Buds > IEMs for ASMR. Fite me
yeah I agree. They are more open sounding, which helps a lot. Same goes for open-back headphones as well. (its why I hate using iems for gaming…)
Anything with a wide soundstage. For IEMs it’s easy! MEST MKII. Tons of detail and a wide soundstage and fantastic imaging. The bone conduction probably adds to the tingles.
Okay, devils advocate time…
Buds don’t have sound isolation so unless you are in an a anechoic chamber IEMs let you hear only the ASMR.
100% expecting this but with a picture of them instead
DAMN, I don’t have any pictures I haven’t already posted. I’ll need to take some new ones.
The Tea are pretty tough to beat for holographic stage and imaging.
Well, I’m not usually earing to ASMR on the street or some loud places, usually at home, so yeah, isolation is hard to beat.
At home, no comparition. In fact, to pull out even an hotter take, my most expensive buds sound better than my IEMs up to tribids. (yes even teas)
Use earbuds and put some over-ear closed-back for the isolation.
A man that posts photos of the IEM endgame and Mest in the same post. You’re an inspiration. Full end-game there.
Shooting earprotection… less reflections.
(that is better solution lol)
Actually if I’m in bed listening to ASMR, I hate to admit but I use wireless Apple ear pods. I can roll around and fall asleep. I rest my head between two pillows and put my ear where the two pills meet so there won’t be as much pressure pushing the bud into my ear.
I can’t lay my head down on a pillow with a sealing IEM in my ear unfortunately.
IEMs are actually my preferred method of listening to music. They allow me to get closer, hear all the details and feel the stage and imaging all around me as if I’m in the performance.
Personally I use either my Dunu EST112 or my Final Audio E500s for ASMR content. Would love to use buds but the comfort is not there for longer content.
These are the same 2 sets I use for VR with my oculus quest as well.
This is a safe place, it’s ok. I have nothing against a good bt pair for convinience. Already considered xm4 since I use android. You dont always need hifi in your life, specially for media consuption. I usually have LBBS in my nightstand since they give me the best confort ever (and i plug it directly to my mba jack, heresy!!)
You haven’t seen my DMs here then. lol
Got myself a pair of Fiil T1 Lites exactly because of the convenience and they honestly sound great and comparable to my daily drivers. I also blame them for me falling into this rabbit hole of IEMs and now pining for even better sound
I’m sorry I will stop DMing.
Lol, not you guys.
I was just earlier today having to form “detailed impressions because that’s what was demanded of me” as to why I stated somewhere else on the forum why I preferred one set to another.
I guess I can’t give general reasons and simply say I like one set more than another. Everything has to be backed up with FACTS. It’s too bad this hobby is quite subjective.
Nope. Sounds spicy.
Yeah. It’s not that everyone has different tastes, ear formats, hearable range, libraries. Heresy!
Also it seems that if you have a set, you need to know it all. I got PMs in another website from people asking how my Lands sounded vs Spark or Mest. And what makes me give a giggle it’s that their get mad when you don’t have a clue just because you don’t own it or don’t have a clue.
THIS, annoys me to no end…how am I supposed to compare them If I havent even heard them…
(Its literally why I have my database…dont ask me about stuff I dont have there, should be simple right??)