This is one of the big reasons my collection is so large. When you have a set that people are interested in, they want you to help them with comparisons to other items they are interested in/want or sets they already have, so they can tell how it differs from a set they know.
I have purchased many sets just for the reason to be able to speak about it from first hand experience.
The latest set I bought for this reason was the Dusk. I already owned the Variations and the Blessing 2 but I was getting hit with so many questions about the Dusk and how it was different/compared to the Variations etc… I couldn’t answer the questions and it drove me crazy until I just couldn’t take it and I broke down and bought the Dusk. Now I have the Dusk and the Variations and they are completely redundant, but I can speak about them first hand.
Same with the Fiio FD3 I just got. I really didn’t want it but I wanted to be able to speak first hand about it so I had to buy it.
An offshoot of this is what I’ve seen and I can’t prove but I’ll mention it (drives me crazy)… I feel there are some people during discussions really do not have some of the experience with sets they claim to have. I’ve seen it a few times and have asked them to produce photos of the two sets together they are talking about. In both situations it turned out, the persons did not have the sets they supposedly owned and were incapable of producing a photo to show proof they owned both sets.
This is why I share photos of the sets I’m discussing to simply show that I own the sets and have first hand knowledge about them and have no ulterior motive to make shit up about them.