Dom Q’s spot - IEMs and Photography

Wanted to stop by here really quick and say I appreciate everyone’s contribution to this little thread of mine here, thank you so much to everyone!

I’ll reply hopefully later on tonight to everyone that’s commented and asked some more questions, I just have a busy day ahead of me so I hope y’all understand!

Thank you again!

Ps. I wanted to say sorry to a few people as I didn’t get to their recs - @Ohmboy @SoundEater & @Erokh my bad, boys. I simply couldn’t find the Final Audio stuff for SoundEater. Nor could I find the Hiby RS8 or the MMR IEM for OhmBoy. And the xMEM tech had a small little table across from 64Audio was pretty much packed to the ass with at least 6-7 people at all times, but I really did try to wait in the Queue for as long as possible. I only had a total of about 4.5 hours on Sunday to listen to everything and it just wasn’t enough time. Next year, I’ll definitely be going both days. I did hear from a few vendors that Saturday was a mad house, so many people attended and I’m hopeful that Head-Fi will choose a larger venue with some more space - because even though Sunday wasn’t as packed as Saturday according to a few people, it was actually hard to walk and move around for a majority of the day. Which is an amazing thing, don’t get me wrong - NYC is a small area with a lot of people, especially mid town, but with the support this year, I’m hoping they can afford a larger showroom for larger tables, more seats and more vendors. Needless to say / I’m looking forward to it!

Thanks again, gents. Be back later :handshake:


No worries brah just glad you had such a good time and y’all got back safe and sound :raised_hands:


I must admit, I don’t think I could ever afford the Expanse, but holy sh- they truly were probably my favorite over-ear I heard the other day. Truly a fantastic Headphone. The tonal accuracy literally blew me away. It reminded me of maybe the Annihilator but in open back, over ear form. The line up I was fortunate enough to hear on Sunday was truly god like - I feel lucky, and I feel honored to bring so many impressions to you all. I’m hoping that next year I can do a road trip with @GooberBM and do it together because it’s just an experience I’d like to share with as many as my audiophile friends as possible.


Thank you thank you, brother :pray: coming from you, that means a lot. Your write ups are one of my favorites as you already know and I’ve been trying to sharpen my skills as best of possible so I can be as concise for others when they read! The little man is okay now, but the big city seems like a less than ideal situation for him, for sure. Which I understand- even though it was cold and in the dead of winter for us on the east coast, it was crazy jam packed in NYC - it’s not for everyone!

Falling in love with multi-Kilobuck audio equipment is a dangerous game, I’ve been smitten with my personal IEMs but damn, I really do wish I made just a little bit more money to scratch that itch. The way I see it though, for the people that have loads and loads of money to blow on just about anything they want are definitely lucky, but having to save up for months and years maybe for something specific makes it that much more special when you’re actually able to drop the coin. That’s just the way I have always felt about it.

I would say for someone who loves mid-bass as much as you, I think that the Fir line up would be right up your ally. Admittedly, they are stupid expensive- but the mid-bass experience they provide is definitely something different and dare I say special. The open nature of the DD on those allows for some tactile texture and feel for drum kicks and bass-lines and I’m here to say, it’s not a gimmick - it’s a real thing. So if I were you and maybe one day you’re ready to drop a serious amount of coin on an IEM, the Fir line-up is a good place for you to be. Other wise, maybe the Maestro Minis which, I have to bring over and leave with you so you can listen to them for a days. You have my word, I’ll get this done for you, brother.

Thanks again for the contribution!


Thank you, man! Again - that means a lot coming from you. Your video reviews and impression videos are genuinely one of my favorite on YouTube and I’m not just saying that cause you’re a friend - I mean that. No one else is doing it like you, Jay and I for one appreciate your creativity! :handshake:

You know, on graph maybe it may look a bit strange but actually in person, in that environment, I quite enjoyed them. Probably not enough to buy them, but I think the Trio and Nio were both good IEMs, different enough from one another to justify their existence. The 12t I would say is a different beast. Again, a good IEM, dare I say a great one - however, for doubt the price of the Monarch’s I cannot justify the price tag. I would say they’re smoother, better separated compared to the Monarch’s but not 2x the cost worth. I know I know, the forsaken diminishing return rule hits like a train after say $600, but god damn - 2 Gs? Idk. Not for this wallet.
The OG 07s were one of my favorites during the show, I wish I had more time with them but it literally only took 30 seconds to understand that they were special. Those are actually on my radar to purchase in the future. Just have to recoup my bank account after the trip and the spending spree I’ve been on for the last month or so. Which I will do a round up of in the next week or so when everything comes in, hopefully.

