Hi, I am looking for a pair of headphones to complement my DT 1990 pros. I like how they sound but sometimes their cold nature is tiring and their treble does mess up some songs in my opinion. So I’m looking for complementary headphones, maybe with a warmer signature. My budget is around 300 dollars and I already own a DAC and solid state amp. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
If “around 300” can be stretched to 350, perhaps look at the Hifiman Sundara.
Depending on how much “warmer” you want, that is. I wouldn’t say the Sundaras are “warm” but they don’t have that cold treble peak of the DT1990.
There are plenty of other options… If you haven’t heard the Sennheiser/Drop HD58x , maybe look there too — save a bunch of money, for a much more relaxed set than the DT1990.
I could stretch it to 350 but I don’t really trust the Sundara’s reliability, I know many people say they haven’t have any problems but also just as many seem to say the opposite. I’m actually really considering either the 58x or the 6xx, I know the price difference is significant but would you say that they do vocals better than the Dt 1990?
“Better” is something I find hard to say.
The HD6xx or HD600 in particular have more forward and more intimate vocals, clearly, yes. The HD58x too, but less so. (if that’s “better” to you, I don’t know). HD 58x has a bit more bass than the HD600 et al, and are easier to drive.
hmm, well… if you like the 1990 but want a complementive headphone why not try the opposite signature? Nighthawk Carbons are dark and bassy around $200 so they would fit there in that price margin, otherwise Sennheisers HD 600, 650, or 58x Jubilee would be a more neutral approach and work well.
I would not recommend a sundara when you already have the 1990 as both are bright signatures
Get the Amiron, it’s warm/dark and on sale for $319 on Newegg https://www.newegg.com/black-beyerdynamic-717525-earbud/p/N82E16826380026
What? The amiron home is definitely not warm signature.
it’s similar to the T1 signature and is rather bright. that peak brings sibilance as well in some cases, plus the pads build quite a bit of heat.
Just going off what I’ve read, every review and description I see describes it as warm and laid back.
where can nighthawk be found?
I believe the wireless version was made that way actually. I haven’t tried it… I just know the wireless was a completely different signature
Looked it up so edit here, yeah the wireless is a warm/dark signature… odd
Discontinued, unfortunately, has to be bought third party. Dig around ebay and other sources… can use hifishark as well to try and pinpoint one… they typically go for around $200 - $300 in mint condition. Just be sure you cover yourself if your buying through like… reddit… Paypal offers protections so use the invoice method to cover yourself
I’m googling reviews and every one describes the amiron home as warm or neutral/warm.
How would you compare to argon mk3?
I used to own the thing, it’s definitely 100% not a warm or neutral headphone it’s more V shaped than anything. Feel free to go ask the others here for clarification on that one bud. That graph shows the amiron frequency.
different strokes, nighthawk is a bit unique. Argons are more mod friendly, bigger stage, not as good imaging, much more low end, not as dark to my ear.
Will argons be good for single player games and movies?
they will be fine. Let’s not derail this thread of the OP further
Well I was considering buying Amiron and everyone reviewed it as a bright headphone.
Well everyone that is considered a legitimate reviewer around this forum at least. You are probably talking about some other version, prossibly the wireless as Falenkor mentioned.
Yeah, I can confirm it. check this out for wireless
big big difference from the regular amirons… so I guess if the price is right for these it could work for OP as well… but amirons tend to be a bit pricey
Quite unexpected that they have this signature. Really caught me by surprise lol.
So yeah since I posted something here I might as well recommend something.
I don’t own these so I am just going by the research I have done and popular opinion.
If I was in your situation I would be interested in: any of the sennheisers people mentioned above. The new emotiva headphones maybe… Tygr 300 for a cheaper headphone. Or for a closed back I would check out dt 177x used if you can find a good deal on them.
edit: Oh also for a more fun headphone to complenet the strict nature of the dt1990… you know to unwind :P… maybe fidelio x2hr would work well