Crin's Tribrid Shootout

The man has spoken!

Mest, no other way. Grab a Mele to scratch the Xenns Up itch for 50 bucks (still cant believe the price)


Ha ha. Ok.

I already have ordered a Mele but it will take a while yet before I get mine.

The guys at Linsoul seriously underestimated HBB and the Blon 03 army.

Only 500 first batch? Gee. I’d love to know how quick those were sold out.


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Pretty sure it was in the first couple of hours and second batch is probably already sold as well.

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Since you mentioned being somewhat new, have you found what you like? In terms of tonality and driver setup?

Because going all out when you dont know that can be…risky…

Negatory. I haven’t really quite found out yet. It is an excellent point however regarding the risk.

I don’t think I’ll be able to try a Mest or a Xenns UP or a Clair or an Oracle unfortunately here.

The only thing I have tried, liked the sound of but didn’t quite feel like paying that much at that point was the Z1r. I really quite enjoyed the Z1r that being said.

Anything you think is close that I can see if I the local shop has that you reckon is similar?


I am not in that price range lol. I mostly deal with the 0-300 usd range.

I do know at least that I did not like the Solaris when I tried it. Found it limp and sterile.

Maybe you prefer something with more elevated bass then.

Sorry for the delay, I sleep and do things outside of this site from time to time unlike @nymz :wink:

I’ll just drop this here…

The IEM everyone should have - Blon BL03had been Tripowin Mele

My favorite IEM around $100 - Fiio FH3

Best Starter IEM - LZ A7. Find your preferred tuning.

TIER1 Best IEMs around $300 - Mangird Tea, Moondrop Blessing 2, TANCHJIM Oxygen

TIER2 Best IEMs around $500 - $700 - Safe tuned - Thieaudio Clairvoyance/Oracle, Xenns Up - Subbass tuned - Thieaudio Monarch, Moondrop Variations

TIER3 Endgame - Unique Melody MEST MKII - Authentic audiophile replay at it’s finest.

You can’t go wrong with any of these IEMs. It’s up to you want you want to spend but these are my recs.


I really hope that @Tfaduh isn’t where I’m from and eyeing the same MEST mkII that I’m hoping no one will buy until I can get them myself ahahahaha

Is the FH3 really the best there is around 100$? I liked it at first but after lots of hours of listening at it’s horrible timbre I prefer listening to mostly everything on my MH1 instead. My musical taste is all over the place, I listen to everything that sounds good from all over the world. Still keeping it in case I need to stick something directly to my Pixel instead of the BTR5 cause it’s sooo sensitive and plays loud even with a Pixel…
Oh, I forgot, I think that bump from 600 to 1.6K also makes them too “piercing”, if that’s the right word, with some female voices. Is there really nothing better near that price?

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It’s his personal opinion. As always, libraries make the real calls here. Im pretty sure fh3 is awsome for prog metal, which i don’t delve into.

For me, it’s the opposite. I’d take Mele over Fh3 any day. Mele + apple dongle or a cheap dap as entry, then straight to Teas. But so far, that’s all it would defer from my rec list to his. This is why I bother him with 10 questions before i buy anything expensive :joy:


I guess not all hybrids/tribrids have this unnatural BA timbre then? I have come to develop a fear for BA’s I think… :grimacing:

Definitely not everyone.

Sony are masters of BAs. For Chi-fi, I say the Audiosense DT100/200 might be called budget Sony BA.

For hybrids, Ikko OH10 and the LZ A7 have notably good timbre for the BAs.

Meaning as good as a DD? Or just better than others?

Nope. Not all. Magird Tea, Blessing 2, etc don’t have bad timbre. A well tuned DD timbre is hard to beat, tho.


I say their timbre is near DD level. Most people probably wont complain.

The bass however is still not that good, certainly better than other BAs but still not comparable to top DDs.

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B2 definitely have tons of BA timbre. Very unnatural and incoherent.


Really? lol

Then I’ve been fooled around >_>