I swear the Diva is deserving of all the praise it gets - also an IEM on my future purchase Radar - genuinely a terrific IEM for people who enjoy damn near perfect mids and vocal reproduction - I think that you’d really love them actually. But that price tag … yeah, I get you. I would say they’re worth the cash but don’t take my words to heart, try em out if you ever have the opportunity!

The UM mentor and the EXT are also two great IEMs which I hope I highlighted properly in my write up - I just couldn’t justify their price tags unfortunately. Especially the Mentor. Super duper smooth replay, but not exactly very special IMO. The EXT is for someone who enjoys a meaty lower mids and mid bass replay with great separation from the rest of the FR. Not the best in terms of Coherence, the low end and the Treble and upper mids do feel disjointed in a semi negative way, depending on your outlook, but still a fun IEM regardless. I value cohesion in an IEM like a single DD or maybe the Monarch’s replay 98% of the time - but I know some people actually enjoy the reply of say the MEST while I’ve heard they don’t have the best mating between the DD and the rest of the drivers in side.

Regardless, all great IEMs in their own way.

The Annihilator though? Best IEM I’ve heard to date. Truly blew my god damned socks off in a way that’s hard to describe. When I’m ready, I’m buying a pair and not second hand either, brand new. I just hope I’m fortunate enough to come across the funds for them
One day.

The orchestra lite were … good. Just good, imo. For $250, they are super comfortable, beautifully made with the clear resin, and the cable was … decent. But for $250, I’d reach for a planar like the Timeless. The Orchestra lite absolutely has that BA timbre which I don’t personally mind, but I’d rather reach for a planar with planar timbre, but has superior resolution and (imo) a better bass replay. But that’s just me!


No problem. I want to ask, how did the soundstage and separation of the Prestige compare to the Mon MKii? Most people say Prestige is a step down from Mon MKii. I’m interested, that’s why I’m asking, otherwise at this price I wouldn’t buy Prestige, I don’t think it’s worth it! :slightly_smiling_face:

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LOL you have multiple boys?!? Noooo my nightmare! :sweat_smile: you’re a more patient man then I, kudos to you, man. I think that with multiple kiddos it would be damn near impossible, especially if they’re not interested in Audio / there isn’t much to do for kiddos at these kinds of events but hey, all a learning lesson in the end.

The Diva is a fantastic IEM for vocals no doubt, I highly recommend them! Just demo first before if you can, that’s a lot coin to spend blindly.

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Thank you, Man - yeah sharing the trip with family was awesome. We try to go to NY once a year, but last year money was tight so we didn’t go - I’m Hoping we can go back around September again and just enjoy the city for a week or so. There’s always so much to do and see in NY, so it never gets old. My wife is the real MVP of the trip, absolutely no doubt - she’s the best. I got her some Sunflowers today because those are her favorite but I definitely need to do some more
To say thanks, no doubt about that.

I do feel like the Minis embrace that analog-type sound a bit better. I’m not sure if that’s what FatFREQ was going for, but to me, the Minis are exactly that - a low-fi like replay with mega bass, reminiscent of a car audio system. The SE has a similar bass replay but with more top end, killing That illusion for me. In my opinion, all of us having multiple sets because they all do that one or two things brilliantly solves that issue of a set trying to do too many things at once - the SE is trying to two things at once but simultaneously cancelling each other out … does that make sense? Idk if I’m making sense at all, but that’s how I see it.

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Hey Dom, thanks for checkin out Trio and Nio! Seems like you quite liked them :slight_smile:
How would you rate that holographic 3D Soundstage compared to EJ07 or your Monarch?
I feel like EJ07M is already pretty special in that regard and I hope for a big step forward with something like Nio/Trio


Absolutely got you next time, man! Thank you again for understanding :pray:

Hmm interesting question, I have to be honest, I can’t 100% remember the staging of the prestige but I think they came off a bit more intimate. It’s weird because the Monarch’s have a fairly wide stage to me, with great height but the depth is lacking so it can somewhat ruin that illusion for me with some recordings.


Yep, two little boys!! It’s tiring, but I prefer that than having 2 girls (or even 3, like my sister!): Boys move more and make more noise (generally speaking), but I can’t imagine staying healthy with a 14-year-old daughter :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I think your wife could have brought your kiddo to Central Park, but it may be too complicated, depending on the place and your constraints.

Anyway, you have learned your lesson, and next time you’ll just tie him in audio cables so he won’t move :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Yeah yeah, sure. You still make up excuses; but I’m not blind. I take note of that new failure to me. I may not do anything soon, but one day… ONE day… I’ll have my REVENGE!!!


