Dom Q’s spot - IEMs and Photography

You’re not funny! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Does this help? :rofl:


(I ordered it, KAEI TAP 2 mini)


How is it?

That thing is so cool - I too am very curious as to how it is.

Just put in the order. Will share impressions in a month I guess. :sweat_smile:

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Oh I thought that was your pic!

Nah, just some taobao review pics.

Including this:


Man that’s the extra sass the Mest MKII needs. I’m definitely not a fan of its stock cable. I need to dress her in some nice lingerie to brighten her red light!

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:joy::joy::joy::joy: do it, Mags!!! The MEST is one of my favorite looking IEMs with that slated Carbon inlay, reminds of exotic cars, especially Lambos with their forged Carbon.


Am I reading the specs correctly here? 1000mw at 30 Ω?! That seems … really good. Let us know how it actually is, brother. I’d actually be interested at just $120, this thing seems too good to be true.

Most tube (specifically hybrid tube) amps are quite powerful so thats not special among them.

Downside with them is that they are usually noisy with iems. And thus are only good with headphones/buds that tend to have a lot higher impedance.

oh and that it doesnt have a dac, so you need a dongle with it.
So I ordered this as well.

discounted a lot compared to msrp (40 usd).

Interesting. I was under the impression that tube amps don’t usually have a ton of power, shows how much I know, huh? :sweat_smile: honestly, I may give it a shot after you’ve given us your impressions. I could just use my BTR7 through USB-C for desk use … would love to hear the Lancers or the Sundaras for example through it. Thanks for taking the plunge, man :sweat_smile::handshake:

oh lol, no. They are an easy way to get

Been like that for years now. For example the old fiio q1 mark ii (SSD amp + dac) has a power of 220mw@32ohm on BAL. But for around the same price (if not the same) the old little bear B4x has 450mw.

And with more recent stuff, we got the Fiio Q11 with its 650mw@32ohm on bal. But on the other side, the Tap-2 has 1000mw but then there is another tube amp with a LOT more power. the (Zishan) GAD ADV with a whopping 1620mw@32ohm on bal.

Oh and the KAEI TAP 1 tube amp on portable mode has 2100mw@32ohm while on desktop mode has 3200mw@32ohm. :fire:

So yeah, tubes have always been more powerful.

Reason I went for the Tap 2, instead of the more powerful ADV, is that Zishan/GAD stuff usually have a very high OI and you can turn off the tubes on the Tap 2 if you want. (oh and I think the TAP 2 looks better.)


Well, I just learned I need to do some more research lol

Thanks for this insight, brother! I’ll be looking forward to hearing your impressions on this thing, if it’s any good at all, I may look into it.

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Np, I be sure to take some juicy pics of that tube glow for you. :wink:

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Riku really wants someone to burn their money on this tube amp. First me, now Dom.

That’s some real hustle!!!

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You’re an evil, evil man, Riku :smiling_imp:

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How do planars sound on tubes :thinking:

According to this image, the sound quality is quite high. Good synergy.