šŸ”¶ DUNU SA6 Ultra

Dude, youā€™re the most indecisive guy Iā€™ve every seen, and I hate to laugh but it does make me chuckle every time I see you post a comment :joy: donā€™t worry, brother. Wait and be patient and hopefully a pair shows up on the second hand OR dunu will come out with another run of these.


Iā€™m just very dumb with money honestly



Yeahā€¦good luck with that

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You feel such an acute form of FOMO, Iā€™ve never seen anything quite like it

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Same, man, same. Donā€™t feel alone :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Ahhhh cā€˜Mon, be nice :joy:

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I think the stand out for me about this set is nothing seems to get to much extra emphasis throughout the 1.5k -4.5k range. Sometimes I donā€™t necessarily think am IEM treble wise is sharp or to energetic it just has to much of an up front focus for me. It becomes the only think my brain can focus on and is incredibly distracting. It seems from looking at the chart and listening trying to make sense of it that the small elevated climb in that region is key to this sets uniqueness. Just subtle enough to give a slight crispness and snap to cymbals and snare and a tad bit of extra presence on electric guitars for some energy. With a nice touch of air thatā€™s not unnatural. Nothing is ever distracting and fatiguing. It might be the first set that I can say nothing in the treble and even bass is given any extra attention. Itā€™s a little early to say for sure but, I think itā€™s a fine representation of the band playing equally as whole while giving enough forwardness to the singers to place them slightly forward. If your a fan of the dark side and an anointed Tea Cult Member itā€™s mostly safe to say you wonā€™t find this set offensive.


I have heard similar takes for the Yanyin Moonlight. I know their FR graphs are different but how would you compare the two?

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Iā€™d hate to do a recall of the top of my head. Between new rikubuds coming in and now the Ultra itā€™s been a few days since they were last listened to. Iā€™ll try to get a A/B session in the coming days for you.

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HUGE words of praise given all that youā€™ve tried and kept. Wow! My only curiosity would be how noticeable the BA bass is relative to all your other sets.

Nah itā€™s not FOMO Iā€™ve just been trying to upgrade from the Starfield for a while and Iā€™ve tried like 10 different IEMs and had no luck, Iā€™m just tired of paying and not getting lucky so iā€™m always skeptical


Thatā€™s fair. You deserve to get what you want

Itā€™s softer and lacks the extra punch of most my DD sets. Not in any way that is a turn off though. In most songs Iā€™ve listened to today itā€™s most apparent in artist that are heavily focused towards bass. Particularly Pendulum, Crystal Method, Too $hort and Ying Yang Twins come to mind. Sort of takes away from the punch and rumble you expect from those songs. Which are huge part of what they are. I wouldnā€™t strongly rec the set to someone who said slam and punch were their main focus or Hip-Hip and EDM. With that said thatā€™s mainly geared toward this crowd whoā€™s more heavily critiquing and analyzing an IEM. Others new to the IEM world would probably know no differnce.

On Grateful Dead - Sugar Magnolia, Eagles - Hotel California and Rush - Tom Sawyer itā€™s somewhat apparent but, doesnā€™t take away from the overall cohesiveness of the song/band. Bass presence is still there and will implemented to the overall tuning. If anything I thing the BA bass and itā€™s tuning play extremely well together in these types of songs. Whether itā€™s intentional or a happy accident by Dunu I canā€™t say but, it balances well with the treble presentation and overall signature.


BA bass usually have DD beat in some aspects, most notably speed (maybe resolution) and sense of coherency with rest of drivers.

Are you noticing any such benefits of the BA bass or is it mostly negligible?

Iā€™d say the coherency to the rest of drivers is probably what Iā€™m hearing when I said the above. Hard to say exactly since I donā€™t have another all BA set on hand and the last I had was a few months back. Concerning speed I canā€™t comment as of now. Would need to pull up some good test songs and A/B to other sets.


I missed this comment earlier. Thanks for the input. Seems like everyday solidifies more that I should pass on them. I like details but, I also never felt any of my sets to be disappointing. Which for the Oracle2 if more detail means sharp vocals and fatiguing at higher volumes itā€™s now in the territory of one of my instant no goes. Passing on it is a good thing because Iā€™m eagerly awaiting HBB to get the XENNS Top and graph it. Could use the extra funds if it looks in line to my preferences.

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Yup similar conclusion here. Ya it has more treble detail but is it worth the scalability and everything else? No for me at least. And yea the TOP looks interesting for sure. Shell looks beaut :eyes:

Yeah, but the pre-order you kept for the Meteors ought to cushion the blow, right? Gotta love that silver liningā€¦

Cymbals, guitars ā€¦ but we didnā€™t understand does it sound fun or is it another BA set? By the way - Iā€™m not sure that the guitars sound delicious, things are more complicated there. :zap: :jack_o_lantern:

Impressions from Facebook Chifi Audio Group, Sa6 Ultra vs Mest Mk2!

"I donā€™t really have a review platform besides this and Amazon lol. Also Iā€™ve never heard the U12T, but would love to if I ever get the chanceā€¦Hereā€™s my comparison with the Mest MK2

The Mestā€™s bass has better extension and rumble but is also a bit slower. The Dunu has good rumble but is more of a punchy bass. Mest is like a ported 15ā€ subwoofer, while the Dunu is like a sealed 12ā€.

Midrange of the 2 sets are pretty comparable, with the Mest having a bit more weight behind notes and the Dunu having a little more energy in the presence region. I donā€™t like breezing over this section, but honestly both sets are excellent.

Treble on both are outstanding. The Mest manages to produce a little more detail, but it feels segregated from the rest of the music. Like having tiny cymbals behind your eye balls šŸ¤Ŗ. Itā€™s a very unique experience. Iā€™ve heard other EST sets, and the treble usually sounds a bit weightless. The Mest doesnā€™t have this issue, and if I were to guess itā€™s where the BC driver is really assisting. Itā€™s a very unique experience but not the most true to life. The Dunu on the other hand is very coherent and accompanies the rest of the frequencies to make one common sound. it has great extension, providing excellent micro details and air. ļæ¼

Soundstage and imaging of both are very good, I think the largest difference is the Mest has a darker background (exaggerated space between instruments). This gives the impression of more pin point like imaging.

Build and fit of both are very good, but I find the Dunu more comfortable for long-term listening. Iā€™ve never had a custom set, but the Dunu is the most comfortable IEM Iā€™ve ever worn.

In summary Iā€™d consider the Mest MK2 an amazing earphone and an audio enthusiastā€™s set. The Dunu on the other hand is closer to true audiophile gear. If they decided to mass produce the Ultra, I think it would be a major market disrupter. Similar to the likes of the Timeless, Thieaudio Monarch/Clarvoyance siblings, and the Moondrop Blessing 2.
Both sets are well balanced with a focus on mids, but the Mest does have a stronger emphasis on bass. Thatā€™s personably the biggest difference between the 2 in terms of FR"


ā€œMest MK2 has slightly (and I mean slightly) more detail retrieval in the upper register. But also the overall timbre is a mix mash vs this one which is coherent and smooth. For this to be so comparable to something that costs 3X the amount is a huge win. Iā€™d be interested in hearing someone A/B it with a U12T (which is probably a more apples to apples match)ā€