Dom Q’s spot - IEMs and Photography

I mean it, man. Genuinely, I look forward to your videos. I’ll let you in on my daily routine if I may just for a second here - my wife goes into work at around 4:30 AM, and after I drop her off at work, during my drive home I listen to some tunes and get ready for my day. As soon as I get home, I catch up on my YouTube feed and if there’s a jay video on there that I haven’t watched, it’s the first one I put on because they’re so fresh, quick and easy to digest and honestly put a smile on my face. So thanks, man. You indirectly get me started on the right foot with your content.

Damn, I’m sorry to hear about the DD in your pair, that honestly does suck - I really hope the repair and the shipping back to you goes as smoothly as possible, man. I know it’s been fishy with shipping to and from China with various companies, especially for repairs or reshells but I sincerely hope you don’t get unlucky. I’m rooting for your pair!

Also - LOL :rofl: if recommending audio nirvana is bad, I don’t wanna be good :sunglasses: hahah if I get my hands on a pair of Annihilators I’ll then see my self out because they are truly end-game material. The Divas again are a specialist set, so having both is absolutely not redundant in my humble opinion but honestly, we’re all a little nuts in this hobby so who care - you truly only live once and you can’t take the cash with you! Indulge, brothers! But let us know if you can get your hands on a pair of Orchestra lite, I’d be curious to see if your impressions line up with mine or they don’t and I’m just crazy :upside_down_face:

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@GooberBM so I would say @JAnonymous5150 kind of hit the nail on the head there.

If I can put it simply, going from say the very best the $350-$500 range has to offer to the star Kilobuck boys above $1k to say, $2000 in that range there, you should probably expect anywhere from a 5%-10% difference in performance, sometimes I would say a little more. But going from my own personal pair of Monarch’s which as we all know are the entry level TOTL, “endgame”, Kilobuck IEMs, to something like the UM Mentor which is literally (somehow?) a $4500 IEM - you really only see a jump of maybe 5% all things considered? That’s insane to me.

Same things can be applied to the other boutique brands like Fir or Noble. Those are all so ridiculously expensive and I, personally, don’t understand the ridiculous price hike. Diminishing returns. That’s the easiest way I can come to something of a conclusion.
But the most extreme version of diminishing returns. That what I meant up there :point_up_2:


At some point you’re just paying because they know you’re in the top 1 to 2% of the market so they know you will. Until people stop paying for IEMs that don’t offer any true R&D stuff to justify the expense they’ll keep charging it. High end audio will always be over priced, that’s just the nature of luxury goods, but what’s going on in the high end IEM market in particular is just silly. Also, the Mentor is a nice IEM, but I wasn’t impressed with it’s asking price as I think I mentioned in the IEM discussion thread or somewhere anyways.


On a more positive note, it’s pretty sick to be able to walk in off the street to a CanJam show and listen to tens of thousands if dollars worth of great gear. It’s just so much fun! I have really enjoyed reading your impressions and experiences and following the subedquent discussion. I think it would be cool if a bunch of folks from HFG decided on one future CanJam to roll deep to.


Ok well now I HAVE to keep up the consistency now :grin: I usually try to go for 2 a week, but sometimes life gets in the way and it’s just not doable - but with your kind words I’ll push a little more thank you brother :triumph:

Damn, I’m sorry to hear about the DD in your pair, that honestly does suck - I really hope the repair and the shipping back to you goes as smoothly as possible, man. I know it’s been fishy with shipping to and from China with various companies, especially for repairs or reshells but I sincerely hope you don’t get unlucky. I’m rooting for your pair!

Don’t worry luckily my warranty was still up so Joseph helped me out - it should be fine :crossed_fingers:

Also - LOL :rofl: if recommending audio nirvana is bad, I don’t wanna be good :sunglasses: hahah if I get my hands on a pair of Annihilators I’ll then see my self out because they are truly end-game material. The Divas again are a specialist set, so having both is absolutely not redundant in my humble opinion but honestly, we’re all a little nuts in this hobby so who care - you truly only live once and you can’t take the cash with you! Indulge, brothers! But let us know if you can get your hands on a pair of Orchestra lite, I’d be curious to see if your impressions line up with mine or they don’t and I’m just crazy :upside_down_face:

Very true but I been indulging myself a bit too much lately :joy: But if I ever do see a DIVA used you know it’s gonna be gone ASAP. Also, hopefully Linsoul is kind enough to provide me the Orchestra Lite - since they’re essentially giving it to me for free I can understand why it may be difficult. Anyhow, I hope I’ll have the chance to visit the states in the near future and hang out with ya’ll!


100%, that’s definitely a good way to put it. At the end of the day, at some point, they do truly become luxury goods with a premium solely to reflect some kind of status, not so much the actually audio advantages you’re getting. $4500 is absolutely a silly price for the Mentors. Just like $9k+ for the SE Trailii is an absolute joke of a price / just thrown out there to reflect how luxurious and rare they are as an IEM. I have no doubt they’re great IEMs but I can never ever justify spending that much on a pair of earphones that cost probably 5% to manufacture all in.

