Dom Q’s spot - IEMs and Photography

I’m happy an influx of in-depth reviews are coming in for the Cadenza 12. My really quick impressions weren’t the best. However, I really do want to say that my first impressions don’t match up with the high treble boost - to me, they came off fairly smooth and resolving but I don’t think they’re worth the price tag unfortunately.

Regardless, I think they’re a great IEM no doubt and if they were put around the $1000, they’d be highly competitive.


Yes! I felt there was something wrong with these IEMs. Indeed, according to reviewers, it should be somewhere around $1000. Letshuoer overestimated themselves!! :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
I doubt they will have many sales!

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Everybody wants that a piece of that budget pie and that flagship pie, in 2022/2023.

Letshuoer took their shot. It is what it is


It truly is unfortunate - my theory is that the development of the IEM cost a lot more than they anticipated, so to make up for this, they give you this amazing unboxing experience to mask the sub par performance relative to the price tag …

Just a theory of course but for $2k, there are a ton of options.

One thing I also wanted to point out is the graph for the Annihilator from Timmy’s video. I can’t recall seeing the graph ever, and admittedly I did not search it up after listening to them at CanJam but I just cannot believe how smooth the Annihilators are in your actual ear. They would seem to be too forward or harsh according to the graph but irl, they are a marvel of audio engineering.

$3,200 is a big number, but man, I can honestly justify dropping that cash for them just from my short 10 minute listen.


That’s true - if they want a piece of that pie, though, I think being price competitive would be best practice. If they somehow were able to get the price closer to the Monarch MKII, they’d be a killer set, and there’s no doubt in my mind about that.


The only justification I can see for this in their lineup is that they wanted to distinguish this as “head and shoulders” above to 09s which are in that kilobuck territory.

That’s about all I got for you

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Definitely a valid thought for sure. I haven’t heard many good things on the 09s unfortunately and they seem to be way behind the competition.

I say, and I’m not business major or what ever, discontinuing the 09s, slotting in the Cadenzas for a little bit more money, say $1200, would have helped the marketing tremendously.


I really want to find out that this actually was @hawaiibadboy and that he just REALLY goes all out with his icognito disguises…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


All that time in Japan and the Asian part of the world must of really helped him with his accent as well! :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well, that’s it boys.

I’ve made it.

I’ll see you all on the other side :handshake: :rofl::rofl::rofl:

That’s me in the Bloom Audio room, courtesy of @ZeosPantera ‘s latest video. I don’t exactly recall which IEMs I had in my ear holes at the time but it may have been the EXTs, which explains why I was pretty locked in. You can see me kind of give Z a side eye, that boom mic set up thingy he was rocking was outrageous :joy:

You can also see my wife and my son ready to go absolutely insane sitting outside the room waiting for me … but my wife’s story actually checks out. I was curious to see if Z would include that in the video and to my surprise, he did.

Anyways - I thought this was funny. I was waiting for his inevitable video to come out and this did not disappoint.


Can I get an autograph??? :star_struck:


I’m second in line for the autograph! You should start printing out still frames and signing them now. :sunglasses::grin:

P.S. Hold up though, you knew he eas filming when this happened or you only knew afterwards when your wife said something?


LOL I got both you and @Rinderkappajoe with a signed portrait of my self, I’ll even frame it for you both :sunglasses:

The only reason why I knew he was filming is because he did not make it inconspicuous… he had a GoPro strapped to his forehead and if you want the video, you’ll see what he had for a mic set up, it was painfully obvious :sweat_smile:


Yeah, I checked a little of that video out. @ZeosPantera does the “CanJam Grid Walk”! It gives a unique perspective of what was happening. Nice for those of us that could not make it.


Some of my February spending has finally landed.

May I present to you, some of the things I’ve purchased over the last few weeks Pt. 1.

Of course, the Simgot EA500. I think these things have a reputation that provides more than enough detail and glamor as I could ever speak on. Lovely set. Haven’t gotten them out of my ears since I got them.

NiceHCK BlackSoul. Not much to say except, what a gorgeous cable. The gold flake got me.


Pt. 2.

The NiceHCK GreyFlag. Most expensive cable I’ve purchased to date - although, I got a sweet deal on it via AliExpress. Paid around $80 for it. I thought, what the hell, and took a chance. The capacity module caught my attention, not sure if it’s actually going to make a single different in terms of sound quality, but I wanted to take a shot. Even if it doesn’t, it’s a beautiful cable that’s very nicely made. Solid hardware, nice woven material on the exterior and a big plus is that it still remains lightweight, so it won’t tug in my ears after a while of listening. I have the intention of finding the best pairing through some cable rolling - stay tuned on that.

And now, the main event for me personally:

I knew That immediately after I got the opportunity to try out @MMag05 ’s pair he sent out to @GooberBM and I, I would eventually buy a pair of my own. @Rikudou_Goku good sir, you’re a master of your craft.

Not pictured, 2020 Hifiman Sundara with a balanced 4.4mm cable by a company I’ve never heard of by the name of Weishan - really beautiful cable. Soft, supple, does not tangle and has really perfect behavior. $40 off of Amazon and I couldn’t rec it more. The Sundaras are just lovely. I haven’t gotten the proper chance to really enjoy them all that much, but man, they’re damn good for the price I paid for them. Also, Kinera Glaze for the Maestro Mini - really pretty cable, and matches the aesthetic of the Minis well.

Thanks for reading, gents :handshake:


*NiceHCK GrayFlag - couldn’t add it to the post above for whatever reason.


Oh. My. God. Stop. It. Right. NOW.!!!

Yeah, my jaw fell open at the sight of that gold flake in that cable too.

Says the person who’s attracted to sparkly, shiny, glittery things, lol. :laughing:


Dammit, I don’t need this in my life, y’all. If @Lcg842 looks at me with with :dog::pleading_face: asking me when I’m getting the flaky cable, I’m burning this place down!


@GooberBM you bought her a portable tube amp yet for that glow? :smirk: