Looks more Zebra than Tiger
:face_with_peeking_eye: A bit too much bass smearing / Bass Bleed keep it below 200


Let the mid price tier dac shootout begin


Not only fugly in apperance.


Oh what fun is this !
Shanling Audio M1 Plus as transport
IBasso Audio DC Elite as DAC and XDuoo XDUOO XD05 PRO as the musical muscle
ddHiFi my interconnects of choice!

Chilling with tunes like Kilo

He looks like I feel.


Beautiful pup, and I’m not a dog guy at all! My highest compliment! :slight_smile: