Discussion thread on THIEAUDIO HYPE 2/4/10...; THIEAUDIO Prestige LTD/OG and other interesting IEMs

Hype zehn… sehr gut


Jason…64 uses ‘piggy-back’ design…best implementation for my ears are ‘clam shell’…face to face with a port between them

uhh…oh well…disregard


Hmm, yes. I also disagree that only the 64 uses a “true” isobaric design. I think the result Thie achieved with the H2 (I haven’t listened to the H4 and H10) is impressive. The result is important, after all, not whether we are Americans or Chinese.

Hype 10 bass sounds good but helped by the Sonion bass BA what does the hype 4 sound like without?

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Sort of like voltage vs amps in a analogous way…pressure (V) is about the same but volume (A) seems more…to my ears it just seems it has more density to the sound in the 10…don’t know how else to put it…I’m sure the Sonion 28 UAPs have something to do with that

10 is just a more polished 4…whether it’s worth double the 4 is debatable…I personally love the 10 and prefer it over the 4…tuning not withstanding since they are very close in that department


$1000 Riddle: Name one IEM that has stunning technicality and impressive balance, but not U-shaped, L-shaped, W-shaped, V-shaped?
(Help for the answer: It sounds like speakers in a hall). :new_moon_with_face:


Plunge Audio Unity


I can confirm this.


Copied here…

Well…if anyone really cares…the Mk3 will forlornly live at someone else’s home

The H10 has stolen my heart…it’s my hired gun from now on…there are no flaws with this sucker to my ears

It’s a safe tune in many ways but the way it presents itself to me…Jack of all trades, master of none is quite evident

The lows will grab a note and never gasp for air…mids and vocals are always there but never overstaying their welcome…and the highs are ruler flat with nothing that would make you feel like wtf was that…

Preamble…this is coming from ears that have some miles on them

What sealed the deal for me is the spatial aspect of the 10…this tune is something I use to appraise the value of a monitors stage because of the way Bab’s voice is recorded…it has a hall effect that really stresses that aspect… :pinched_fingers:…those guys at Thie never disappoint


The H2 is also very good with a proper source and good amplification, and at $269 on sale it’s a steal. I think the main problem of Mon MK3 is the U-shaped sound, which for many libraries is not so good. Therefore, it will never fall into my ears, and I will listen with the other TOTL - DTE900. It’s a little monster - everything is compartmentalized, layered, hyper-detailed and flying around your head like a flock of birds. The bad thing is that another IEM must be with SumitFi technical presentation, otherwise it will not satisfy me, but so far I haven’t won the lottery yet :nerd_face:.


Is it really that good…hmm…might have a go


Yes, it plays in a higher league, but the tuning has nothing to do with Thie’s and you may not like it. He is more analytical and technical than musical. I like ultra-techy IEMs because that’s what my library is. :guitar:


Listening to both last night MM3 and H10 I take the MM3 as my overall pick.

Yes the stage is not as grandiose and the bass is less defined from the H10 , but what matters most to me is that the MM3 sounds more musically correct in its less forward mids and the way it presents its more natural timbre and Tonality.

Listening to the Twilight and Quattro as a reference for timbre the Monarch MKIII gets the closest.

I can see the appeal especially at the lower price point for the H10. ThieAudio did well on this one. But I would pay more for the MM3 for my tastes.


I listen to a lot of solo guitar tracks…I’m assuming it would be good for that presentation


Duly noted…Jason…but I must say…to my ears the bass is thicker on the 10

I got my eye out for the Twilight…would like to stack it up next to my Oriolus


100% bass rules over the 2 on the H10 crushes it.

Also if the Hype10 stood for High Performance series would the model not be Hipe? I think it’s a way better name!


I’m listening to psytrance right now and the DTE900 has almost infinite stage depth and height with lots of black space. But the sound opened after about 150 hours of burning. I didn’t believe in burning either, but it’s a fact!


Yup killer set my go to for something energetic the bass damn love that driver!