May you strike me down with GREEEAT VENGANCE AND FURIOUS ANGER :tired_face:



Oh boy - I absolutely 100% agree with you, brother - I’d much rather have 2 or even 3 boys opposed to have one teenage daughter :sweat_smile: we thought about my wife bringing my son else where but honestly, the city is big and I’m very comfortable with getting around but her, not so much - which I totally respect and understand. Lots of people and the streets look very similar, so not being familiar and comfortable with somewhere like NYC is the perfect recipe to get lost :upside_down_face:

Oh yeah, next time, I’m going to tie him to a poll using those crazy 8 wire cables from Brise audio - he’ll never move again :rofl:


Thanks for the Rec, man - I enjoyed both of them honestly. I would say that the Nio had the best stage with the most space to allow the instruments to breath. I would even say the combination of all things considered, comfort, build quality, aesthetics, sound quality, they were my favorite from 64 I
Tried that day. I would say the OG EJ07 had the best sense of stage for my ears and they did sound quite special.

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Thank you, man! Again - that means a lot coming from you. Your video reviews and impression videos are genuinely one of my favorite on YouTube and I’m not just saying that cause you’re a friend - I mean that. No one else is doing it like you, Jay and I for one appreciate your creativity! :handshake:

Thank you for the love and support homies - it means alot :handshake: Would be a lie if I didn’t say I loved your guys’ writeups as well :heart:

And I totally get it, some sets are really really good like the EXT and Mentor, but the diminishing returns are just waaaay too much unless it’s a truly unique experience like the Annihilator you mentioned - also $3000 USD for the Annihilator :smiling_face_with_tear: Take my energy :star2: :star2: Wishing you the best of luck brother.

I think I’m going to save up for the DIVA next - if it’s a true upgrade to the DMs it’ll more than justify the price (plus the plating is also stunning). Would also love to get to try the Monarch MK2s someday with better fit this time to truly experience what you’re talking about. And come to me if you’re turning into a mid-head I got some good recs :smirk: The OG EJ07s are the definition of mid centric when you blast them.

Maybe I’ll ask Linsoul for a review unit for the Orchestra Lite haha - they look very nice and 8BAs should be plenty for tech as long tuning is fine. Thanks again for the great impressions man - I couldn’t make it but through you I also got a slight taste of some sets I’m interested in :metal:


Nothing but love, man. Seriously, I try not to miss a single video you put out because I know that they’re both informative, and funny as hell with the memes and gifs you use :sweat_smile:

Diminishing returns aren’t truly appreciated until you’ve tried IEMs that cost $3000 - I thought I had an idea but Sunday really put it into perspective. I hate to be a shill, I swear but I swear the Annihilator truly destroyed me in the best way possible - they really do live up to their moniker. The OG 07s were a set I was actually a little
nervous to try - don’t meet your hero kind of situation, but I’m thrilled to report they lived up to the expectations. They were exactly as fantastic as I hoped they’d be. The Diva is a set I believe you’d love, Jay. If you can find a pair second hand, I’d almost employ you to jump on the opportunity. I’m not willing to sell off anything I currently own, so I’ll have to save up and choose to either buy the Diva and wait even longer for the Annihilator OR skip the Diva altogether and just save up longer and go straight to the big boy … I’m not sure…. It’s only been 2 days so I’ll give my self plenty of time to make that huge decision :sweat_smile: and yes, the faceplate is absolutely gorgeous.

Horrible picture, but you get the idea.

I’m not so sure if you’d like the Orchestra lite, they didn’t wow me and the BA timbre took me out of the experience a bit if I’m honest. I’d say, give ‘em a shot and if you can get a review unit, that’d be dope.

If you do end up getting a unit, I’d love to hear your impressions from an extended listen, brother!


This really means a lot. Seriously. Life has got me in a head lock this past month so it was really getting difficult putting out videos consistently - so thanks so much for the morale boost man :muscle:

I also had a little anxiety when I first had the 07s, but that all went away when I really just let go and let the music take me away. Too bad my left DD is being repaired right now - I miss my babies :cry:
And if that’s a horrible picture… :eyes: But since I’m MOST likely getting the DIVA anyways you should probably just save up and go for the Annihilator :joy: I’ll let you try it if you ask nicely :wink: You’re such a bad influence :rofl:

Fine guess I’ll put the Annihilator on the list too :roll_eyes:

Hopefully I can get one brother - not expecting it to wow me or anything :crossed_fingers:


Elaborate, please?


I won’t speak for him, but I think I know exactly what he means. There are no words for how small the improvements are between a good $1500 IEM and a good $3k IEM. They’re there, but my goodness they’ll cost you! And when I hear them I often find myself wondering if they’re even improvements I really care about.

Edit: Very interested to see @domq422 answer though…:face_with_monocle: