TH-X00/TR-X00/E-MU Teak/Denon biodynamic general discussion

Thanks for your tips.yes, I know the procedure already, since I had to solder on the Denon driver, I noticed that directly.
It is enough actually if one twists the cable and there some solder on it gives and then only briefly on it holds. i have also in the connection also on it looked I nothing with to have soldered that a short circuit could cause. :slight_smile:
It is also true that although I was njr briefly on it, the driver was already quite warm.

So I’m ready to mod my TH-X00 with the 4pin mini xlr connectors I bought so I can use my SE and Balanced Audeze cables. I just need to know where to solder the blue and brown cable in the male connector that will hang from the headphones. Anyone has an idea wich are? Maybe @MazeFrame?

Are you talking about the blue and brown cables in the X00’s existing wire? Mine was wired blue and brown on left and pink and brown on right. In both cases brown is ground and blue/pink were the +. I don’t know what the Audeze pin assignment is, though.

Thanks, that´s what I need to know, the wiring in the xlr 4 pin.
I will also mod the existing cable to xlr.

mini XLR 4-pin as in this one?

Full sized 4-pin XLR is like this:

Only pinout for Mini-XLR 4-pin I could find is this:




Male to the HP, female to the cable

I found this:

The Dennon AH-D5200 is on Massdrop for $600. From the price I’m guessing this is the 1 tesla driver like the TR-X00 and TH-610.


Yeah, I saw.
The D5200 can’t even come close to the Tr x00 series.
The D7200 would be more like it if the bass wasn’t too thick.
Currently I have the D7200 here unmodded, my modded D2000 on Emu Rosewood cups and the Tr x00 Mahagony just in conversion to Ebony from Emu, so far I can only say that the D2000 has the nose in front from the 3 listeners, I do not see the sense for a D5200 for 600$ where you can find under this price.
If it would be modded by Massdrop then it would be interesting.

The converted Ebony I have to convert the cable to Xlr connector, because with 6.3 plugs he is too weak for me, I was really spoiled with the D2000 because he has an Xlr connector.
But the Ebony sounded not bad for the beginning.
I think the rosewood lives a little bit more.
But let’s wait and see, I want to create a level playing field.

I would still say that the Emu Teak is ahead of the D5200 in spite of the old driver technology and if I wanted to be more flexible with the Emu cups that are offered as an option, there is definitely nothing wrong.
With the Denon there is unfortunately nothing, not even cups.
I would have been interested in the cups from the D5200 to the d7200 if they are not better, :face_with_monocle:.
But in terms of construction of the Denon really fantastic everything is of high quality.

Are the e-mu teaks basically tr-x00s?

Ähm it depend.
The Teak is for sure the better Fostex i find.
The Soundmapping is better i find with the Emu cups as the Fostex.
More focus,more clear,more live i find.
I have only the Cups not the Phone self.
With the Denon and Tr x00 the Emu cups works well.

And the Teaks are better as the Th 610 for the self price.
When you would bought a pair Rosewood cups when you consider to buy the Emu Teak.:wink:

Overall yes. The only real difference is the color of the frame and the wood the cups use (this changes how they sound). The only other possible difference is the dampening on the back of the driver might be different, but I can’t confirm.

As for how they sound, from what hear they are supposed to be more similar to the X00 ebony. I’ve only heard the purple heart so I can’t confirm.


I really want a tr-x00 purple heart but it’s really hard to find

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The Purpleheart is probably the least popular of the Foster headphones because of its FR. You may want to consider an Emu-Teak.

I was recently outbid for a set at nearly 2x it’s normal price. These will only get harder to find.

I really regret not buying one when they were on sale on drop. I was about to pull the trigger but chickened out :sweat_smile:

I haven’t been using these enough over the past few weeks since I got my Hemps and SR80e, been playing with the new toys and all that, but damn did I miss these. They are so big in every way. The cups are huge, like softballs hanging off each ear. The pads (ZMF Ori hybrid) are just big pillows. The treble is clear and detailed without harshness or sibilance. The mids are laid back and warm. And of course DAT B A S S. Kick drum kick you in the head. Deep notes roll like thunder. But then I put on somthing like the Hollow Knight ost and all that bass turns into the most full and lush sounding chello and bass sections while the treble makes things like piano, violin, and harpsichord sound fantastic. The only thing these don’t do fantastic is vocals, and even then these still sound great, just not as perfect as every other aspect of them.

Why did massdrop have to discontinue these? They are so good and Joshua Velour’s review showed that they could still impress and the resulting disappearance of all the ebony stock shows they could have still sold. They should have dropped the mahogany and replaced it with somthing like cocobolo or bloodwood and used that to respark even more interest in them (side note: looking at Lawton’s website is dangerous for my wallet).

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You’ll get your vocals if you do the Lawton mod. :smirk:

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Any one try this Pads?

The Alcantara looks not bad.

I want to try them but can’t justify the purchase since I’ve found my preferred sound for my PH already. They are on Amazon USA so maybe they are also available on Amazon Germany.

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