Isn’t that preposterous?! You could be anyone with $30 in your pocket and you’ve just unlocked a door to some Narnia wonderland with infinite audio possibilities behind it - it’s strange. An amazing opportunity honestly. Thank you, man! That really means a lot coming from you as you’re one of the most articulate dudes on this forum with your words and thoughts :handshake: I would absolutely be down for something like that - let’s start the planning! :sunglasses:


I get you, dude / life can be hitting like a truck at times so take your time, don’t rush, do what makes you feel right in your heart and mind - I think your channel could get to the top guys pretty quickly as I think your style just resonates with a lot of folks. You got this, man - I’m here for it :handshake::white_heart:

Joseph is the man :sweat_smile: when I read his name tag and said “are you Joseph from the forums?” His face lit up and he said yes, I told him he’s a good dude and he helps a lot of us here and that we appreciate his help. I hope that improved his day, even if it was Only 1%. That’s a win.

Same, man - indulging is an infectious thing, it’s almost like once you start, you can’t stop :sweat_smile: not if I beat you to that pair of Divas :smiling_imp: just kidding, may the best man win … DRAW!


Come down to the states, man / we will absolutely make you feel at home :handshake::handshake::handshake:


He better bring some nice sets with him or we take him to Amelia’s and not Anna’s :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


No joke dude! When I went to my first show with high end headphones and audio (it wasn’t a CanJam, but a similar event with all kinds of audio), I was literally 6 months clean and pretty broke. I kept expecting someone to refuse to let me demo something or somebody to come up and ask if I was lost, but instead I just had a great time demoing stuff that I was just daydreaming about. It was very cool!

The funny part was I just kept thinking that there had to be at least one person there wondering if they could jack something high end. It makes me laugh now and I guess it might not be funny to my non-addicts out there, but whatever…:rofl::joy: It was just such a random thought!


Damn, EJ07 is a beast
You said Trio had more bass than Nio, I am curious if you realized that there are tuning modules for it? Apparantly you can have 3 different types of tuning with three tubes that come with Nio.
I guess you maybe heard that tube with less bass which improves stage and overall clarity!?
The “bass tube” seems to be too much for some and the bass looses quality and you sacrifice some of that wide stage


I totally forgot to mention that in the Nio portion of my longer post - I actually did not ask the rep which modules were in the Nio, it slipped my mind. But I did ask about the installed modules on the U12t, and the gentleman informed me that they were using the M20 modules which if I’m not mistaken, is the model that provides the strongest bass response with the least isolation. I would say that the M20 module on the U12t sounded just right - if I were to get any less of a bass shelf, I think I would developed the incorrect impression on the U12t. The M20 was just the right amount.

I’m unsure about which exact module was installed on the Nio, but which ever module it was, it was very wide and enjoyable from a staging standpoint. But thank you for bringing this up, I appreciate the opportunity to clear it up :+1:

Thanks for sharing something so personal, man - that sounds tough. A lot of my past family members struggled with addiction so, I’m pretty aware of that life and how much it can effect you even after you’ve become clean. Everyone deserves a second shot, and I’m glad you took yours :+1:

I was definitely a bit nervous walking into canjam and I still can’t explain why - I guess I was going in blind, not knowing what to expect or how I should carry my self going from table to table … in the end, I’m happy to report that it was fun once I got the hang of it all.

Also, I literally kept thinking to my self, “I wonder how many fools try to skip a few IEMs in their pockets while the rep isn’t looking…?” :joy:


Thanks for the support brother :pray: The grind continues! And yup, Joseph’s one cool dude :sunglasses:

Nah man I’m the fastest in the west
Gun-stand-off GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Luckily Linsoul is sending me some stuff so I don’t have to indulge TOO much - BQEYZ Winter coming soon :sunglasses:


And a question for everyone: I’m thinking of rolling out more videos for faster growth since that’s what the algorithm is like, but I’m not sure how I can incorporate and remain consistent with my current editing style since it’ll take wayyyy too much time if I want to do 3-4 videos a week, hence, any suggestions for other alternative formats besides the memes that would still interest you?


Don’t lose your fast-paced style whatever you do bits a different energy than most any other reviewer I watch. Maybe for sets you want to pump out, but not give a great review to, can you use B-roll footage of the sets instead of the memes?


Gotcha. Thing is B-roll takes longer than just me finding memes :sob: I’ll see if I can find something quick thanks man :+1:

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The way there’s no-copyright music, is there no-copyright videos? It would be like searching for memes, but longer form so you could do less searching

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LOL fastest in the west, aye? Well I be considered the fastest in the EAST my friend :sunglasses:

Definitely looking forward to your take on the winter - those carried a lot of hype when they were first introduced with their low price + a BC driver, but that hype died out so quickly I feel like they never got the chance to even step into the spot light.

Also, for your videos and what not, I’d say if you really want to focus on growth without killing your self with time restraints, try to do more shorts. They’re a minute long at most and if you were to do some simple slow-mo shots of the IEMs with some quick key points, maybe throw a meme or two in there, you’ll be good brother! Best of luck, man. I’m here for the journey :handshake:

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Being doing those so far! Using copyright free music :smirk:

@domq422 Great idea man. Maybe I’ll piece together some shorts with memes, dunno how long that’ll take but I’ll give it a shot. Thanks brother :+1:


I mean something like this:

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