Thank you, bro!
Great write up. Didn’t mean to be a kill joy with the DC Elitte. Glad the DC07 pro worked for you. As an ower/reseller of the DC Elitte I didn’t want you to make the same mistake. Nothing but love. <3
Awesome Dom, loved to read it and watch the photos. We who cannot attend can get a look of the experience.
And now I’m even more excited and impatient for Valhalla to be shipped…
Trust me, my expectations didn’t take a single dip after I read your opinion on it, brother, I had such high hopes. And to think I almost bought one off Head-Fi a week before CanJam… oof. Dodged a bullet there haha
I appreciate you, bro! You got a pair of Valhallas!!! You lucky dog… I think you’re going to love them.
Wonderful impressions, Dom. Sorry I missed it, but your words and pics put me there. Thank you.
I’ll get to CanJam NYC some day!
Thank you so much for your impressions, that was a LOT of fun to read.
I’m a little bummed you didn’t have a chance to try out the FlipEars Aegis which some swear is the secretly better IEM of the two (Legion & Aegis).
Also - Can’t ignore the Valhalla anymore with such amazing impressions of it…
I hope so! I was bummed to read you weren’t going to make it this year, brother. I hope to meet you one day.
Thank you for reading! Yeah, there was a lot I missed out on… next year or maybe through a tour, who knows what this year will bring!
And the Valhalla is just incredible. I wish I had more time with them!
Awesome write up and thanks for the pics and thoughts!
I’m not looking forward to ponying up for that Symphonium Proto so hopefully they release later this year so I can recover
Thanks so much!
I do believe the prototype I listened to might be done in the next few months and then their flagship will be out by the end of the year, or so they’re hoping. Time to save up!
I was at the symphonium booth and asked how it compared to past ones they made and one of the guys just told me to try it - my first impression was also Helios but with more sub/midbass lmao. I think it’ll be a hit
100%, I think it’ll be a hit as well.
I told Felix that they need more of a presence on the forums. Their sets are fantastic, they haven’t missed with a set in years and I really do think they could be uber popular with a little more marketing. I even offered to do it for free, I believe in the brand that much. I hope they take me up on that!
Ay bro as long as we get more photos of them from you, you’ve got a vote of confidence from me! Haha
Symphonium does stay up in the Discords, and forums could help raise awareness (lord knows we proselytize for them enough for free haha).
Go figure… I wish I could have Discord, I feel like I miss out on a good chunk of the hobby not being on there but hey, it is what it is. I do think more of a presence on Head-Fi would be super beneficial for them. That large of a platform with that many people… I know it couldn’t be a bad thing.
@wueer01 Thank you, bro! That would be a dream haha
FWIW, I’m old school and I hate Discords/Reddit and prefer regular BBS like we have here. So much easier following things and looking up old posts or info.
I’ve never been on Discord, but I have a feeling I’m probably in the same boat as you. This website is so easy to navigate, I find the layout and overall look really appealing too.
Really great read, thanks for sharing all that!
That was a great read
sometimes the expectations just don’t match the reality, no matter what the graph or reviews say. One’s own ear is the best judge.
I believe these are all the rage right now. All i know is that everything about this set is screaaminngg for me to have a listen. That kind of mid-bass slam mixed with forward vocals and the way you describe the BCD must make for a seriously engaging listen. Plus i really dig its looks
btw @domq422 are these recommended?
I assume this is for protecting the lens against bumps? (and wont change the image?)
And thats so you can have the lens cap always with you?
The Lens hood? That’s for reducing glare in your images on super sunny days, but it also somewhat protects the front element. The downside is, if you drop the camera hard enough and it lands on the hood, you cool damage the threads where the hood attaches, leaving you with either a stuck on hood, or threads that no longer let you use a hood at all. I don’t use a lens hood and haven’t for years.
Buy a UV filter if you want to protect the front of your lens, brother.
And yes, that little strap thing, that’s to attach to your lens cap. I don’t even use lens caps lol I’d rather not have one so I can raise and shoot the pic in a faster shooting situation. That’s just my paranoia though.