Darkvoice 336SE tube rolling

I’ve been listening to the DarkVoice I got from @donjklassen basically all day today and I love it. In addition to the stock tubes, he included a vt-231 Sylvania and an RCA black plate power tube. I immediately put the aftermarket tubes in and I love the sound.

I tried the stock tubes and while they’re not bad, they aren’t nearly as good to me.

However, what if I used the stock tubes and used the DV as a pre-amp to my CTH? That way I wouldn’t “waste” my good tubes but could still get a nice double tubey pre-amp to my CTH. Or is my thinking flawed here?


Try it and see how it sounds👍 I may own “better” amps but my DV has a Sound signature i adore!


Audibly noticeable… lets see… hmmmm… thinking, yes that’s easy!!

Tung Sol Mouse Ears 6SN7GT

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Anybody here have the specs on the running volatge of the 6SN7 socket? Have a decent 5692 CBS-Hytron that maxes out at 275 volts, I’m told by one so far that it will be burning at both ends of the candle but two others says he’s on crack. the ole 5692 vs 6SN7 debate.

VT231 Sylvania with RCA Black Plates is a Dream Combo…love it.

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You can use any 6SN7, 5692, VT-231, 6H8C, 6N8S, and CV1988 for driver tubes.

Yes, I was inquiring specifically on the 5692. There’s been an ongoing debate on them since Al Gore invented the internet. On their usage in place of 6SN7 tubes. One side says shouldn’t do it because theyre not true replacement, because of the lower power rating on them ( the plates max out at 275v vs 300v on the 6SN7). The other side says it doesn’t matter, most amps designed for 6SN7 cruise along 90-150v (6SN7 socket) so the max never gets reached for either tube! So the question remains, does anybody here know the Darkvoice 6SN7 Sockets voltage numbers?

I used a 5692 tube for 3 years with my darkvoice.


Tall Sylvania 7N7 with Winged C


love the photo :ok_hand: the dv looks even more like a beast than usual from that angle

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Is the Fitz Mod really that easy? Almost carbon copy LED BIas Mod. And does it really effect the low end?

It fixes the hum issue completely, that is the main reason. Yes, super easy. It does increase the output impedance a tiny bit, but it’s a worthy trade off IMO. It also will help your resale value as I sold mine for 30 dollars more than I paid for the thing.


I have the LED Bias mod in place at the moment, (same pins used for the Fitz mod) could these two live together or just pick one over the other?

That much I am unsure about…but pretty sure that only 1 would be optimal.

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These amps sure do sound good though, not the best parts inside of them, but dyaaam they sound good.

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Hey JKD, sennfan from HF here. Good to see you on here as well, although you were probably the main reason why the Darkvoice 336 thread on HF had any activity for a long while, lol. Yeah, 220uf caps are probably as low as you want to go for hum rejection without suffering too much of a bass roll-off:

Sennfan !! Hey whTs up !!

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Madlad @Schizoid did just that (search for “Gonna get lower ESR caps” without quotes):

If you are not experiencing any hum after your mods, then there is no need for the Fitz mod (cathode bypass caps).

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Happy Wednesday


@JKDjEdi ohhh, I must have that Tie, can you tell me anything more about it? Maker, possible seller. Please Tony.