đŸ”¶ DUNU SA6 Ultra

lol he literally just posted another video, wild

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Anyone got their Ultras yet? :slight_smile:

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Well I got annoyed with Hifigo and asked what was taking so long with shipping. They said:

Your order has not been shipped yet.

Since the SA6 ULTRA is rather special, it is man-made instead of machine-made, and the daily output is only 10-20 pieces.

And the supply is short.

So we will ship to you within 2-3 weeks by sequence according to the customer’s order.

So I guess these are being made to order? Strange but I feel better about the wait.

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Mine are currently in my state. Hoping they should be here NLT Friday.

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Mine have reached the sorting facility in my country :star_struck: So Is should have it this week if all goes according to schedule.
Very excited, not just for me, but for everyone who managed to snag a pair.


Mine was delivered already but only will get hold of it tomorrow morning.

Hyped to say the least.


Congrats to you guys - looking forward to everyone’s input :metal:

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Can’t wait to hear your thoughts in the coming days weeks. We need our dark overlords word on how it compares to the Oracle MKII.

Edit: Just saw mine is out for delivery. Should be delivered by the time I get off from work.


Dang I should’ve went with express too haha. Ohwell. Not risking custom fees again :grimacing: Got hit by a $50 custom last time for $40 item like bruh. I’ll try to compare it to my friend’s Oracle2 and the EJ/DM :sunglasses:

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You know my taste to well throwing the EJ/DM in the mix. This would be most gracious of you to try to compare to. I’ve been eyeing the Oracle MKII just worried it might be a little to energetic/sharp in the top end for me. It’s the slight downward slope at 2k and then the rise to 3k that has me worried it might come across as to sharp/energetic. Closest I have to the 3k peak is the KL but, it doesn’t have the lower slope preceding it which I believe helps the peak not sound as prominent. Even then the KL seems to ride a fine line to almost being to much for me. It’s one of the only IEMs that I don’t consider high volume approved for my taste.


Oracle2 would be too much treble for you probably. My ears started ringing after 30 minutes with it at 80-85db. Mid volume is pretty much endgame though. Vocals are very lively, but can sound thin and sharp at times. Detail beast>EJ/DM. Imaging/separation around the same. Staging/3D still goes to EJ/DM.


They gave me the same response.

Sure would have been nice for them to mention that before they were for order. Now we have people receiving theirs and others that won’t for 2-3 weeks or longer. What happened to full disclosure?

Hope those that ordered get theirs in a reasonable timeframe and enjoy them.

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No kidding! Not a good first impression from Hifigo.

Anyway enough complaining, I can’t wait to get these IEM’s :grin:


The goods have landed. Interesting I ordered in the first minute and got serial number 75. Was still one of the first 50 though seeing I believe that’s how I got the dongle. Got about two hours on them. First impression isn’t good news for the used market. They’re not going anywhere anytime soon. Passes my quick treble test with flying colors on cymbals and electric guitars. Need more time on them and some A/B but, there’s something pleasingly unique about the overall signature. Never heard the original so it’s possible it’s not much different. Can’t say anything I have gives off the same vibe with it’s signature.


Oof congrats, brother. Enjoy them! Looking forward to a full write-up from you. How’s the fit btw? I never did well with Shells that have that wing toward the back.


Review samples + Color mismatch probably.

Congratz brother, 12h away to get mine. Can’t wait :fire:


Fit is great with medium CP145. Not to the level of the Mahina, Up and Tea which are about as close to a custom I could get in a univeral. I’d give those a 9 out of 10. These would get a solid 8. Only other Dunu tribrid I’ve tried was the Vulcan which I had issues with. Nothing would make it comfortable or get me a good solid seal. Was the main contributing factor for me partying with it. Didn’t even get much time in listening to them for a full conclusion on sound.


Congrats bro!

2 more weeks for me :joy:

Wow high praise given your collection. Even more hyped now :mechanical_arm:

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Man that’s great to hear - fit is always no matter how great they sound, the determining factor for me. I remember the CRN sounded great for the money, but the shell was overly huge, and the little wing dug into my concha so I couldn’t wear them for longer than 20 minutes before I felt discomfort.

Happy that got yours and they’re enjoyable, brother!

Can’t believe I canceled my pre order on a LIMITED EDITION IEM :person_facepalming: